Pap '_ril"tsr'oo Gimmick, Way. April 13, 1977 MW A Our sauce is unique. its zesty. You‘ve never tl'. tasted anything like it before. We serve it on g the side instead of on the chicken.Our rolls are “ warm and crusty, and yes, ids perfecdyalright to . _ _"Wq.q7ol"rY'l". Er'"""" UIUV that are made from fresh potatoes. Aid what you'll be Lasting IS the most delicious charcoal broiled chicken ever.Thafs because chicken is the only thing we make at Swiss Chalet, and therds i - -.: go only one . make it. Broiled over . real char- p, coal so the crispyskin seals in the real chicken flavour. And _ g we'll serve it to you with (s j“ golden brown french fries , 267 Weber Street,North. " 11 M" . - - _ k; "sriCs'we' Ac-us _ Aries'""'