". Many hazards for children and motorists on HalloWeen- The main thing to bear in mind is that the young- sters garbed in outlandish costumes for their trick-or- treating ventures may be concentrating so much on having fun that they neg- lect their own safety. While the young folk of the Waterloo are off In their own world of fantasy this Halloween, motorists should do their very best driving so we can keep them in our own world of reality. The Ontario Safety League which hat been pushing the eause of defensive driv- ing for quite a number of years, is cautioning you to be more on the defensive than ever on October 31. Also. many of the young fun-seekers will be wearing face masks that severely restrict their vision. A number of youngsters will be in cumbersome cos- tumes that prevent them from easily moving about. Virtually all will be ham- pered by big shopping bags for their trick-or-treat WLU lecture Prison reform to be discussed Arnold Edinborough, one of Canada's best known men of letters, and Mart Mac- Guigan. MP for Windsor- Prison reform will be dis- cussed by two outstanding Canadians at Wilfrid Laurier University Nov. 2 in a free, public lecture at 8 pm. in Room 1E1, Arts Building. 'Ili-limit, _ "gag “2,4,?" "gskor., ' l " - . w .5339:??? an _ C' ‘ ' "i",,:. ll: £2573; taiA'stat _ 23:8“:133-7‘ _ (9.f' 3W2: .r ,::., a = Milli., itiiiiiiis) ' a *altt Mt "pr, gti.fr ".r' _ f, 'MFy3N2 '5liiir l' 3-." - R8888$i$$8t$t _ "qllllltN F) Iii.,::, _ _ *3: _ A l gtltlh V If}. TIre"' It,:?",.. 'Nlllli, '31? ..m, 'ilmlilR' C4 2ki, _ r.1:7:1:1:‘ _ *li1lliltlit " ' " Brmllm . Wb'aWb t _ , liiltNilt 'l' I, 25:3;ng ', a. ‘ Bl' $titiig _'r'i, _ “*f and ' THE SINGING EMBERS REV. DON WILKERSON . ttom South Bond m. oqtstaodirtg Group REV. DAVID “MUSE Don has been coworker with ALSO Cam†onl rg Ch ' tian his brother David Wilkerson tel . . 3 II If g,',',',,') I from the be inni of Teen mum program. " " Challenge gir'dl's"teg, diree also jaundsr and host yo] torin New York caviar many PFC'r. Dir for f :'iy',',r',iyi'i1,1,'r,'l'i, ears. as wellas International yi, _ V 231:3: He G',",', f,'L' high " 'l,'Jil Director of Teen Challenge. '5 _ $515 Point" across the USA After " years Pastoring in Waterloo, we're having an . 1 . BANQUET Friday, Oct. " - 6:30 P14. SPEAKER: Rev. Jack West, Evan- gelist, Pastor. Confer- ence Minister. For more iMormtttioet call 8840530 SATURDAY RALLY - Oct. 29 T:0S PM. Rev, Don Wilkerson and "Singing Embers" ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Pastor and Mrs. Shrier would like to extend ts.perto.nat invitation to ther friends in the K-W area to share in celebrating this special occasion. Walkerville, and chairman bf the Commons subcom: mittee on the Canadian Penitentiary System will share the podium. They will be taking part in the fourth annual Easton- McCamey Memorial Lec- ture, sponsored by the WLU social work faculty and the booty . The Ontario Safety League offers these safe motoring tips to help make this Hal- loween even safer for both So at Halloween, when your doorbell rings and the young voices call "Ttick or Treat for UNICEF", please don't give them any "buts". - - _ -- When you‘re only six years old and it's your first Halloween for UNICEF, those “but?" can real- ly hurt. Like “I meant to get some change but . . .. Or “Sure I care about kids but . . Those little spooks and goblins. with their orange and black UNICEF boxes. are going to be feeling a little scared but very proud when they arrive at your door. They know that only " collected in their box buys antibiotic ointment to save a child from blindness. Or 30tt buys enough Vitamin A and D to supplement the diet of an under-nourished child for 4 months. It's a small amount to us but through the magic of UNICEF those amounts can mean the dit- ferente between life and death to a small child some- where in this world. V _ Help them" to show their concern for the worhrs destitute children by putting a few coins in the UNICEF box. That kind of caring is desperately needed in our world today. " Give to UNICEF a too "UKNEV "an Fellowship Time Following The Evening Service October 28-30 FEATURING Eddie Hawkes -ALL WELCOME- children and adults: Ir Make sure your head- lights and windshield area are as clean as possible to insure good visibility that fund established in memory of John Easton and Christo- pher McCamey. V Dr. MacGuigan will ques- tion whether our present prison system reforms or deforms and Mr. Edinbor- ough' will consider the necessity of deinstitutional- izing Canadian correctional SUNDAY - Oct. 30 T:00 PM. Rev. David Mainse and Musically Norma-dean Main†- Reynold Rutledge SUNDAY MORNING " AN. Youth Sesslon-Don Wilkerson Adun Bible Class - Rev. George Griffin Rev. Don Wélksrson 3) Watch for children darting from between park- ed cars; . What do you do if you are the chauffeur and in charge of a car-pool group ot candy-seekers? More important than anything else. your jolt is to concen- trate'on the job of driving and not allow yourself to become distracted by the noisy crowdof kids around 2) Obey all trafiie signs and reguhttiotu, and slow malty would in residential " The majority of chit- dren‘s accidents occur when excited children dart from between cars. obli- vious to traffic. Dr. MacGuigan is a form- er dean of law at the Univer- sity of Windsor and has writ- ten two textbooks in that field. Mr. Edinborough is well-known for his regular columns in the Canadian Churchman and the Finan- cial Post 4t Be on the lookout for children in dark clothing walking down the road, on the shoulders, on the me- dian, and everywhere else where you normally would expecltoseethem. services. 1 I All. 'hetocttmtrttehirt-r.thttstter26. 1017 *1 Ex I 'LTI] mam: ml , riIri", _ E Late registrations are now being accepted at our omees Monday to Friday 3rd Floor Mal-slum Centre. Comer Erb and Albert St. Waterloo. For further in formation please mygommunity Services at 8§§15§g a-flirt-ft-tn-Ili-Circa-Circa-E rum: CttiM-Neisartdmtder Student-.50: 10-21 Adult-.75: human mammals Wiiterhro Community China Painidrrpiesdnis" Sale & Demonstration of Hand-Painted China & Jewellery (exclusive Christmas Gifts). Thurs. Nov. 3rd. (7:304r:30p.m,) Adult Recreation Centre King & Allen St. - Wdtertoo NO ADMISSION CHARGE Waterloo Minor Ringette is currently looking for volunteers to train as referees for the upcoming sea- son. No experience necessary. Please phone 806-1550. 'Family Skating - During family skating a parent must be in attendance in the arena with their children. Ext. " -FhmE7ttt0mtt-tcttMttftFmt%" Albert McCormick & Moses Springer Arenas - . Tues. momma, Thurs. 1:30-3:00p.m. ABItLT “00“ HOUR SKATING - FREE Waterloo Arena - Tues. - Fri. 12 - tpan. Albert McCormick & Moses Springer - Tues. to Thurs. - 12-1 p.m. Friday November 4th (9 pm. - 1 pan.) Knights of Columbus. Dancing to DU. D Tickets $4.00 per couple by calling EBA-(513. ACIIVIIIES FOR SENIOR ADUIJ’S ADULT RECREAIIOI CEN‘I’RE (corner of King & Allen Sts. , The Centre provides activities for Adults 10 yrs. of age & Older. Open Mon. - Friday 8:30 - 5:00 pm. Includes: library, games room, floor a. table shuffle- board. Coffee and Tea available. Note: No member- ship reguired FOR INFORMATION: 5791020. SUN. OCT. “if OCT. 28th handily Nov. IT, m7 Leave: li:00a.m. Return: 4:30pm. Cost: “on SAT. OCT. 29th Thursday November 24, 1977 Leave: 9a.m. Return: 6trm. 1 Wednesdays - 7-10 pm. Participants must bring own racquets, shuttles and running shoes. Location: Seagram Stadium Gynjnasium. 2. MYSTERY & SHOPPING TOUR Duplicate Bridge Friday evenings Cost: tidi0 (mder55 yrs.) $1.00 (0ver55 yrs.) - ACBL sanctioned - ,, BECOME A FRIDAY AHEBIOOIEB Friday October a, 1977 "An Afternoon of Black Magic" Guest: Mr. Bill Van Garden 2 pm. - Q p.m. MIMIC tee SKATING SCHEllllE AFTER SEEM". SHINE - FREE Albert McCormick - Tuesdays“ Fm. Moses Springer - Wednesdays " pm. Waterloo Arena - Fridays " p.m. JUNIOR !t,t,t'i'!.l,lill'! 1'35 LAKESIOIIE VILLAGE EDII'LIIT' IS§00IHIOI "us TRIPS 1. woman a “In! mun SEIIIII ACTIVITIES 3:30-5:30 pm. . Family Stating (SeeNote below) Wig Bridge 8105 "new Irena 30th Siskins vs. Hes; Announces Pub Nita SPRINGER AltlilNA, " pm. General 8-10 pan. Adult _ 553m Only EEiEE HOCKEY Hespeier (See note bglow) 8:MFtth80p.m. szzmp.m. 3:30-5:30p.m. ‘Family Km L ) Waterloo Dick Ernst. 00p.m