'Please register for on; of thise" specific groups: THE SPECIAL YMCA CEUB PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN Swimming instruction Plus gymnasium sports. skills and games Plus crafts and other special activities. ‘All 'Y' members. ages 6 to 12. may participate tn this structured program of varied activities. 'Children join with other youngsters of the same age and sex. under the supervtsion and leadership of qualified YMCA instructors and leaders. 'Their weekly pro- gram involves 40 minutes of swimming instruction, 40 minutes on the gym and 40 minutes of crafts or other special activates. . From time to time. clubs may plan additional acttvmes. such as sleep-overs. hikes. etc. These programs will continue until Mid-May, except for short breaks at Christmas and the Mid-Winter school Holiday " is necessary to register only once during the school year! Scouts (6 & 7 year old boys) Sat. 8:30- 10:30 am. _ Tri-Scouts (6 a. 7 year old girls) Sat9:1t9-11 10 a.m, Rangers ttt & s year old boys) Sat IO Ma m - 12 30pm Tri-Rangers (8 a. S year old girls) Sat 11 lOa.m -1_10p,m Gra-Y (10-12 year old boys) Wed, 4 40-6 40 pm Tri-Gra-Y (10-12 year old girls) Tues 4 40-640 pm 0 children registered during the fall need not re-register q these programs are FREE to Y members JUNIOR SOCCER/BASKETBALL SCHOOL TEEN BADMINTON O For boys. 6 to I I years old q Saturdays, 4 30-6 30 p m q Each Tuesday. from 4 oo untrI 4 40 p m 0 Co-ed, for those 13 and older . Lots of actron. ball-handlmg and passmg '" O Participants are expected to set up and take thrs program designed to allow these 606" down the nets. and to bring therr own equrp- genc youngsters to learn and play both soc- ment cer and the YMCA-mvented basketball TEEN WALL TENNIS PRACTICE BOYS' noon HOCKEY o Fridays, 7 30-8 30b m For boys 8 to 12 years old 0 Practrce the venous strokes, so you can 0 Each Frrday from 5 30 until 6 30 p m make use of the 3 outdoor courts berng burlt q It's lust the thing for all boys who are unterr thus sprung at the 'Y' ested In a last and very actrve game. wrth 0 Instruction may be available If there rs an emphaSrs on fun and enloyment enough call for It Cost: MEMBERS: free NON-MEMBERS: Cost: MEMBERS: tree NON-MEMBERS: $10.00 $10.00 PLEASE, NOTE: 'Y' members participating in the special club programs for children have swimming lessons as a regular part of their program. Cost: MEMBERS: me NON-MEMBERS: $15.00 Sion system in which childten progress and receive awards at their own pace. A NEW LEVEL HAS BEEN ADDED BETWEEN BE- GINNERS AND STAR I. CALLED SURVIVAL', IT IS DESIGNED TO TEACH PERSONAL WATER SAFETY AND INCREASE THE BE- GINNER'S ENDURANCE BEFORE TRYING THE DIFFICULT STAR 1 To improve the swtmmer-to-trtstructor ratio. class size IS limited, MONDAY 4:(X)-4:40p.m. Pre-B S '1 '3 4:40-5:20p.m. B S 'l '2 5:2045:0op.m. Pre-B B "4-5 '6 TUESDAY 4:004:40p.m. Pre-B B S '2 4:40-5:20pm. B S "t '4-5 _WEDNESDAY 4:00-4:40 pm. B s 04.5 " 4:40-5:20p.m. Pre-B 'I '2 '3 THURSDAY 4:004:40pm. Pre-B S '1 '3 4:40-5:20p.m. B "l '4-5 '6 5:20600p.m. Pre-B B S "2-3 FRIDAY 4:00-4:40 pm. Pre-B B '1 "4-5 4:40-5:20 pm. B S 't " Pool pouods we ao Inmates long and unstruc- toon as aocordmg to the YMCA Star progres- Y.M.C.A. SWIMMING LESSONS 5:20-6:00 p.m. able to swim, Good swimming sRills will also decrease the chance of a terrible tragedy at the beach or in the pool." Make sure that your child can swim! _ Summer will be here soon, so make certain that your children wilt be able to enjoy it to the fulest by being Aquatic Programs ' Sixteen year olds. and older. may join in the Adult lessons Tuesdays. 8:45-9:30 p.m.. or Thursdays. 8:00-8:45 pm. or 8:45-9:30 Special Programs Pre-B HANDICAPPED CHILDREN'S SWIMMING (6 and older) q Saturdays 9:00-9:45 a.m. 0 Instructional progression which we hope will lead eventually into regular class times. 0 Capacity is limited for a good irtstructor-to-, child ratio. . Synchronized Swimming: (children 9-17 BAStC SKIN DWWG (9-1410!!!) years) Fridays 6:00-8:00 p.m. Coach Abby (7 q Saturdays. 9:30-10:30am. Hartman says you will need to have passed . You wiil need your second star in swim- your First Star in swimming. in order to par- ming to participate fully. The MOBSSWV ticipate fully. equipment will be explained on the first day. . 's'1't'.io"E'""s: Free NON-MEMBERS 15. Cost: MEMBERS: Free NON-MEMBERS: $12.00 Springboard Diving: (children 8 a. older). Fridays 6:00-8:00 pm. (first hour for begin- ners and second hour for advanced class). Tryouts the first night will determine which level you should be involved with. You must have at least‘your First Star in swimming. MUSCLE BUILDING CLUB O For all young men looking for a high level of activity, exercise and physical conditioning, 0 For boys 10 to 13 years old. 0 Each Monday from 6:30 until 7:30 pm. TEEN BADMINTON q Saturdays. 4 30-6 30 p m 0 Co-ed, for those 13 and older q Participants are expected to set up and take down the nets. and to hung the" own equnp- men! TEEN FLOOR HOCKEY O For kuds 13 to 16 years old 0 Fridays. 6 30-7 30 pm 0 Come out wnh your friends for some fast action and lots of fun and excutemem, ARTEX (for everyone 11 and older) 0 Learn to make "shrunkaes". plaques. designs for your shuns, patches for your jeans: the sky us the limit, Mrs Elaine Haffner is your mstructor. Ten weeks. each. Saturday morn- mg from 9:50 a.m. until 11:50 a.m. Cost: MEMBERS: $5.00 NON-MEMBERS: $8.00 . Fees for the swim section are $55.00 per child. which includes $33.00 for Y membership, and $22.00 for affiliations and club supplies Coaches are Mr. I. Taylor and Mrs. o. Graham, Hesse note that membership fees for the swm section are to a maximum of $200.00 per family. KNITTING a. CROCHETiNG (for girls, " and older) MOTHERS WELCOME. 0 Margaret Alsford instructs each Saturday mormng from 900-1030 and emphasizes that the class IS for those who wrsh to learn Q She wull help you With whatever you would Irke to make, but you must supply y0ur own materials K-W 'Y' AQUATIC CLUB Swimming: For those children and young adults Interested In competmve swimming. Exceptional abdlty rs not a pre-requnsne, but a keen desire to (mm and Improve IS looked for, Competitive meets are scheduled for everyone In the Grand Valley Swimmmg Association while those who make ume standards will also compete in the Cana- dian Amateur Swimmmg Assocuauon meets. CHESS CLU B q for boys and girls, 8 years and older q meets Saturdays. trom 9:00-10:30 arm, 0 Instruction is available for those who want to learn to play. Experienced players are also welcome as club members. Youth Aquatic Laadavs’ Corps (for 12-18 year olds) Meets Wednesdays trom 6 oo untnl tt oo pm Ths new program. wuth tts specaal aquahc emphasis. wull be vdeal for swimmers wcth Master's level abulaty or better Please speak to our Aquatic Dtrector. Jan Fry YMCA LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Our YMCA Leadershrp development programs are challenging and demanding. All partici- pants are expected to be fully Involved, The purpose of these programs rs to help individu- als become more effective In the" own lives. more self-assured and comfortable when mteractmg with others. and to encourage them to develop and pass on their skulls to others, lndwuduals are given tnstructtort In a wode var-' new of skull areas: gymnastics. swrmmrng. first and, team games. health and exercase. public soeakmg. running meetings etc Practical expenence In leadership technrques rs gamed by assnstlng In a variety of YMCA programs for younger chuldren We expect regular atten- dance at the weekly tranmng sessrons and at the programs for the younger children '5 "er"eo IO "WWW sf"e's am tmprove below. Progress/oh programme oi 'ruiaGi Four endurance and leadership skills, Achievement standards will involve fun com- . Saturdays, ttr.30a.m. - 12130 p.m. petition, such as pyramid building. elephant and Olympiad cross vaulting. etc. LIFESAVING Ill AWARD q Boys Mon. 4:30-6:00 pm. (parauel bars. q The mtroductory lifesaving course for those horizontal bar. vaulting. pommel horse. mats who have the Masters award. and trampolette.) q Saturdays. 4:00 _ 6:00 pm. . . . Cost: MEMBERS: Free NON-MEMBERS: q Girts Mon. 4:30-6:oo Fm. (mats. u0eeen St5.tto _ bars. balance beam. trampolette. vaulting.) Cost: MEMBERS: $5.60 NON-MEMBERS: $20.00 MASTERS " q The highest level of the YMCA Star System is designed to revoew strokes and improve your endurance and leadership skills. 0 Saturdays, 10:30 am. - 12:30 pm. BRONZE MEDALLION/YMCA BASIC LIFESAVING _ O 14 years and older; co-ed 0 Saturdays. 4:00-6:00 p.m. " hour lecture; and 1 hour pool) BRONZE CROSS 0 You must be 14 years old. and hold a Bronze Medallion/YMCA Basic Lifesaving award. 0 vyettryttdytyrti:op-tr.oop.m. ($203!: MEMBERS: $5.00 NON-MEMBERS: 25.00 You must have passed the YMCA Star 6 level in swimming in order to participate in trisyltl!rstttrftsayipo, 9mm Leadership Development Wank» MAVuhudq, Hugh 16. 1977 - R- " . Hi-Y clubs are for groups of semor elemen- tary or high school students. either guys or girls Clubs make the" own decuslons concern» mg meeting tunes. and plan their own acttvmes and programs, 'Clubs have the guidance of an enthusrastrc 'Y' leader. and the use of the YMCA faculmes . Hi-Y groups combine socral actrvmes and sports wrth some to the com- mumty through specral projects . Possnble actwrties Include basketball and volleyball leagues. Mor hockey and water polo games. dances. car washes. overmght hulung "IDS. and assrstung m YMCA projects . Anyone m- terested In developrng a new club. or m "Mmm? a club. should contact the YMCA Youth threc, tor at 885-3500 The Loaders' Corps (for 15~ 18 yr. olds) Both groups are for both guys and aids, and meet Wednesdays from 6:00 until 9:00 pm. Everyone Interested m becoming involved in these Interesting and challengmg programs should contact the YMCA Youth Director. SPECIAL Hl-Y CLUB PROGRAM FOR TEENS THE 'Y' GYMNASTICS CLUB _ (boys a girls 7 a. oldet) This is a club designed for people with ability who are keenly interested in competitive gym- nastic training. Workouts will be strenuous and participants are expected to attend twice each week and to continue calisthenic exer- cises at home: Thurs. 4:00-5:30 pm. Sat. 1:00-2:30 pm. An advanced program. GYMNASTIC CLASS (10-12 years old) Development of exercise. co-ordination. pos- ture and skill: possible lead up to competitive programmes. Apparatus invoived is listed HIKING AND CAMPING CLUB 0 Forgirls 10 to l3‘yearsold. 0 Designed to increase awareness of the out- doors through hikes and camp-outs. 0 Safety procedures and camping techniques to be emphasized. 0 Additional funds will also be raised through car washes. carnivals. etc. q We will need the co-operation of parents for transportation. Cost: MEMBERS: $10.00 NON-MEMBERS 81 7.00 q Preliminary meetings: Saturdays. 1:30- 2:30 pm. Y, l yer: gay". (chipfen 6-9 yaw Sat. 12:oo-rtiop.m. (5-6 â€we; Sat. 12:00-1 :00 p.m. (7-9 year olds) $30.00 BEGINNING GYMNASTICS CLASSES 0 Including beam. mats. uneven bars. trampo- Iette and trampoline. YMCA ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR/RED CROSS LEADERS _ q Cash course to be held on 2 weekends: April 15-17 and April 22-24. 0 You must be " you: old. and have good swimming ability. _ . For further information. contact Janet Fry. Cost: MEMBEIS: 815.00 NON-MEMBERS Choose the more convenient time: Gymnastics -in-training group (for 12-15 yr. olds)