Wintario grants totalling 887,505 have been approved for the Region of Waterloo by the Ministry of Culture and Recreation. In Kitchener. the Mid- western Regional Library System received a grant of $55,000 with which they will be purchasing Cana- dian material - talking books (cassettes) and Ca- nadian films - (feature films. student productions, Lutheran Hour host will visit Region _ A letter received at The Lutheran Hour Office, in Kitchener from a Canadian prison said in part: “The last few Sundays I have been listening to the Lutheran Hour and have really enjoyed the program. I am doing a seven-year sentence and I'm just about finished, but"it was only a few months ago that I turn- ed to Christ to guide my life. God has given me another opportunity to live a new life and I'm so thankful for it. “I read the Scriptures every day and it's helping me find purpose and destiny, and so it is with your pro- gram and I thank you for your golden messages each Sunday'. _ _ A -- - 're'""""- w ~~ - - v".-- _ -_- V,“ ife and I'm so thankful for Guest speaker of the t. Lutheran Hour, Dr. Oswald “I read the Scriptures Hoffman of St. Louis Mis- avery day and it's helping souri, will be the ‘speaker at he find purpose and destiny, the Ontario Lutheran Hour and so it is with your pro- Rally to be held at the Kit- gram and I thank you for chener Memorial Auditor- your golden messages each ium, Sunday October 31. at Sunday. 7:30p.m. " N " “s l ,'e % v . , _ H. Ire, G". ' o, _ a“? 'car "c ‘ ' 7 A it? FGiiE i 'i5 £1 G q EgM . , , frEiiEfllE Made of genuine oak veneered particle board (no vinyl here) you know the Genesis ll is for real. Right off, to compare the Genesis ll with loudspeakers in their own price class ($450.00 a pain is ridiculous. Better to compare them to loudspeakers at $600.000 a pair or more. In our short course "how to judge loud- speaker performance", we use the Gene- sis ll as an example of a loudspeaker that does everything well, So if you long for a truly great loudspeaker. "we've got your number". Store Hours Tues th Wed 117. Thurs th Fo '18, Sat 10.15 CLOSED MONDAYS, -- 98 Queen St'. -s." -_"_ L“. H " Queens Sq. Kitchener 74215951 Cambridge W) 653-2835 $87,505 in grants to Region projects Its The Real Thing ,dvonccd audio and French films). They will also be adding posters to the children's collection which covers about $30,000 of the money. The rest of the money may be used to buy more children‘s books and large print books. "We're always on the lookout for Canadian films and we'il always be pur- chasing talking books as long as the grant holds out?' Bill Zambusi. co- ordinator of programs and "One of the fellows here is receiving literature from you and I also would like to receive the same and be put on your mailing list". A Westmount, Quebec listener wrote: “I heard the Lutheran Hour on Sun- day on Station CFMB. Mon- treal. It turned my life around and now I keep tell- ing myself that I am loved by God. The devil hates me and seeks to work me ill but God loves me." __ _- ' Regional news anal views services. said. The books will be used in libraries in Wellington. Huron and Perth Counties and the Regional Munici- pality of Waterloo, Kitchener-Waterloo Ok- toberfest Incorporated re ceived an $18,000 grant for their carillon display in the Canada Permanent build- Fifty-two thousand dot-' lars of the money for the carillon was unisex by dif- ferent people and organ- izations. The carillon which cost $70,000 was brought to the city to promote tourism. according to Dr. Jack Bish- op. president of Oktober- fest. . The Kitchener Braves, Junior A Lacrosse Team got a grant of $250 for the purpose of transportation to games and to purchase training aids. according to' Keith Trussler. president. In Waterloo, the Waterloo Associations in Volleyball Enterprises was to receive 24 volleyballs valued at $432 and a grant of $250 to assist in the cost of uni- forms and training aids. According to Pit Duffy, WWII TPs - STEREOS FURNITURE GROUPS 3 ROOM GROUPS OF IqEllll FURNITURE mcwnzs woman T ll " 18 PIECES IN All. SIX PIECE BEDROOM SUITE 20" COLOR PORT. 26" COLOR " STEREO COMBO MW? 10 - 10 DAILY - GILL NOW 519-4140 I0 ' WWI - . PATIENTS TILL FEB. TT tht I ERNIE! JIGKS BUDGET ACCOUNT BI" IIEIIEn-PIT tiElltE-attmlltt DELIVERY Wintario representative for the Ministry of Community and Social Services in Wa- terloo. the association would be expected to match that grant with $250 of their Mr. Duffy said that they would have raised their share through fund raising and membership fees. The Waterloo Tennis Club got a tennis bail mach- ine with ig grant 9f $475; _ -. The Cambridge Public Library received a grant of $9,000 to purchase Cana- dian books and other ma- terials. They also purchas- ed recordings and large print books. The library will be spend- ing the grant over the next year ,or so. according to Norman Hebblethwaite. chief librarian. ’ The Hespeler Tennis Club got a Wintario grant of 82500 which was used to resurface the tennis courts. Sam Page, vice-president of the club said that the five year old court surface was wearing out. The club had to raise around $7,000 of the money needed. They raised their share from the dues saved Demo th Guaranteed Includes Stand Wamloo Chmnich, WLOctow 27, 1976 - P393 " Includes Double 54" Box-Matt over five years. The Cambridge Ladies Industrial softbaiULeague received a grant to dis- burse some of the travel expense to an invitational meeting in Saginaw. Mich- igan held in August. - The team received the grant in September, ac- cording to Bob Kitzman. advisor to the executive. The Cambridge Touch Football League was to re- ceive footballs valued at $800 and $250 to assist with tournament entry fees and field markers. The Supersonics Soccer Club in Cambridge got a $250 grant and three soccer balls. They used the grant SCRIBE [300K swans 3.519939 Ibo Empty Ham: i',"',",',',',',','),',,",; - - - 3-2- - - - In he Inn! !'Ml',tft,t,t Tf'.., TfytMltteJ.Frttt -Heteavarisote-..7, Fully Human. Fully Alive -,rohitPourelll., Preowned a. Guaranteed ot-tOrd-Seth-Mer, VIM "no, WW - 576-72†Mot San-n, Km - 516-8210 [rEaREfiri5l to purchase 16 uniforms according to Eranie Bairos. president. Right now Wintario is thinking of developing a sports review committee so that people with more knowledge can act " an advisory board when giv- ing out grants to sports teams, Pat Duffy said. Sports teams can get grants for International and national meets. Grants for meets in Ontario have been cancelled for right Libraries are dealt with directly from Tortmto. The amount of their grants de. pends on the population basis, Mr. Duffy said. ' 219. tm. ASS ASS ASS