_" ma-mm.w.wmm a unmismr . nuances _.__" Iff. USED CLOTHING - Ladies' and children's, in good condition; to be donated or on consignment. May Court Nearly New Shop, 241 King West, Suite 4, Bunker Mews, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday t:thr 4:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00- 1:00 pm. 715-4412. Pro- ceedstocharity. (46) CKILDREN‘S\ CLOTHING Wanted - Nady new ski jackets and mum tetr boys and um, linen bit; also boyi dru: ticket: to in M. Call My: 7424031, My - Wed. ttrPETs & SUPPLIES WOODEN PLAYPEN Wanted in good condition. Phone was. (46) " CARS FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL PUPPIES - Australian Terrier and Husky crossed, three pure white, one dark, born October 3rd, good " house pet and Christmas gift. $50.00 each. Phone 576-2695. (46) BOARDING FOR All breeds, large kennels, indoor/ outdoor runs, Northfield Kennels. Registered Beagles for sale. WC. Hartman, 699-4300. Ben- jamin Road, 2% miles west of Weber Street North. Waterloo. (tf) 1972 PONTIAC VENTURA. six cylinder, excellent condition, safety certified. Phone 884-8930. (47) 1974 HORNET SPORT- ABOUT Wagon, six cylin- der. one owner, 39,000 miles, certified; new car in. Can be seen 88 Ridge- view Crescent, Waterloo. . Phone 578-5302. Reason- able offer accepted. (46) PAINTING AND Wallpaper- ing - Panelling and ceil- ings, bathroom renova- tions, sealing of cracked basement walls. minor repairs around the house, Installation of wooden fences and decks. Twelve month guarantee, Free estimates. top job, rea- sonable rates. 743-2360, uh 1969 CORTINA 1600 GT, good engine, nearly new snows, clean interior, poor body, needs muffler work, as is, best offer over $75.00. 886-1459 eve- nings. (46) 1976 ASTRE - Mint condition, 11,000 miles, will certify. Phone 579-3827 after 5:00 p.m. (47) 1975 SILVER HORNET, Automatic, rustproofed, rear window defogger. certified. excellent condi- tion. 39,000 miles. $2,950. 886-3826. (46) 19 SERVICES CARPENTRY WORK To your satisfaction at rea- sonable rates. Recreation moms, carports. suspend- ed ceilings, etc. For free estimates Phone B. Dek- ker 743-2743. (ti) CERAMIC TILE Repairs. also plaster repairs, Free estimates. Phone 885- 1044 M9) :30-52N. (46) REStt9ENTtAt. MAINTENANCE SERVICES 886-0532 FREE ESTIMATES JEANS UPHOLSTERY - We specialize in chairs and chesterfieltts. Free estimates, pick-up and delivery. Phone 699-4473. (if) ODD JOBS - Cleaning, rub- bish removal, light mov- ing, gardening. reason- able rates. Call Jeff Hard- ing 884-2831. (ti) CONFST0GA HOME IMPROVEMENT LTD “5-4232 Rebuild chimneys, all types of concrete, brickwork. tuck pomt FR HE EST! MATES hilly guaranteed Il'", off for wmor citizen: WILL SHARPEN ALL your knives and scissors pro- fessionally at special prices. Phone 743-2360. . (ti) Modem Carpets an: made to HIDE DIRT of dead and disabled cattle and horses Phone 1-416AB2-4421 or Kitchener 579-3820 Licence No. 578-077 Call us for a Free Quotation Those 1oveiy"deep-piies and shags can take a lot of dirt before it shows, but to get them REALLY CLEAN you need a method that gets the deep-down dirt that dulls and mats carpets. Ordinary cleaning methods are not the answer. ABSORPTION is the Duraclean secret: Freshly generated foam loosens the clinging soil from the carpet pile, holds it in suspension for removal by warmed, natural sponges. Duraclean Specialists do all the work right in your home. Everything is Flower-Fresh, clean, guest-ready the same day! A Dutarlean has earned the Parents' Guaranteed Seal and Certification by Ameuun Research a. Testtrttt taboratooes. PACONI DEADSTOCK FREE REMOVAL DURACLEAN SERVICES 744-8292 DEN‘HAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 24-Hour Emergency Service' Sen/mg K, WArea for Over ti? Years â€titanium! HEATING Repairs q Service 0 Installations Oâ€: Eavestroughing Colored aluminum or gal- vanized. New installations and repairs. Free estimates. guaranteed work. reason- able price. "Eavestrongh- ing is my business not a sideline". Rainbow Eaves- troughing Company. Call Hans Scholten 57643143. PIANO MOVING - Local or out of town, fully exper- ienced, fully insured, all types of pianos. Call us today for economical rates. The Piano Shop 885- 1725. _ (tf) Walls sealed with a fan- tastic EPOXY CHEMICAL WATERPROOFING PRO- CESS: Also cellar floors, crumbling walls, porches chemically resurfaced. Chimneys. Guaranteed work. ALL TYPES Of home re- pairs, cement work, ea nt , chimne s, 'i'l2fi'l',rcya,ortsc, garagzs, recreation rooms, plaster- ing - fancy or plain. Rea- sonable rates. Phone 579- 4091 after 4:00 p.m. (tf) BOB'S . RESTORATION Services - Carpentry, masonry, sandblasting and decorating. Our prices are less because we have proper safe equipment, also men with the know how. Fast efficient ser- vice. Same day free esti- _ mates. 579-0496. (if) BILLS PAINTING services - Also masonry sealed and caulking. We need the work. Pre-war prices Same day free estimates. 579-0496. at) Twenty years experience in custom upholstery. re- covering. restyiing, Plastic covers made to measure, Free estimates Phone 744- 3095 148) - Aluminum Siding Roofing. Residential and Commercial Blown Insulation Chimneys Built.& Repaired Sundecks and Patios Ceramic Tile Bathrooms Remodelled Recreation Rooms Built All Work Guaranteed PHONE 745-0940 R. & R. CONSTRUCTION PHONE 745-7790 lEAKlNB. DAMP MUSTY BASEMENTS? K. KESSLER UPHDLSTERY , _'-, â€acumen. _' amnws 23mm" "'t " . --.------._ --------A------ I mum/nee _" me: new unusrmAL luwwm 'tttwing agtd C.rr.,C'CrCTCrtCCCC.CCrC; lC'C"CrCCr"TrCr'7r"C'r"""r'T"" - an ttf, ) (Specializing in all types of additions. [general repairs, carpentry, paving. cement. brick work. anything else imaginable, FREE ESTIMATES. fully guaranteed, IIT, off [or senior citizens, It!) HELP TWO Students earn many - capable students’ 'Regulating and Repair 'Rebuilding and Recondi- timing 'Electronic Organ Tuning Free Estimates - Reason- able Rates CHlNiNEYS - EXPERTS DRAPERIES AND Cur- tains, custom made to suit your needs. Esti- mates by appointment. Phone 886-1482. (ti ) WALLPAPERING AND Painting - Experienced and reasonable. Phone 743-6214. (48) All types of roofing and insulation Free ESTIMATES, fully guaranteed 11% off for senior citizens ("I EXPERT HOME Improve- ments, try us for any in- terior work needed. Call now for the men with experience to make your home look better. Free estimates 742-2834. (m TREE SERVICE - Tree removal. trimming and pruning Ten years ox- penenco. Tree estimates Phone 578-7663. after 5 00 nm Hf! CoNESTDGA HOME IMPROV EMENT LTO, 7154232 ADDITIONS Recreation moms. garages. Inlenor. exterior renovation. cabinets, ht chem bathrooms All phases of can pentry work FREE ESTIMATES fully guaranteed IIT, off tor semor gamma __-_ --- _m, a, ___ - “AL“ BEAUTIFUL INTERLOCK- PAINTING - WALLPAPER- ING. Cacnow for your interior decorating. We supply you with years of experience and competi- _- tive prices. 578-6639. (ti) services: painting. main- tenance, tall elean-up, snow shovelling. Free estimates. Call Ed 579- 5177. (49) PAINTING and C SANOBLASTING on repairs and rebuilding old chimneys, fully in- sured with qualified work- men. Phone 742-2834. (ti) GA RY SCH MI DT 886-43 57 ING Stone patios, decks and driveways. Custom built to your specifications by a European trained specialist. Phone 743-2360 anytime. (35) an. En De. Fen an. Comm - CONESTOGA HOME IMPROVEMENT LTD, REIHEI. 8808. Free Estimates - 743-4466 CON ESTOGA . AIME IMPROVEMENT LTD PIANO TUNING call (tf) (ti) (48) '?_ttEM'WAHTEP 23 AGENTS & SALE HELP USE YOUR Spare time profitably. Business is booming. Equal opportu- nity for everyone, ladies, men and students. No in- vestment. Eight hours a week will do it. Salary or commission 'negotiable. Full time opening avail- able. Electrolux 743-8278. (52) DRESSMAKING And Ai- terations done M Allen Street East. Waterloo. Phone M.3-0463 H!) RELIABLE YOUNG Person for snow shovelling, living vicinity of Erb and West- mount. Phone 886-3944. t (46) PHONE WORK At home, new phone plan lets you service Fuller Brush cus- tomers in the comfort of your own home. Earn ex- cellent commission. Call Everything! At Avon, we've just introduced a dazzling choice of new gifts, with something great for every gift list. Customers love our new ideas - and. as an Avon Representative, youll love the earnings, The Avon opportunity is waiting. A phone call does it. Small in- vestment, good profits. Ter- ritories available in areas of: 26 DRESSMAKING 8: ALTERATIONS Are Bttsinea"lttttipmeast, " Bridgeport Read East, Waterloo (just mm frgm Towers). 885-570. ttn Must be at least 12 years of age, courteous and conscien- tious. Deliveries to be made Wednesdays after 4:00 p.m. If interested kindly fill in the following and mail to: Waterloo Chronicle, Att: Carrier’s Supervisor " King Street South 14 Waterloo, Ontario. mm. mm mm. Westmount Towers ll William and Roslin York and John Also other choice locations Call Mrs. Orr, Avon Mgr, 742-7572. Avon ADDRESS.........., PHONE w....-.......'....... WHAT'S NEW? Newspaper Carriers required for 743-0421 BRICKER Street Areas BELMONT and ALLEN (tf) " HELP WANTED ALL SINGLES WELCOME - Dance this Friday and every Friday at Binge- man Park, between 8:30 DO SOMETHING New! 28 PERSONAL your pay cheque? Want to mum my,“ gnome? If you have " p.m._and 1:00 am. Music by popular bands. Come Join the fun. Carlton Single Club. (48) Phone Rendez-Vous Dat- ing Limited, Brampton (416) 453-1661, 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Suggests: $itttttt is the time t'o get that guest bed ready in! holiday visitors. Our Specialty Is Custom and Odd Sim Constmction Bod Sets. All Standard Sizes Available - Including 3/4 Beds. MATTRESS [iiTiiEEili] 743-3219 WATERLOO "4t) (tf)