The Euclid contest is an annual competition designed for outstanding students in grade 12 and it is supported by Reed Paper Limited. The school's team score places them third in Ontario out of 295 schools. Eastwood Collegiate’s score placed them second in the county and 17th in the province. Representing Waterloo were Rick Zellers, Pal Palaniappan and Dave Nev. Rick Zellers’ high score ranked him 12th of the 1,726 students who competed. Waterloo Collegiate Institute can put a feather in their cap after placing first in the Annual Euclid Mathematics Contest spon- sored by the University of Waterloo. In other activities, the K-W Sweet Adelines do- nated two sets of sports uniforms to the Elora minor sports organization] The Sweet Adelines will per- form August 21 at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion as part of Harmoniz- ing day, which features barbershop quartet singing. The show this fall, to be directed by Florence Hall and produced by April Olsen, will include an antique car show and square dancing exhibitions. The musical production will be held in the University ,of Water- loo‘s Theatre of the Arts. The theme for the event will be "remember when". "We hope to continue the Show as a fall program if response" is satisfactory," said Mrs. Owens. The show will also fea- ture a 60-voice choir and comedy by the Mello-Men. In other activities, the K-W Sweet Adelines do- nated two sets of sports uni- forms to the Elora minor sport. a contest year when muisicat events are less numerous, ac- cording toMrs. Owens. If you tffve been waiting for the annual K-W Sweet Adeline: club spring show, you'll have to wait a few more nionths, says chairman Hazel Owens. The annual event has been re-scheduled for November 18 and 19, after more than 16 years being performed in spring. The move is in hopes of providing enter- tainment during a time of WCI wi Adelines plan concert THE TREASURE TROVE See our new Selection 0 f wood sculptures by Middleton. Bran tford. 16 Union St E Walevloo 745-6773 OPEN TUES. - SAT. 10:00 - 5:30 PIONEER‘S wide profile sole with a flared and be- veled heel wedge reduces achiltes' tendon strain, pro- vides incredibly secure heel and ankle support, and ab- sorbs as much as 85 % more road shock than conven- tional training shoes: This means your shoes fit better and last longer. the Km Adult's PIONEER'S (full and half sizes 6 1/2 to 12) If you're hard on your shoes (and who isn't in today's active world) then PIONEER training shoes are for you. When it comes to com- fort, durability and performance we don't cut corners. We use only the best materials - premium grade leather uppers, genuine rub- ber soles and tough nylon stitching. Heel and toe areas are double reinforced for maximum strength and extra stability. Cushioned micro-cell midsoles, padded tongue and collar, and flexible insoles help make PIONEER shoes amazingly comfortable. PIONEER training shoes are available in Canada exclusively at the Athlete's Foot. We understand the importance of quality and correct fit. We take the time to measure your foot and help you select the right size in the right shoe for you - every time. $53 1795 Kid's “01,333 15 75 'llllhiggllhiiiijj' New m, M, In. 22, "" -!Q 21 (full and half sizes 2 to 6) KITCHENER 8 kmg St E (cor Queen) 742-4061 WATERLOO 34 ktrtg St, N. 8851210 GUELPH 54 Garden St. 836-0620 LONDON to beat! Sethrure-mtsstttettreqttr added mm and longer 229 Dundas St. 438-3264