A total of 18 students in- cluding one girl, will each win $100 prizes from five in- dustrial firms and from the Foundation in recognition of writing outstanding re- ports while working in in- dustry. Fleming awards are announced The first awards from the Sandford Fleming Founda- tion will be made to Uni- versity of Waterloo engi- neering students at the Foundation‘s inaugural din- ner and lecture. Congratulations to Jim Hett, who won the 200 metre swimming freestyle, and dropped three seconds off the existing record. In the 100 metre freestyle, Jim came in first while Jim Heinbuck placed sixth. By Becky Ansley Nominations for student council elections are in the near future, so Bluevale stu- dents should start thinking now about who they want to run for executive council. Top Viking sdorers for the championship game were Rick Zellers with 14 points and Tom Kincaid with 12 points. CWOSSA tournament on the weekend. After defeat- ing Preston Panthers 61-45 Friday evening they were defeated 58-48 by the Cen- tennial Spartans on Satur- day. t lligll scluml news The wet. Viking Boys' basketball team finished Try your next project working from a chart where each color is designated by a symbol. You will find it more challenging and rewarding. Send for a JEAN McINTOSH Color Catalogue of Designs. enclosing $1.35 to cover cost and postage to: DODDS CRAFTS & SMALLWARES 300 Regina St. North, Apt 1702, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 388 CHARTS OR COMPLETE KITS MAY BE ORDERED FROM US. A junior student, John By Melanie Hilliard Come see us at the Waterloo Market in March NEEDLEPOINT CLASSES AVAILABLE PHONE 884-3280 after 6:00 gm. BCI student elections near WCI team takes second NEEDLEPOINT ENTHUSIASTS at cal engineering. from Mis- sissauga; J. Bradley Hat- ton, second year mechanical engineering, from Sudbury: John B. Elder. fourth year civil engineering, from Wa- terdown; Peter Au, second year civil engineering. from Downsview; Rick Bin- ning. second year chemical engineering, from St. Cath- arines; Jag C. Chan. fourth year electrical engineering. from Toronto: Steven J. Flannery, fourth year mech- anical engineering, from Ot- tawa; Michael P. Huska, second'year electrical en- gineering, from Welland: Donald E. McInnes. third year mechanical engineer- ing. from Renfrew: Rich- ard D. Nancarrow, third year civil engineering. from Kitchener; Gary D. Oulton. third year electri- cal engineering, from Wa- terloo: John J. Plant. third year civil engineering, from Brampton: Susan Sherman. third year me- chanical engineering, from Waterloo: Carl F. Slater, third year chemical engi- neering, from Niagara Falls; Thomas Stein, sec- ond year systems design. from Bolton; James Thom- erson, fourth year chemi- cal engineering, from Wel- land The freestyle relay then placed thirteenth over all. Congratulations to the BCt swim team which had a fine season. Oesch, came in tenth in the 400 metre freestyle. i In April, the Bluevale debating team will host the OSSTF Challenge Tourna- ment. BCI must have entries in both junior and senior divisions so new debaters, as always, are welcomed and encouraged. The debate will focus on Canada's immigration poli- The Vikings will now advance to the Ontario regional q finals which are being held at the Univer- sity of Waterloo March ll and t2. Waterloo will play its first game at 5:45 p.m. on Friday against a Lon- don team. At the Regional German Contest, Christopher New, 5C placed first in the group with no German back- ground. John Hodgson. 5D, placed fourth in the same category. The stu- schools, three of which will The rehearsal schedule beinvitedtothe debate. for Many Moods of Time Bluevale still does not performers is now posted havea theme for this year's outside of the activities' formal. If you have any office. Please make sure ideas, just put them on a you know when you rehearse. piece of paper and drop Needless to say. exams them off in the suggestion begin Friday. Good luck, box in the students' lounge. Bluevale, and have a super The prize for the winning March break! r-saurtMPETaaiz-, Bluevale still does not have a theme for this year's formal. If you have any ideas, just put them on a piece of paper and drop them off in the suggestion box in the students' lounge. The prize for the winning cies. This tournament is open to all Waterloo County high schools, three of which will be invited to the debate. The girls' intramural basketball league has be- gun action again this year. After the first game, the Libras are in first place after successfully defeat- ing the Scorpios 18-15 and the Leos and the Geminis remained tied for second after tying their game 12-12. The next set of games will be played on March 30. Tickets for the spring Spring classes in woodworking & furniture refinishing begin April Sth. Location: 272 King St'. N. Waterloo. Times: Tuesday 9-12, 2-4 p.m., Thursday 9-12, 2-4 p.m. Cost: $15 (40-59 yrs. i, $10 (60 yrs.) Registration: March 21-25th, 2-4 p.m., Adult Recreation Center For further information call 579-1020. dents are taught by Miss A. Wiebe. IISGOIIHT CARPETS Mystery Trip BUS TOURS 1. Thursday March 31, 1977 CALL - 579-1020 Leave: 9:00a.m. Return: 5:00p.m. Cost: $4.00 2. St. Lawrence Starch Company & C.N. Tower, Tuesday March 22, 1977. Leave: 9:00a.m. Return: 5:00p.m. Cost: $4.00 (Tower NOT included) Call: Mrs. R. Kirk 743-1559 3. New Eaton's Store - Toronto, Tuesday March 15, 1977 CALL 579-1020 Leave: 9a.m. Return: 5 gm. Cost: $4.50/person_ LOOP CARPET SPECIALS - Cushioned, Reg.$8.95sq.yd. 'e................ SALEH.69sq.yd. KITCHEN PRINT -"rone-on-Tone, etc., Cushioned, Reg. $10.95 sq. yd. . . . . . . . . . . .. SALE $5.99 Sq. Yd. SHAG - Cushioned, Five colors only, Reg. $10.95 Sq. Yd. ............ SALE $7.49 Sq. Yd. III-L0 - Tone-On-Tone Shag, jute back . Reg. $13.95 Sq. Yd. _............. SALE $8.99 Sq. Yd. MILL ENDS AT SPECIAL SAVINGS NOW! ’ GREAT SELECTION, ROOM SIZES. ETC. Guests: Mr. & Mrs. Ebeg liriaimiia “ZAMBIA BRING YOUR MEASUREMENTS & SEE US "CONSULT US FOR YOUR BEST CARPET BUYS" 183 ROYAL OAK an, CAMBRIDGE (P) 653-3118, AUDIO-VISUAL PRESENTATION Friday March 11,1977 -2:00p.m. PROJECT WOODWORK Wash & Set 1/2 pr SEIIIIII ACTIVITIES I I = price' Offer Expires Mar. 26/77 theme is $10. A decision will be made the first week back from the March break. for $10 per couple. Exams begin Friday March il and will continue through the following week through to March 18. The week from March 21 through to March Ai will be the Mid Winter Break. Classes will N resume on Monday March 28. week in the lower foyer. It will be held on my 27 at the Valhalla Inn. The band will be Chelsea Morn- forum! went on sale this J sell Saturday March 12, 1977 - 1:30 PM. 3.50 per person Sports this surnmer include Girls Softball, Boys Base- ball, Boys and Girls Soccer, Track and Field. , Registration Dates: March 19th - 10 a.m.s 3 p.m. - Albert McCormick Arena, Moses Springer Arena, and Marsland Centre. March 26th - Ma rsland Centre ONLY. Note: Additional information will be included in this ad next week as well as in a nyerteing delivered to the schools on Friday Mar. 11th. p.m. at‘Potters Workshbp in Waterloo Park.) Information -Phone 886-1550 Ext. 64 64 or mmiafier 5 pan POTTERY CLASSES FOR CHILDREN (March 21st through 25th) Waterloo Potters Workshop. Class I - Advanced Hand Building Class II - Beginners Wheel Class III - Beginners Hand Building Class IV " Advanced Wheel. Cost: $15.00 for 5 lessons. Registration - Saturday March 12th (10:00 am. - 1:00 Appointments are being taken for Senior Citizen In- come Tax Clinic. The service is opened to Senior Citi- zens with an income of less than $10,000/yr. Call 579-1020 Requires: Coaches, Managers, Referees and Public Relations Officers for the upcoming soccer season. If you could help, please contact this Dept. at 886-1550 Ext. CHILERENS BUS TRIP TO AFRICAN LION SAFARI (Ages ' .. 14) Wednesday, March 23rd Bus Departs: 1:00 p.m. - Marsland Centre Returns: 4:30 pan. COST: $4.00 per child. (Includes Return bus trip, Mmis- sions and supervision. ) To register phone 386-1550 Ext. 64 LIMITED SPAQES AVAILABLE < SENIOR ACTIVITIES y 1:00-5_:00_p._rtt, Pauli: ICE SKATING SCREW“ PRICES:Chlld - :5. us and under) Adult- 76e Family. 31.50 Student um (16 -21) No ggcnton 'SPECIAL NOTE A flyer outlining other holiday programs listed below will be delivered through the schools on Friday, March Nth. -Other Bus Trips . - Special Bowling Times and Prices. - Indoor Swimming - Free Ice Skating - Library Programs etc. The Centre is riG4eirsiiiur;iry7, 'for'c‘ards. billiards, carpet bowling, reading, etc. The facility is opened tcomer of King & Allen Sis.) The Centre provides activities for Adults 40 yrs. of age & Older. Open Mon. - Friday 8:30-5:00p.m. Includes: library. games room, floor & table shuffle- board. Coffee and Tea available. Note: No member- ship required. FOR INFORMATION: 579-1020. 13th 11th . 'I‘r‘I- UIIFII I 'h..W..M%. .NOTE: for all Arenas in Waterloo. In future tickets must be purchased at the arena in order to have skates Shimd. COST: 5 Tickets for 82.00; 1 Ticket for .50e . Family Skating - During family skating a parent must be in attendance in the arena with their chil- dren. 1liutrrtoo Gimmick: Wodnudoy, “on: O, 1077 3 Pa! ?1 ACTIVITIES FOR SENIOR ADUlTS ADUlT RECREATION CENTRE SPRING IOU." IWIIIIS ----- VIII“! 2181 . ttth Sllllill IIIIIII SPORTS BEGISHITIOIS S: so - 7 : M) [MIL General Skating 8-10 p.m. Adults Only T:trr-Ir.RBiGi. General Skating 3:30-5:30p.m. General WITEBLOD IIIOB 8000!! "8tmlmtttt SPRINGER ARENA INCOME TAX CLINIC SOLO TOURNAMENT SATURDAY tmop..iii sure tTtfrFtTtTra ' V ' COMMUNITY SERVICES tttil' tl!.li..1illli,ifi " - 5:30 p.ni. Family Skating ‘See Note Below 1:00-4:00p.m. Skating 8:30-10:80pr General Skating' MCCORMICK ARENA ALBERT