M'., "hidin tdurn ey this week , Page " - Marion Chronicte, Wednesday. October 13, 1976 Hundreds of 10-year-old hockey players from Can- ada, Texas. Chicago, De- trait and Boston are in Kit- chener-Waterloo this week SAVE 10%- Nfl Give us a call and doscuss your needs. We have experience to help you, COMCARE is people helping people. Amen you or someone dose to you requires nurtithg care. you want a professional and reliable nursing service. N noun SERVICE 743-0231 C(PMCAE‘E CAM PING Our staff ot Incensed nurses and home health ades are named to provde the care rout doctor orders And our people we madame on both an emergency and planned bases Complete Colllslon And Refinishing Service Reserve your season camping lot early. at COMpvehenswe Health CARE Senate: Sale: I†HAVE YOU CONSIDERED PROFESSIONAL _ T IN-HOME NURSING? for the K-W Oktoberfest Atom Hockey Tournament. The games began Mon- day evening and will con- tinue to Saturday. The Come out and choose your own site Saturdays or Sundays call SU NVALLEY BEACH only tt miles from Waterloo 634-8651 'flip can ANYTIME the be played Sunday at 2 pm. Thirty-two teams are participating in the tour- ney. " is a round robin event where each team plays a minimum of three Canadian teams within commuting distance of K-W will play early in the week with the American teams scheduled for Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday. Games will be played at Waterloo Arena. Don Mc- Laren Arena and A1rand River Arena. Evening games" during the week will sun " 6:30 p.m. 09 Saturday games will be played all day starting at 9 am. Games will begin Sunday at JI The admission prices have been set for $1 for adults, and 50 cents for students. Children under 12 are admitted for 25 cents. Proceeds from the tour- ney will go to the Waterloo Minor Hockey Association and the Kitchener Hockey Association. Sporisors are Bauer Skate and Tim ‘Hor- ton Donut. Mrs. Sue Wright of Union Gas Ltd. will provide the tips. Guest speaker for the luncheon is Ruth Pitt. former chaihnan of the To- ronto East Christian Worm en's Club. Music will be provided by mezzo soprano Masie Upton. Consumer tips on pack- ing a nutritious lunch will be the highlight of the Kit- chener-Waterloo Christian Women's Club 'luncheon Oct. 26 at Bingeman Park Ballroom. Women's club holds The meeting will begin at 1 pm. A free nursery Is available on location. Tick- ets priced at $3.75 including lunch are available by call- ing 885-3609 or 743-8798. meeting God wouldn't have given us lee! if he didn't mean lot as to use them. Walls. Water-7" “;ulk a MINI: Indm .5) will The Kitchener-Waterloo Council of Churches. in co- operation with the Global Community Centre. has announced that the Rev, Oktoberfest Retriever Field Trials were ttuttd Sunday at Laurel Creek Con- servation Area. Golden retrievers and Iabradors demonstrated field game retrieving. - Minister is guest speaker In Albion Wright will ad- dress a public meeting on Tuesday. October 26 at T:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's Anglican Church. Moore St. in Kitchener. Rev. Wright is a member of the Canadian Urban Training Centre in Toronto and the title of his address w ,rallttamttt1lltrhtt, Driving is a convenience that you should not be without ... so see us about lessons Our experienced instructors will teach you the safe easy way. Be Proud You Eli, Drive Correctly. Be A Dualified Driver In 3 Short Weeks Professtornal, Lscervsed and cenmea Instructors, with latest model. large or small cars fpf your convenience DRIVER 'I'lllllllli SCHOOL "5-4901 612 King St. East, Kitchener CAN (/5 NOW/IT I.-T-D 145-4901 is The World's Exploding Cities. This topic is expected to be of special interest to those involved in real es- tate, land development, city planning. the construe tion industry and trades, engineers and others work- ing in related fields.