The VON provides service 24 hours a day, although it tries to limit weekend and night calls to post-surgical or seriously ill patients. The nurses take turns being on call at night. There are between three and five nurses working each weekend. The VON is presently concerned that its services will be replaced by government services such as Home Care. Therefore, the agency asked Edward A. Pickering, a bus- iness consultant with considerable knowledge of and inter- est in health care, to assess the most effective role it could The K-W branch ofthe VON has 11 full time nurses bn hand including Miss Nash, who is chiefly in charge of ad- ministration. There are also six part-time nurses. All are RN's (registered nurses) and approximately 50 to 60 per cent also have additional training, such as a certificate in public health nursing. "The patient is required to provide his own medication," Miss Nash says. "The nurse carries out only the equip- ment required to administer treatment. He must also pro- vide his own dressing material, although a nurse will carry an emergency dressing.“ Only'eight to 10 fer cent of ail visits are paid in full-by the patient. Cost is $12.70 per visit regardless of the time involved. The VON does not refuse its services to those who are unable to afford them. Where no financial assistance is available to the patient, the patient is charged either a partial fee or no fee at all. This is why the VON is a mem- ber of the United Way of Cambridge and the K-W Feder- ated Appeal. The agency has also received grants from the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. . a nurse to determine his financial situation. Sometimes the patient is covered by an employee health benefit plan or by membership in an insurance company such as Blue Cross, Mutual Life or Dominion Life. , . -___H - -1--- - -._. M... v. was-.. In 1974, the VON launched a new program in the Wa- terloo Region, making its services available to senior times, the -nurse becomes that 'significant other' which these people miss so much through the absence of family members." ' "These patients require the integration of the skills of the doctor along with those of the physiotherapist, occu- pational therapist, speech therapist and homemaker, as well as the social worker, minister and friendly visitor. Visits of this type often require an hour or longer." Although CHIP does not cover costs of VON care, pa- tients are required to hatre proof of OHIP membership in order to qualify for the home care program. Each pa- tient is then individually and confidentially assessed by Last year, more than 23,000 visits were made to give nursing care as well as health teaching to medical and surgical patients in the K-W area. The amount of time spent with each patient varied from a few minutes to over an hour. Average time per visit was almost 55 minutes. Donna Nash, regional director of the VON says, "A good portion of these visits was made to patients with illnesses requiring extensive care following surgery or rehabilitation after a stroke or fracture. This type of nurs- ing requires much time, patience, understanding and plan- ning, as most often other health disciplines are-involved. " Because of the success of this program, the local VON is piepning to, expand its services to more units in 1977. This is one in e series of stories shout some of the agencies that ere members of the R-tttt Federat- ed Appeal. The eppeel is seeking “035,000 in community donations this you to support 30 agencies. Some of the agencies include the YMCA. the " Brothers end Big Sisters, the Boy Scouts. Monte] Heel") end the Much of Dimes. the beginning. homiG'okii'Ua1'nt""niiiiri"g was relatted primarily to maternity care. Today it concerns itself more with the care of the elderly. In 1897 the VON came into being by establishing cottage hospitals which led in turn to general hospitals in some communities. Country nursing service was established in rural areas, and visiting nursing in towns and cities. In This year the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) will have completed 80 years of continuous service to the peo- ple of Canada as a national voluntary, non-profit visiting nursing organization. For the citizens of Cambridge, the service has been available 69 years, and for the RM] area, VON has ,ers.rpill 00111111119?! for 80 Years , st FBEEFEI'MIES "ee, CALL TODAY 885-5530 Anywheve In (Sound Onlano IM- (m C Prompt & Prrsonul AIM-rum" By Monica Frim " DRAPERIES ttit' FINEST BROADLOOM - LATEST DESIGNS - EXPERT INSTRUCTION Em SAVE 25% o Sheers a Drapes o Valances and Bedspreads q And Matching Drapes . l COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE " YOUR DOOR 13:33:; Kayaking course WLU plans Last night, Dr. Alice Propper spoke on Lesbian- ism in Female and Co-ed Institutions. Dr. Richard Ericson will speak on The The kayaking course is co-ed and open to everyone 14 years and older. All parti- cipants must pass a swim- ming test and there is a Each lecture is on a Tues- day night at 8 p.m. "In spite of the fact that tiaUGi'irie live so close to others of their own age group, many-are still lonely. Often ---------"-.=-=, to serve as an introduction to whitewater kayaking. The course will be taught by Terry Thomas, nation- ally certified canoe instruc- tor and outdoor education coordinator for the YWCA. The sociology and anthro- pology department of Wil- frid Laurier University (WLU) is offering a series of lectures in March under the general title, What on Earth is to be Done With the Criminal Offender? - ,,___' --. -__r__. """""6" no W “U physical and mental health assessments, monitor long- term illnesses, arrange for necessary nursing care, en- courage liaison with community agencies and physicians and to provide health counselling in relation to general health and social needs," Miss Nash says. The Kitchener-Waterloo YWCA will be conducting a "Leam to Kayak" course crime lectures residents at two Ontario Housing units. In 1976, this pro- gram was expanded to include four units to which almost 420 visits were made. "The main role of the nurse in these settings is to do physical and mental health assessments, monitor long- .-.m mm.--“- .r_-..__--- ._, . v d 'Prityte.tuare,_in_ttsernidstotrapittiy changing pat- adainreiatimttothedeiiverfot ternsofhealthcareinCanada. recommended how the VON could Mr. Pickering named the current situation across Can- and continue to amid. hid: nun-Iii Ehwarh R. Gaul! Why burden loved ones with . . . q last minute decisions 0 high costs 1 oemotional stress . . . when you can talk it over, now. In confidence and wiihoul obligation. As a member of the OFSA we are , bound by the Association's strict "Code of Ethical Practices", Your assurance of only the highest in professional standards. Funeral Home Ltd. 171 King St. s.. Waterloo 745-8445 VON 2C8 in the arts building. Admission is free. The first three lectures will be held in the schoors mezzanine and the final seminar will be in Room Role of the Police in Can- ada on March 15 and Dr. John Hagan will discuss The Processing of Minori- ties through the Criminal Justice System on March 22. Mr. Fred Desroches will speak on North Ameri- can Prison Riots, March 29. Classes will be held on Saturday mornings, begin- ning March 5 and ending May 7. There will be two sections: 10:30-11:30 am or 11:30-12:30pm. Fee for the course is $24. Registrations are- being accepted now at the K-W YWCA, 84 Frederick Street, Kitchener. Telephone 744- be in the University of Wa- terloo pool. maximum of 8 students per class. All instruction will Ontario Funeral Serwce A ssomanon He also insists that government funding does not require government delivery and cites as an example that the Blood Transfusion Service administered by the Canadian Red Cross is entirely financed from government sources. As governments become more deeply involved in admin- istration and in controlling costs, they tend to become more indifferent to human and individual considerations, he says. Mr. Pickering claims that humanitarian values will diminish in a service where everybody is a government employee. He is also worried about the impersonalization that would then be brought about. Since visiting nursing is the VON's basic activity, this is what distinguishes it from other government health care programs. The value of the VON's services cannot be denied. The agency reduces the use of institutions for acute, chronic, rehabilitation and geriatric care and also promotes the psychological benefits of maintaining the patient in fa- miliar surroundings. , Mr. Pickering also states that the provincial govern- ment of Ontario foresees a continuing and possibly an expanding role for VON, if it can develop adequate man- agement capacity to deal with the programs contemplat- Re includes universities as well in this group. Although tax-supported. they are semi-autonomous bodies with a high degree of independence, he says. The whole prograni. including the%rtAGilk, TGail; and transportation of blood, and research is carried out by the Red Cross as the agent for the governments con- cerned. agency for delivering the nursing Gmpoerenrin care program. *"t'trePuPltott?edeliveryofmrstngservicesand recommended how the VON could improve its services and continue to provide high quality care to individuals. HisreportwasreleasedinSeptember, 1m. 'Pe.vo.NisnowirthtisrocesadimpiementingMr. Pickering‘s recommendations, one of which is that the VON publicly state its case for being recognized as the WESTMOIINT WEAVERY We have just received a new selection of canvases with exciting designs. Choose from the Royal Paris line, hand painted Canadian scenes. or exclusive modern designs. Browse through the largest selection of tapestries in this area and choose one for yourself soon. WW! Place Shopping Centre, WM - 576-5470 , . Coins WW Chronic... WM. Midi tr. 1977 - P- 21 - A A 55 Ertt St. East WATERLOO (opposite Liquor Store) PHONE 886-2321 PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED It. J. FINN“ OPTICAL . Sump: ' q January - Old and New . Antiques 0 Gift Ware TAPESTRIES TO NEEDLEPOINT Home 578-3642 Hundreds of the Latest Styles Open Doily 9:30 to S:30; Thurs. ' Fri. to 9 " I Don't Have What You Want give me Your List and I will Find it for you. - Hours - Mon. Tues.. Wed. Thurs. & Fri. Sat.. Sun. 10-6 10-10 IO-tt 360 Regina St. N. Waterloo (corner of Columbia St.) Jerry Starkweather - Prop. . Used Furniture " Smut! Gas Engine Repair 7 0 Used Lawn and Gordon Equipment Business 885-4660 Lat, on Premises FREE PAMING