st-rat-ir-ate-ir-. Jur-tteAarbu.agraAe6s-atNhMaeEaehr- ermrstrMiesehmteHae-seheetedas-d se-ti-riot-a-ia-it-Mero-y Selected for nation-wide contest Waterloo giri's poem gets provincial recognition "arsther-thae_-a1e'eaiMiese*mt' For your Christmas Shopping l, convenience Waterloo Square Merchants are now open the following hours, g - MONDAY TO FRIDAY _,,,.,-,,:,,,', ., t 9:30 a.m. to ' pm. - lllllllill: 9: 30 am. to 5: 30 pm. ttt1tErtsEgmo-tatttgtmtEErstttmtatttttuaiDotttnm3ttintWATErtuto -mm.w.mnm A). o9trr9NO-CA+9GE MUM!" 'i)""))"?)]?;]]]],!)])?:, "lf(l0ill Ike-lid and.) heel.†A SANTA will be at WATERLOO SQUARE from Nov. 19 to Dee. 23 10:30 sun. to 1:00 p.111. 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 5:30 pm. to 7:30 p.111. Monday to Friday: Thev'rereadbin6trseomds FliRSrPWrlN9GRAPH....,.......,.. ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPH . - - - . - . HAVE YOUR PICTURE TAKEN WITH SANTA [SEE DRAW to be made this rd', - Saturday, November 19 at Waterioo Square. Ptageet Putin. "all In up Casi Chs-eitesfYeaehessa6Eteiah4ec.tWt. Esq 'errata-mt-grades-ou-Fri-i tttre-ttir-editor-tra-tqt-r' hu"ec.te-s prof-dz! admiate. the Min Contact mat "'eeed the (H350 pans to be dual ir, the nation! M. Etevesryear-eMlu-te-tetheroem1astyear irammShe_sttradesera= q-rr-r-o-oo-i-rr-eo-a-am' awth’sm 11:ttaat.tMettNit. $Nit.imtpat. Shes-poet-tdh-Utech-state-it-Annette Aohio.jhadhetrvo-rtFsodpic%tdosooeot s-omario-trietsietamrtioo-wid-"rvco"- inst. tRmhherispoMieschootboaedEogreshcoo- Milan“. Kerr to be guest at Garbage-Fest '77 Sheiqthefimt .aer*roths-tratarFrttottave -thehtir-raaadi-eestorttrthreeyqti- “1‘8be Chte i-ediatestit - "tard thee My school students mum _ Art-tteu-mass-edema-Waterloo "trrraer,semittedlastsprirBtaaueatteaeher's galactic alumina. The alumina: selected a '-therodroemstohe-nittedtothethCtE. ratMhhedirraqreeiatSeremttereditimsotMEu', A-eete'srttesrtat5tmnstheemeroftttei.10tteqties otMELPshiehisatsedtopeovideideasfuerilagtistt $eaeF,esqlairaeiunris,aasE2tgiishertetmrtt- FYmsttimetotimeestitsr-hisimNdedin 'hem-ir-ith-rt-sem-trated asir"heiaestsqteciateditimleemstimted, Mrineisseest_eottheqreeiateditioqas antmirtg1li6se'tetMeMhheratoseettteirmt6tmb E1wint-tmirissterGeomeKirrwiiittethefea- (mama! GarhatteFest 'T7.adayAoag syn!»- sumo-stern-age-ttot-Fat-dar.; 19.atBl-valeCollegialc. "Ws gob; to be as Henna] as posible" George Hinisotk-WPMhrtimrPhttte,n6ieA,ak-itttthe Ontario Garbage Coaliuon is sponsoring Garbage Fest,"We-ttoi-heeveryseeetorotthecommmr- D-iragthemtmag.sesaio-irtfeatarespeakers inebdirag Gerry W, waste management engi- "eerRrrtheRegi_raterHo.NyuLardotph,man- acer of "-ieipal contracts for Superior Sanitation. ad Jack Wis, environmental cdncatnr and re- searcher hom the ls-Ne Foundation. Mr Kerr will speak and hold a -stioo and answer periodlrom I to2pm. From " to 3 pm. afternoon speakers feature David Estria, environmental lawyer and associate professor. facdty of environmental studies, Univer- sity of Waterloo and Peter Love. envirmmental COW- sultant. um Associates From3to3'6pm apaneldiscnssion with allthe speakers. with the exception of Mr. Kerr. will be held. During noon hour. people are invited to bring their own garbagelree lunch. and take part in free films an! informal lunch talks with speakers. There will be free coffee and pop. The Ontario Garbage Coalitiai. which is sponsor- ing the day. is an organization composed of 30 to 40 environmental groups from around the province, to lnrther better waste management, Therewillheachargeof "eperpersm.ortta0 per family to cover costs