_ | f â€" Waterioo Chronicie, Wednesday, April 20, 1977 â€"Page 13 ie > n Here they are . . . the most wanted shoes COLLINS FORMAL RENTALS P for Spring and Summer. .‘ _ LTD. omm “_}‘ They‘re durable, they‘re comfortable, they‘re > & } modestly priced. Collins now offers invitations for your wedding. * SANDALS . . . they‘re here . . . at As an introductory offer we will give you a Li 50%, Discount on your invitations when you { 'MS &hns gï¬Ã©# book yo&_nr Tuxedos. Phone 886â€"2800. â€" â€" wATERLOO SQUARE _ â€"â€" _ pHONE 886â€"2870 j recor / T=r? | o Sehict (â€"]) V 3x _ Reifman.~ y f * <l.» FASHION SPECIAL t xo .ï¬â€œ | ':-.fs':.‘- tr, â€" SPREAD THE WORD! i 9 i s ‘é,,\‘\\‘% THE GREAT | * s C [MW!| purL.ons L A M‘fll@ (p WB | are nere! P _ uD Y ‘ {\_ Super polyester Knit pull DAISYFRESH %f ’ I‘ " %;z ‘3 ‘ \\' pants withy ba:rk b’l‘a'st?cu on m SiEER \ | ie e eiras fif shirring andâ€"fake fly front. }/ 1| * 97 ‘ Assorted colors. Sizyes 1%-20. â€" HITY HOSE | | /‘m hes 7 Reg. price: 9.99 m ':,m pubbil . \siheâ€"SBR | & brief & mesh stockâ€" |lin Mess Cc _ sace: 8.00 o s&“..f""'"' Beige | ts Puus " | | ‘: 67“'7 ~ K mart Price ~ /)/Â¥ 7 | PLAID ano GINGHAM 630 f _ o= «n avaw P ! â€" " ‘ 4 n $ ‘\l f //’1“ A Csool:|f'renst:|l-c§ si W ae s g sleeve _ 7 [== x .'7;‘ C poly / cotton blend shirts in _ ï¬ ~_" "yeg) “ / assorted colors and sizes. ; == og 5> o 2 qo ) t age SALE: 7.97 â€" 12.77 & hougis.. V SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Gorge Madaclt . aunfie %’\ Creative Crafts WATERLOO rlowers ror | SQUANRE RED DOT SALE EVERY OCCASION t _ Original PET SHOP over 1000 LPs and Tapes waTenLoo souare C¢â€"@MR â€" Cake Tops FLOWE e ty‘n $ Red Dot m Du?nnr’gies $2.00 off 886â€"2490 IL______ Lower Mail | | THIS WEEK‘S FEATURE! ï¬ata y#3 Make a Clean Sweep with these Quality Lewyt | t % Vacuum Cleaners.... 7 C f'); 5 B ‘% P h guraee \.6 angy> SPECIAIE .%‘*2 ak |oe Cns s m M " . "fl‘ |! ‘ F7 \\ R ( lar $1 R /Â¥ e :",:' \ .-_-2’__ 4. N PQmarts f@css | > t + 5 PA j b_â€"_â€"_â€"3Y N \‘\~ Cad @ SONY" A @t" 7 f y r [ _ 29 A !_j_!glh\ _’ P Ultra thin (just 1°/:°"), brushed chrome / iB A We p .. * MA m { on rprommmonmentine‘ ‘»‘ 'p'a %m?d%mwmms . â€"~ 2 pf‘ P s / e\ é\ (> â€"=â€" M â€"~ S agy inss mationâ€"sensing automatic shutâ€"off 3 f P | 2 A o â€"in electret condenser microphone tZ P# I| ~ c Ptai on es 4# _ ‘ /.x AJ UPRIGHT VACUUM _ CANISTER VAC: REG. $249.95 25 â€" cpm" *T‘ sKPM ussm rmanm= suf sw« 199 Classic comfort â€"as % .';‘2'..;."“"':'.?.'.". M Agrameigh moatded 28 OFFER EFFECTIVE UNTL SATURDAY, Apmn. 23 in a sensible ,,\»\‘h o amee 9 4 y3 56 y oxford or slipâ€"on. ago> :: :: es ARBACUZ ctectronics s NP wmurcos» WATERLOO SQUARE â€" LOWER MALL â€" (_ . 22 Te«‘rh =re* 886â€"2702 | N | LC &