Mr. Wadsworth has had close connections with Wa- terloo throughout most of its 20-year history. He was first elected to the board in 1961 and served until 1975. During this period of time Waterloo grew to be- come Ontario's third larg- est university. It was the first university in Canada J. Page R. Wadsworth of to introduce the coopera- Toronto has been elected tive system of education in chairman of the board of which students spend al- governors of the University ternating four month terms of Waterloo. on and off campus com- He will take office May 1 Inning practical work ex- and serve a three year perience and academic term. Mr. Wadsworth re- studies. tired recently as chairman Mr. Wadsworth rejoined and chief executive officer Waterloo's board of gov- of the Canadian Imperial emors last Tuesday and Bank of Commerce follow- was elected chairman at a ing a 48-year banking ca- closed session at the end reer. He is continuing as a of the meeting. He succeeds director of the bank and Wallace M. Rankin of " was recently elected chair- ronto who is leaving the man of the board of Con- board following 14 years' federation Life. He is hom service as a member, vice- orary chairman of Lake- chairman and chairman. field College School. Throughout Mr. Wads- ALL PRICES LESS WITH TRADE "BUY HERE - PAY HERE" 1 ON A FARMER JACK l BUDGET ACCT. 20" Port. 100% Solid State 18" Port. 100% Solid State 26" Low Boy Style 100% Solid State _ . 20" Fantastic Picture. 100% Solid State 26" Auto. Color . 100% Solid State Wadsworth elected UW governor chairman NOTHING HELD BACK NO MONEY DOWN FARMER JACK \ ORDERS $75,000 OF COLOR INS, SOLD NEW-DEMO-ONE ONLYS DEALER UNCRATES 10-10 DAILY NO PAYMENTS TILL JULY-77 His particular outside interest, however, has been in the field of education, having played a particular- Throughout Mr. Wads- worth's wide career in the bank which took him to many parts of Canada and the world, he maintained a strong interest in commun- ity, church and education- al affairs. ronto who is leaving the board following 14 years service as a member, vice chairman and chairman. on and off campus com- bining practical work ex- perience and academic studies. Mr. Wadsworth rejoined Waterloo's board of gov- ernors last Tuesday and was elected chairman at a closed session at the end of the meeting. He succeeds studies Mr. Wadsworth rejoined Waterloo's board of gov- ernors last Tuesday and was elected chairman at a closed session at the end of the meeting. He succeeds . Wallace M, Rankin of To- ronto who is leaving the c board following 14 years' service as a member, vice- _ chairman and chairman. ' Thrm-nhnui "- “Jada 477. 395. 319. 1yimportantroieintttelife ymm'm were,†ItHrddttrirttrtheperiodot of Lakefieid College School, served as a memben ot the its reorganization. He is a whiehheattmdedatsa boarxiandchairmatotttfe memberotthettoardot EMMMMB "iiii, gl'sri!t/l!llll t lllErlt tf. t. Tm... & i'Jl,',tSlt"ef,,','.tl't,'.r,,','.fs, & KITCHEIER Edda: 11 mm. - 9 pm. Sadat-lay G aim. - 6 pm. mam CLOSED muons SUPER SPECIAL mamnllv HD 55 LOUDSPEAKERS Reg. 179.95 ea mamnll‘ HD 66 LOUDSPEAKERS Reg. 249.95 ea. SUPERSCOPE CD302A CASSETTE DECK with Dolby System Reg. 219. _ tumult. - 221 5 RECEIVER 15 watts RMS per channel Reg. 269.95 22208 RECEIVER 20 watts RMS per channel Reg. 339.95 mun-anti. 2225 RECEIVER 25 watts RMS per channel Reg, 399.95 . 2235 RECEIVER 35 watts RMS per channel Reg. 49995 mam-Ill. "s 5220 CassETrkDEcx Front Loader. Dolby System Reg. 499.95 SALE $38 mam-Ill. _ HD 44 LOUDSPEAKERS Reg, 125.00 ea. .. ..... 'w. SALE mes. 2250 RECEIVER 50 watts RMS per channel Reg. 649.95 2275 RECEIVER 75 watts RMS per channel Reg. 799.95 . malts-nil. 2325 RECEIVER 125 watts RMS per channel Reg, 999.95 5120 CASSETTE DECK with Dolby System Reg. 399.95 1070 AMPLIFIER 35 watts RMS per channel Reg. 349.95 dunnccd audio >39 "l"""':?' _stti!ttgitattrt; dl' Waterloo Chmniclo, WM. Amil 13, 1971 - P- 19 .269.95 ......Sll£$1l [overlain at PeanonCol- lege of'thePacincamtot theinteraatimsaict-eiiot United Wodd Colleges, as