" further this aim, the Min- istry is réquesting proposals W the Private Assisted Rental Program for the con- struction of up to so senior citizen units which will be owned and managed by the Atttrxgistste runs. COMPLETED UNITS on nuns UNDER CONSTRUC- 'I'ION WILL NOT BE CON- SIDERED. Land-for the' project must be owned. leased or under option by' the Proponent. Preference will be given to sites which do not require zoning changes or other mu- nicipal approvals. Proponents are required to arrange their own mortgage financing, which must be either N.H.A. insured or other private financing pro- viding similar terms at the prevailing N.H.A. rate of interest. A successful proponent will, be required toenter into an operating agreement with Ontario Housing Corporation for a minimum term of 15 years under which up to I00 per cent of the units would be made available to seniors citizens on the North Water- loo Housing Authority's waiting list at rents geared to their incomes. Ontario Housing Corporation will pay to the owner the differ- ence between the geared to income rents and the agreed full recovery rents which will include provision for a fixed return on equity. Information may be obtain- ed from Mrs. Christa Hale, Coordinator, Community Housing Branch, Ministry of Housing. 12th Floor, 101 Bloor Street West. Toronto. Ontario M58 1P8 (telephone: 416-965-9654). SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS Sealed proposals under the Private Assisted Rental Program t four completed copies) clearly marked "Senior Citizen Housing Proposal. City of Waterloo" will be received by the Cor- porate Secretary. Ministry of Housing, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto. Ontario MSS 1P8 not later than Novem- ber23.1977,at3:00p.m. THE LOWEST OR ANY PROPOSAL WILL NOT NECESSARILY BE AC- CEP'I'ED. flrP11t?fff, Walk a block a day. It's the first step. HOUSING REQUIRED m WATERLOO FORMOFMSMD maul-5v. ttath a â€mi Fab“ .2) TIT,, " MARGUERITE BROOKE, president of the Kitchener-Waterloo Garden Club. -‘ shows off one of her winning entries in the Autumn Artistry mn- display l held at the K-W Granite Club on Wednesday. Sept. 28 and Thursday. Sept, 29. F1 h 'di 1 ' . _ ower s ow . sp ay I _ . O O . I . creativity, iinagination Over 200 members attend- ed the wine and cheese re- ception held on Wednesday evening at The K-W Gran- ite Club to mark the club's 20th anniversary and bus loads of garden club members from as far away as Teeswater attended the llth flower show the following day. For the first time, awards were presented prior to the p u bl i C showing. The By Terry James What is a flower show? It is a display of imagina- tion and creativity, and Au- tumn Artists, the biennial flower show spongored by the K-W Garden Club. last week. did not fall short of this definition. A black cauldron harbour- ing a group of goblins peer- ing tram behind a tree of bittersweet was her win- ning entry. Mrs. Bebernick was also the recipient of two firsts. two seconds and one third in the hprticultur- aldivision. . Betty Taylor of Waterloo won the Dominion Life As- surtnce Co. Trophy for the best arrangement in the show. It was her second year to win the award. Mrs, Taylor is tlq past president of both the K-W club and the Ontario club and she has won numerous trophies over the years. Judge's Choice went to Ann\Bebernick of Kitchen- er and she was the recipient of the Mutual Life Assur- ance Co. Trophy. Margaret Bryant of Kit- chener received the great- est number of points com- bining artistic and horti- culture She received the Helen Dler Trophy for her efforts, The greatest number of paints for horticulture ex- cellence went to Verna Ben- der of Kitchener and she was presented with the Mey- or Industrial Distributors Ltd Trophy Mrs. Bender Esther Huber won the design excellence and dec- orative division and was presented with the Damar- is Hensel award, Mrs. Hu- ber. the only qualified judge for the K-W club, was the first recipient of this tro- phy which was donated by Mrs. Donald Scott of Wa- terloo in memory of her mother, Damaris Hensel, Mrs. Scott was the conven- or of the show, had four firsts. one second and two thirds. Jane Scully was the winner of the Dorothy Baechler Award which is presented to the winner of the novice class and decorative divi- sion, Those who haven't won decorative classes in any flower show are eligible for the award. The donor of the trophy is Mrs, Baechler. a member of the club and the second vice-president. The trophy IS to encourage those who have never won an award. There were 210 entries In the show and the judges im cluded Mrs. J H. Hallie of Islington and Mrs. GM Frost of RR 4 Stouffville Both are accredited judges with the Garden Clubs of Ontario, tfl-ooo-tttSet-ttAtt-tttim-het", Albert'Mdiormidt Arena . FIRST SESSION: Starts Sunday, Oct. " far " weeks. COST: $5.00Phone 8864550 Ext. 64. [ LESSONS TIMES: Girls 1-2 pm. Boys 2-3 mm _ - Boys and Girls 6 to " yequ of an (as of Jan. Istl. Sponsored by the K-W Skating Club and Watrrrfoo Com- munity Services. LOCATIONS: MomISpringer Recreation Centre he. rem tuinunriiFiiarirGaikaGi'aiiGriia ___ you: tawny 24W! W! Gentry. Cory" Ed: otit Albert tit, "Moo. For further intonation piece all Community Services at 886-1550. __ OR Tues. & Thurs. l :30 pm. - 4.30pm, Cost: $0.00 (60 yrs) $15 (4059 yrs» Classes Start: September 27. 1977 Registration lk Information: Ralph Palmer 885-4424 WOOOWORKING & FURNITURE REFthltSHtNG You are never too old to strip ,. furniture that is, Do your own thing in woodworking and furniture refinishing - Skilled instructors. Location: 34 LaurelSt. Waterloo Time: Tues.& Thurs, 9:00 am. - 12:00pm Registrations are now being taken for a SECOND swim class. Time: Thursday 10:30-11:30 am. Location: Wilfrid Laurier University Athletic Complex Cost: 810/8 wks. Registration: 579-1020. First Class: Thursday Oct. 13, 1977. Open; to an girls registered, with w.M.R.A. - Full Equipment is required. , For more Informatial About Times and Locations. Please Call Community serviesttfllrry_ilif, Ext. 64. (corner tf King & Allen Sts. ) The Centre provides activities for Adults 40 yrs. of age & Older. Open Mon. - Friday 8:30 - 5:00 pm. Includes: library. games room, floor & table shuffle- board, Coffee and Tea available. Note: No member- ship required. FOR INFORMATION: 5791020. . PARENT & PRESCHOOL SKATING _ at Albert McCormickAreua & Waterloo Arena Tuesdays 10:00- 11:30 a.m. . Thursdays 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. No Charge. ADULT NOON SKATE in Albert McCormick Arena & Waterloo Arena Sponsored by: Golden ‘K’ Kiwanis Club Rockway Gardens Senior Centre Time: October 19 - December 7. 1977 7 _ 30 - 9 '. 30 pm. Location' Rockway Gardens Senior Centre Call: 885-7395 for Registration Tuesday thru Friday 12 noon - l p.m. No Charge PUBLIC SKATING / at Albert McCormick Arena Saturdays 2:15 - 4:00 p.m. ' Child 25e (15 & under) Student 5tht ( 16-21 yrs.) W, _Mylt, 759 Senior Citizens - No Charge. Friday October 7, 1977 2-4 p m Topic "River Rafting m Utah" Guest Mr D. Vogl - World Travel Service 1. Jack Miners Bird Sanctuary Thurs. Oct. 27,1977 Leave: 8:00 am. Return: 6:00 pm. Coét: $12.00 Phone: 5794020. PRE-RETIREMENT E6tTejiiT6VeoURsE WatiMoo Arena Sunday, Oct. 9th - 7:00 fun. Siskins vs. New Hambérg Duplicate Bridge begins at the Centre Friday October 7, 1977. Time: 7:00 pm. Cost: $1.50 (Under 55 yrs) $1.00 (Over 55 yrs) JUNIOR 'B' LEAGUE HOCKEY , Wednesdays - 2-10 pm. Participants must bring own magnets. shuttles and running shoes. Location: Seagram Stadium Gymnasium. ACIIVITIES FOR SENIOR ABOTS ADULT RECREAIION CENIBE BECOME A FRIDAY AFTERNOONER WATERlOO HINDI RIIGETTE s.,.,_Attttmt.mtttiiICL,., !tr,?,ltci,',l!r'llll..1tl!si!Es SEIIOII ACTIVITIES s’couuuum = \ LSERWCES e Duplicate Bridge Club Swimming Classes - ACBL sanctioned. BUS TRIFS