Jr. A Rangers looking for better year By Jopm Tihompacme _ for 2 move up in the standings. Sallowing ‘hactk to thack â€" «wthers in dhe leagac, a10 stuokdh do ««al is tar somi _ONHA Majer Jaumer ~A~ bockey. the preames league fowth glace finithes in The Fimms Sasisies «4 tar Maze stams this aconon Pamed «with Reithect. thane is Th m Onrtarieo, is off to one of is best stacts m years with “Aâ€'w.w*.*?u (Wemnntitementt c<re ooo P competlitiseness snd bulauce the trademark of the twolve lost consideranle tm last yea‘s team The mm inie played abready m the young 1977â€"78 season â€" that beang the fesssong caseers. and tahen wih them same «4 the wwp k BMA alubty of 20y team to pull two possts out of 20y goven game some fuepowes that Rangess hraniuthed last srasen Acâ€" i h * > ~ Tius compeiitive sput ameang the meaber trams cordingly. this years tram wil by accesmen dowlay a i‘ " IF aasutins.. Despste a less than frwtied secent road trip. and hack M The faes in Kitchener are knoun troughoot the leager 10 back loesers rather comvmcingly to the Hamilisn Fin * 3 sm&“mmdqd&mï¬wuaflmm“ - @ P Jumer ~A~ eams. Wiuming Seasons or losing srasons, the Yar. and should challenge Sor second spst m the Emms M _ PA maine TX fars tend to flock to the Kitchenes Auditoriam with a Division An analysis of the Rangers strengihbs and weakâ€" %f" y reprlarity on Fmiday nights that has enabled the Ranges nesses will miscate just what type di bockey will un 2 * tleam to consisteatly average about 2089 atteadance. The doubtediy be played every Friday at the Aud TE > last Sfew seasons Rangers hove aot been challeagers for _ With the graduation oi the fuepower from last year‘s e o NA a2ay of the top postrons in the fixoal standings. but the team. tins year‘s streaglth will e im defence. All Ranges » PR M f, team has desplayed many mements of exesiement lor the mmuwâ€dwmm t m"‘â€' Najor Junier ~A~ hockey is. in additon to being an ex Midget draft. the defence will br the mamstay «f the â€" ome #A2 cellest form of entestzimment. a breeding ground lor leam. Kiichener‘s own Paol Rembast. pasticpatmg :m _ s â€"~ ed their share of the talest to the bag leagues over the past Ranger defence can be establithed. With three seasons of Tlimus year‘s cdutron of the Kitchener Rangers marks the thard year of the leadersimp of Cooch Mac Maclean 2nd Marager Mike Pemny t the hbeim. Accordimgly. the team that has been acqumred and put on soe cach week is 2 prodect of the many hours of sconuting by MacLean 2ad Peany. Of the twentyâ€"one players on the Ranger ~A~ scorecard. twenty have been brought to Kitchener through Ranger mentors. The only player that was Ranger property pmor to the ammval of MacLean and Pemmay is Coaston Gmpras. a talented defenceman from Tenms commpe. Quebec who was Rangers No 1 droit chace m 1975. and considered iby many soouts to be the best player availabble m Ontamo at that tume. Rangers. frshmng a desmal last the year prior. had the fiurst selection of al) moâ€"smmang 2t thhat truone. â€" Ranger Coach Mac MaclLean an hes thad season ;vmâ€atmï¬syauflu 2nd hes scored a couple of key goolks D*ralrsï¬umtdu",a'lh‘ to back losses rather comvmcingly to the Hamilion Fiimn cups. the Rangers hkave a very compelitive team ts fl,d“mh“,fl'â€"'ï¬h Divisson. An anwalysis of the Rangers strengihs and weakâ€" nesses will micate just what type i ‘hockey will un doumediy be played every Friday at the Aud â€" With the graduation «i the fuepower from last year‘s team. this year‘s streagth will hbe in defence. All Ranger mï¬â€"ummdumm returned. and with a couple of key acomsitions trom the mfl,flb*~m~~* Ranger defence can be establithed. With three seasons of but be has proven in the past that be learus very quckly a2nd has become the most consistest bWlucikmer on the Midget draft. the desence will br the mamstay «f ther wm“amm last wear. will be the ane periormer around whom the Ranger squad. While ust an overly strong skater. the Stundy 199 pounder possesors an manaie abikty to anticipaic . a sigth sense that anly appears m the great ones. While not flashky in his style. Pasl is an ethicient pesrlormer on both the defensive and aflenseve seie o the hockey leliger and is destined for stardom in the Jamor "A~ cucies. a2nd should come very clese to that states thes vear , Paul‘s connterpact on the team is the excitimg Gaston locking perkaps m overall polssh of the defenseve aspect of ns position. Gasten is undenbtediy ane of the preamer