'$i"itseiibettstt.ta We recommend and sell Bonnie Stuart children's shoes We care because we spe- cialize in fitting children's shoes. As an independent shoe store, we depend on your repeat business for our success. And since only satisfied customers will' return to a store, we do our best to ensure that our shoes give complete satisfaction. We care enough to take a personal interest in properly fitting every child who comes into our store for shoes. WE DO! 886-2870 , mammal: snuane I Mall Hours Mon., Tues.. Wed.. Sat. 9:30 - 5:30 Thurs and Fri. 9:30 - 9:00 ACI,?." At _,,,',,,,,:,:,::::::::)" Enjoy a care-free , summer. Let us give your wardrobe that fresh new look with our prompt _ professional care. Take advantage of our same day service. In by 10:00 AM. out by 5:00 PM. Use our convenient drive-in entrance on Caroline Street. unchmn/wutmoo umveo