3300 to take part in cross country run by Bell Regional news and ,trtr, tary all secxmdary school start-sis-ko-ion -eeateredtheBeuCi- everrunemooorromMms- dayto‘l'hnndaythiswegt Park no and we are hop- "mgtoreachAarttr'N.rs- day, said Jim Reid. public reutitmsmanagertorBetk Thamnopentoboth berrsandgiruages9to 14 years living within the Region of Waterioo. They will cm against a set mm» for each age , P, .. ' was! ' b . b ’ MAXI SWEATERS I70]! IIinrlllilRW6NllE gtgnourcRocHETAt-rrtNGCLASSandrou toomarct-stearmfrtctiistermmrtoas"urea maceascfaitiiee Open Daily 9:3ttto inâ€. Thursday' Friday to9 WESTHOIJNT WEAVERY ,rtstemnmtrtaeestto-gC-tm,Wateftto-Sh5456r0 Stove Hours Toes iWed 11 7, Thor, ' Fo 119,8at 10 6 CLOSED MONDAYS When you Weed power. lots of power to ttre up your loudspeakers With good music. an :ntegrated amphtter will gwe " to you As " bonus, there Is the extra versatility of separate c-nmponents Pioneer has long been known for Qualny Ht-ft equipment Punter Integrated amplifiers are among the finest available With low, low. dns- [mum 101 f T H I) I you will be assured the cleanest sound around Wesselmg Advanced Audio always has a fresh sup plr of Pumr amplifiers on hand. Just m raw you need iome power In a hurrv 98 Gun St S 7 " Queens Sq Inch": 742-695! Canton“: (ti) 65TN35 GD PIONEER "l8agllfMlll"" .dvonccd audio for school board omeiats, Alderman Grace 4, at " Fri, at each b catitnt involviug civic and oiks A Laurens: and Mayor Bob Kerr of Cam- bridge firing the ststrtiryr with Waterloo Major Herb Cambridge. The ' year olds ran Mon- year old: Tuesday: 11 and 12 year olds Wednesday and the 13 and 14 year olds at r.ar' pm. daily. Nine and ten year old students Em performing/ht at Cliurchill Park. f Each run starts officially the time standard for their age group In addition, the boy and girl at each loca- tion registering the fastest time tor their age group will receive a plaque. Mr. Francis Christensen general run chairman from Bell. said that our employ- Yoo-wheosoote- ooetehyoootakea . will? ees are keenly interésted in the run and 150 have volunteered to act as shalls â€gang?" got the a 2M.†_.6a' Wat-doc atmrthtM,ttf'r,