Pup 2 Nut-doc Ginkgo, VIM. August to, 1977 trAttsTttattimmsE,.,AmtrRtt%. treeergehsa. ' AM. to 11:15 A.M. $2. per child Call 886-1880 $3. per family lOl 'iii"") iiiii,iiiiiil!lfr? ol Ltd. aterlo V (W s 6 Attaturen,aged4te1taritedto VACA'HON "jrlJfJjs]] [irTlfy,l, August 22nd to Sept. lst St. John's Lutheran Church, 22 Willow St. Waterloo llll) BMW and Kitchener-Waterloo's Authorized (Waterloo) Ltd. " University Ave.. E. q Sales . Service . Parts and tl Dealer ll31Y Parkdale Pharmacy [HIV Records containing names and addresses of patients and their medical diagnoses are going astray after they have been processed by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, the Ontario Medical Association charges. ol In a brief to a govern- HOURS - open - Monday to Saturday Sunday 12 noon to 6 pm. 9 am. to 9 pm. open 7 days a week. ment commission on indivi- dual privacy, the OMA said a package of discarded OH- IP claim cards. apparently en route to being recycled, was intercepted and deliver- ed to the OMA office. The OMA turned over the pack- age to the Minister of Health. The OMA recommended to the Commission on Free- dom of Information and In- dividual Privacy that the Government ensure that claim cards, after they have been processed. are mutilat- ed to make names and ad- dresses of patient and prac- titioner illegible before the cards are shipped from CHIP offices. Claim cards are completed by practi- tioners and sent to OHlP as the basis for payment. "That in the collection or transmission for statistical purposes of information from medical records. the name, address, social in- surance number, OHIP number and any other pati- ent identifier be deleted; Other recomrhehdations in the OMA brief: "Phat hospitals using common computers for medical records be requir- ed to take steps to ensure that data from one hospital is not available to another: "That when government requires medical informa- tion about individual pig; tum Lumen mass m LL30. W PM lot out 300 can "A Country Pub in The City" sro LANCASTER RD. WEST, KITCHENER - 7434331 Pro. tNltacl Whiskey Sam lens, consideration be giv- en to the use of independent medical referees rather than the personal physicians of the citizens concerned. because doctors are "un- easy in the role of inform- er" That CHIP statistics on total payments made to. or on behalf of. individual phy- sicians be made available only to the physicians con- cerned and to the Medical Review Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. which investi- gates unusual billings; how was was: 3 GREAT' LOUNGES *That the periodic re- lease to the public of CHIP statistics on the total pay- ments made to all physi- cians, or to all physicians in general practice or a particular specialty, in- clude "a proper explana- tion of the relationship be- tween gross payments to physicians and their net incomes". The commission. chaired by D. C. Williams, is based in London and will be hold- ing public hearings through- out the province. . a s JAZZ' , Wednesday Evening 9-Iam Saturday 2:30-5 EVERY FRI. & SAT. night Featuring Piano Stylist Bill Metcalf AIRCONDITIONED