,- 20 . tlrnEhtfrittet, w, 0am a, ma t PROPERTY FOR SALE CHURCH SERVICES , comm; EVENTS a. ANNOUNCEMENT) King Street, St. Jacobs ll :00 a.m. - WORSHIP SER- VICE (includes nursery) 10:00 am. .. SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for chil- dren, t e e n s, adults. couples. A friendly country church close to North Waterloo and Lakeshore Village. PASTOR: REV. GEO. A. MM, a resident of Lakeshore Village. Church 664-2311. Regidenceg85-0r25. _ SUNDAYS SUNDAY SCHOOL - i0:00 A.M. WORSHIP - 10:45 A.M. BOB HIBBARD. Evangelist DUPLEX - Main floor two bedrooms, bath, living room, large kitchen. Up- per floor. bedroom. bath, living room, kitchen. Completely carpeted. Large treed lot, Has to be seen to be appreciated, $43,900 or best offer. Phone 579-409l or 744-7234. M2) PRIVATE SALE - Forest Heights. Modem, spa- cious, two storey house, eight rooms, 2% baths, main floor family room, fireplace, patio doors. large enclosed lot on cres- cent. 866.900 Phone 578- am. my CANARY 1lhllTE0 CHURCH PRIVATE SALE - Three bedroom side split near Universities. large lot with mature trees. Ita baths, good student In- come No agents 884- 2641 MI) TRAILER IN Private park on ocean in Florida Keys, includes swimming pool, etc. 8100,00 weekly Phone 742-5745 (if) For Children Ages9 to 14. For Information PHONE 886-3355 Public School Rolling Hills Drive (Lakeshore Village) CHURCH SERVICES - For Further Information Phone 884-2875. 7B FLORIDA RENTALS N. A. MacEachem You Are Invited To Attend The Services of the Minimum " Words $1.25 Each Additional Word " PHoNEStMr.2tt30 . ART LESSONS Church of Christ 141t First. 87.500- 12h% First. 827.000 - 11 I4% First, $35.000 - 13% First. $i00,000 - 11%; Second. $75,000 - 16%" Second. $40,000 - 16% Second, $55,000 - 14%'3 Second. $70,000 - 14% Second. $100,000 - 13' ' Need a mortgage? Have a mortgage for sale? List it on the exchange to- day INVEST your savings today in good second mortgages. All types of properties [in- anced, short or long term. Amortized, interest only or no monthly payment mortgages. Call Fred Flutter 886-1000 We also have Promassory Notes for sale, In Increments of 57.000 at 14% for a one-year term 2 FINANCIAL “RVICES 9 APTS. FOR RENT Canada's Private Mortgage Centre (24 HOUR LINE) 35 King St. North Waterloo The Exchange requires representatives for branch offices throughout Ontario, Please call If interested 65 Westmount Road North, Waterloo Spacious Two Bedroom Apartment Homes Situated in Convenient Location close to universities the Westmount Place Shopping Centre, parkland and the Westmount golf Club MODELS OPEN FOR YOUR PERSONAL INSPECTION Westmount Towers Two Managed by Major Holdings and Developments Limited Ca11'378AU20 Members of l'rhan Development Institute MORTGAGES FOR SALE: Call 885- 1420 by appointment Minimum " Words $1.50 Each Additional Word .06: TEAKWOOD BUFFET With hutch. excellent condition. $225.00. Phone 5768500. Mit SET OF Snow tires. Hiway- Byway G 78-14. $35.00. Set of trailer tires and rims. 520 by IO, tubeless. 835.00. Snowmobile her. met 815.00. Phone 884- 2277. (41) Government Inspected. Order the best now. while price is low. Cut to your satisfaction. - " ARTICLES FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL AFGHAN For sale. ideal Christmas gift. Will babysit in my home (Lincoln Heisman. 885-6209. Ml: BOY'S SKATES - Bauer Junior Supremes. size pa. Bauer Velcro Spe- cial, size 2. Hockey pants size 30-32. Girls' coats (Little Nugget): moss green size r. fur trimmed tan imitation leather size 6X. Child's life preserver. 884-4913. t41t FOUR USED Truck tires. Size H -78/15. also one new tire on rim. same size. suitable for snow tires, best offer. 884-4893. (4h FOAM MATTRESSES And Box bases, quality construction. fire retard- ent, new singles $140.00 set, legs included. Ire- gularly 8180,00). Custom made mattresses and bases to fit any Size bed, Beam Mattress 743-32l9 (4'2) WASH LINE Posts and lines. large barbecue with oven on stand. Phone 885-3198. 141) FRENCH PROVINCIAL PORTABLE TELEVISION 19-lnch black/white with stand, Chrome table ex- tends to 48-inches Semi- sheer white curtain 75- inches wide by 45 long Beige curtains 108-mches wide by 63 long, Cream colored brocaded lined drapes 96-inches wide by 63 long 884-7914 (41) 4 H P, BRIGGS-STRATTON DRY WOOD SHAVINGS Sl55 per bag Phone 4l6-222-3222 MI, PHONE 634-8651 Sofa and chair. black white console television, 8-track tape deck, total $300.00 884-4487 eve- mngs Motor. new Phone 578- 0087 after 5:00 pm Mt' BEEF FOR YOUR FREEZER Iijifi Ml: (44» - Includes tour piece bed- room Iuite. two boudolr lamps, five piece kitchen suite with extension. large three teeter sofa and match- ing chair, two end tables. one coffee table, two living roomlamps. Sti49, Open A Farmer Jack Budget Account No 5 Down - No Payments Till Jan.-77 - Option Plan " AttTtCL" FOR SALE NEW AND "USED Office furniture and machines, filing cabinets, desks. chairs. typewriters, add- ing machines; reasonable prices. Lockhart Office Supply, 31 Weber North, 885-3460. it!) LEADING SWIMMING Pool manufacturer, must dispose of brand new 1975 above ground aluminum pools made to sell for $1890.00. Willing to close- out for $ll88.00, Full war- ranties in effect. Call collect anytime l-416-667- 1302, ttf l ROAD RUNNER Stop - Sale BOOK EXCHANGE FARMER JACKS ' 579-4140 212 King St. E. Kit. 10 - 10 Daily OKTOBERFEST DIRNDL Costumes, reasonable prices. adults Phone 886- 1852 MI I LEATHER NURSERY TREES At tree farm prices Austrian. Scotch and White Pine, also Spruce. Cedar and Maples 742-5745 (th THREE ROOMS i 0F uht0ftl00S NEW FURNITURE CEDAR PICKETS. Posts and poles. Cedar, pine and spruce lumber Bring us your plans and we wnll pre-cut. Let us quote you a price on chain link fenc- ing Farm For Enterprises 885-2277, t52) of used clothing and house- hold articles, ree pickup of unwanted items. 569 Lancaster West. Kitchen- er, "rem, Hours: 10:00 am - 9:00 pm. Saturday I000 - roo Hf) Any Pocket Novel 25¢ Western. Mystery, Harlequin 3/25e Comics Mt Open Daily 9 a.m. - 9 pm. Sat.&Sun,9-6 Sewn on jeans. snowsuils; ornamental. never wear out, Zippers replaced, Phone 885-2031. (42) 28 Regina St. North Waterloo BOX NUMBER‘ 31.00 Extra PATCH ES 1th " ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW-DEMO'S-USED ONE 0tttYr60AttAtlT0t 20" Color Port. TV $198. 3-Way Entertainment Centre B I: W 8128. 20" 100% " Sharp Color Picture 3356. 26" Color TN, Low-Boy Console 8645. 3-Way Stereo Component Systems as Low " 8129. Scratch a: Dent Speakers All Kinds - All Sizes $20. up Low-Boy Stereo . Consoles $128. up FOR RAWLEIGH PRO. DUCTS. Call 742-2438. (If: GRACE MILLXNERY - " PETS & SUPPLIES GRANDFATHER CLOCK Movements. dials and solid wood kits. Lowest prices in Ontario on most items. For free catalogue phone or write: Canadian Standing Clocks, 212 Wool- _ wich Street North, Kitch- ener iBridgeportr. 743- 3291. . ttit 15A HORSES BOARDED " ARTICLES WANTED DONATION OF" Used Books for book sale, being held October 22-23. Waterloo Square Phone 744-9319 or 885-4224, t42) HEALTHY YOUNG Barn cats, free to good home 744-90]? 1038 Hidden Val- ley Road, Kitchener Ml n BOX STALLS Near Water. loo. outdoor arena. rely able care or rent a stall Phone 885-1588 MM LEADING POOL Manu- facturer has 1975 above ground redwood type pools available. Willing to sacrifice at half-price Call collect anytime t41tis 667-1302. 4th OLD JEWELLERY, Pocket watches, postcards. old comic books; old pottery from Waterloo County. 743-6223. M l 579-4140 212 King St. E. Kit. 10 no Daily OPEN A FARM“ JACK BUDBET ACCOUNT ND ' DOWN . N0 PAYMEN‘I’S Tlll JAM-77 OPTION PLAN FARMERJACK'S . HOURS:. MONDAY --- FRIDAY 9-5 OVER 200 COLOR T.V. It STEREO SYSTEMS IN STOCK FOR INSTANT DELIVERY Bridal accessories, cus- tom made and stock hats. 50 Roslin South. Waterloo. Mrs. John Grace. (ti) COLOR T.V.s STEREUS 1 1 :00 mm. TUESDAY " CARS FOR 3ALE 1954 CHEVROLET. 43,000 miles, excellent condi- tion. all original. spare parts. drive away. Phone 576-4619. t4tt 1970 GLDSMOBILE DEL- TA 88, four-door hardtop. full power. tilt steering wheel. custom btrack tape deck, immaculate interior. excellent run- ning condition. 455 en- gine. Will certify. $975.00 Phone 576-3792 after tive, (41) 1973 DATSUN 510. one own- er. good condition. 59.000 miles. $1650 certified. Phone Bob 579-0810 or 808-4523. c tlt 1973 LEMANS SPORT Coupe, low mileage'. Ap- ply 155 Moore Avenue South. Waterloo. (41» 1971 VOLKSWAGEN Mini- Bus, seven seater: asking 81,700.00. Phone W. FLEET OF Three-ton trucks all makes. Fleet of van trailers, also fleet of flat- bed trailers, all makes. Murray Auto Parts Limit- ed, 490 Nash Road North, Hamilton. H416) 560- 0140. MI) VENTURE HARDTOP Made by Starcraft. new I975 bought m June 1976, used four times, 13-inch wheels. spare tire with cover, entry step, surge brakes. 20-pound propane tank. three-way refriger- atot t110 volt, 12 volt. propane', stove, furnace, clothes closet. lots of storage, swing-out kit- chen. Sleeps six. Retail $3679. Selling $2.500 firm, 884-9061 after 9:00 pm. (4it 17.TRUCKS FOR SALE " CAMPER-TRAILERS Recreational Vehicles. Hwy, 24. I mile south oi. 401. Cambridge. Galt, 623- 7670. Brand name products from Starcraft, Bellevue. Sun Kamper. Trillium. Bol. er, Vega, HT] Sales, Ser- vice. Parts and Accessories from people who care about you! Our method of fair pricing saves you money! Used hardtop campers. Mobile homes. 1971 Detroit- er, 12' x 601 2 or 3 BR, new vinyl kitchen floor, new LR shag, heavy duty washer and dryer. green stove and fridge. Bow window in LR, skirting, 86495 1969 Buddy, l2' It 60' 2 BR No hallway Eye level oven, All drapes, Beautiful panelling. Aluminum awning skirting, New LR 86595 We deliver Bechard. Chatham 0154 LEISURELAND (40) and shag. John L35+