{if A major act auction of Canadian and International art sponsored by the UW Arts Centre, will be held on the stage of the Human- ities Theatre, University Page " _ Watodoo Chronicle, Wednesday, January 19, 1977 Trends in consumerism: “no-no's" in pricing, etc. t The new Family Law Reform Act. Estate Planning for the small business extre- preneur Panel discussion with registrants Lunch included in registration fee. Program to be held in Room , E1, Arts Building. WLU For program and registration form phone 884-1970 ext. 445 - 448 _ Office of Continuing Education FEE , $20.00 A specially prepared one day program for Businessmen (and Women), Executives and anyone affected by new legislation in their lives or business. _ Presented by K-W lawyers For the beleaguered tax-payer: a guide to RHOSP, IAAC, RRSP, MURD Wilfrid Lauriey University Wilfrrid. If? urier Vniversity SATURDAY. JANUARY 29. 1977 9 A.M.-4 P.M. School of Business and Economics and Office of Continuing Education present a "LEGAL PROBLEMS OF THE BUSINESSMAN" SEMINAR (for the non-lawyer) art auction will be held January 26 eed audio _ of Waterloo, Wednesday. January 26. This first-tinte venture into the art auction field is being undertaken by the Arts Centre to stimulate Included are original oils, watercolours, temperas. drawings and original graphics including wood engravings. serigraphs. lithographs. etchings. In- "iintmm SPORTS Theatre technical director Earl Stieler, himself an antique and art collector, is heading the committee mak- ing the arrangements. Howard Mann of Lambert- ville, New Jersey, a noted art auctioneer has been en- gaged for the event and will be bringing in. the Inter- national collection. Mr. Mann conducted a very successful art auction for Theatre New Brunswick in Fredericton last sea- son, and regularly tours throughout the United States The UW Arts Centre Gal- lery is arranging for the Canadian group. In all, 160 pieces of art will be up for auction. For this reason, the auc- tion is being planned as a "total art experience" .._ an interesting and exciting evening in the theatre that will provide an opportunity to see fine art, learn about Canadian and International artists, enjoy a variety of art media and acquire some art treasures-perhaps at bargain prices! The pre- view and auction will take place on the large stage of the Humanities Theatre. surrounded by the trap- pings of the performing arts and embellished with live music. the public's awareness of fine art and its availability. When "masters" such as Rembrandt, Picasso, Tou- louse-Lautrec. Dali and Renoir are mentioned, many people think of them as artists whose work is avail- able for viewing only, in art galleries or museums, and never think in terms of this art being available for pur- chase. The art auction is part of the overall effort by the UW Arts Centre to bring more professional art at- tractions to this .area and build larger audiences and interest in all the profes- sional arts. WildernessSkiing...................... T.TS Cross Country Skiing in Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . 2.so Family Guide to Cross Country Skiing . . . . . . . a.ss SnowshoeBook .......................S.So Snowmobilers Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . 3.95 . Special Olden . School, omco, Social SIAM†SCRIBE BOOK STORE Westmmmt Place. 1lreoo/, 576-7290 Market Square, Kitchens: - 576-8270 Great January Sale ternational artists include Calder, Chagall, Dali, Delacroix. Durer, Goya, Miro, Picasso, Rembrandt. Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec. Utrillo, Vasarely, Whistler and some Persian minia- tures. Canadian Artists include P. Borowsky, G. Brender "h Brandis, V. Burnett, P. Goetz, B. Her- chenrader, B. Irland. D. Mackay, H. MacKenzie, N. Earl Stieler. University of Waterloo Arts Centre's technical director, holds an Eskimo whalebone sculpture that will be featured in the centre's upcom- ing art auction. In the background is a Laurence Acland oil on wood entitled Kyenai I. It will also be featured in the auction. AXEL SCHRUPP LIMITED CAMBRIDGE SHOPPERS MALL HWY 24 & 401 HESPELER 658 4645 OPEN DAILY 10-6 WED THURS 8 FRI TILL 9:30 BEAUTIFUL IMPORTED HOME FURNISHINGS WITH SAVINGS UP TO 3rl. c; Fitness class The classes are held Tues- day and Thursday nights from 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. In addition to recreational activities, students will par- ticipate in cardio-vascular exercises and discussions about the role of fitness. The free preview will take place from 3 p.m. to 8 pm, the auction from 8:30 p.m. Tickets for the auction. which include Snacks and coffee, are $3. Openings are still avail- able in the Waterloo Family Y's beginners' adult fit- ness course, said men's pro- gram director Ron Charron. Patterson, J. Tughan, T. Urquhart, an Eskimo sculp- ture and Indian print. Catalogues and biographies will be available at the pre- view. Tickets are limited to 275 so it is recommended that those interested get their tickets in advance from the Main Box Office. Room 254, Modern Lan- guages building. 885-4280 or UW ext. 2126. Indoor tennis lessons, held Wednesday nights at the "Y" have proven to be a popular winter course this year. However, about five or six openings are still available for students. Classes are held from 5:30 to6:30p.m. Wednesdays. Adult learn-to-swim classes and swimming les- sons also have some open- ings available. Classes are held Tuesday and Thursday nights from 8 to 9:30 p.m. The course is open to men and women. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS 52B Vic'ori. St N A Ki‘chomn (Bum Waco" Batman) in". Indoor Showrooms 705 0136 Aha: Hon" 5?! 7ttM FIRST. CONSULT US, THEN YOU WILL KNOW WHY SO MANY HAVE CHOSEN SUPERIOR MEMORIALs OVER ALL OTHERS 50 years of distinction