Lewis predicts land as election issue KITCHENER - Provincial New Democratic Party leader Stephen Lewis indi- and Wednesday that the land use of Northern the tario's timberland will be an issue in the next elec- tion. Mr. Lewis criticized the lack of social planning and reforestation in the north both in past years and pres- ently. "The pattern of the past 50 .years continues relentlessly.†"We've now reached a crisis of land resources in Northern Ontario," Mr. Lewis said. _ Terry LaPointe. (left). and Teresa Wong. (right). learned Friday how to extract honey from a honeycomb. The students have been studying bees and honey in their grade one and two class at Brighton public school. In Last fall's election, Mr. Lewis made political gains by criticizing the Con- servative govemmenCs land (Continued from page N West. Why did the Liberals leg- islate wage and price eon trols when they fought an election against them" This question brought it few embarrassed laiks from the ministers and Ml"s before Mr Andras admitted the dot-mum was “a very em- barrassmg and difficult reversal _ However, he sand the Liberals never complete- ly ruled out the possnbllny of having to Impose eon trols someday The Liberals still do not support the PC concept of an absolute freeze on wage and prices Mr Andras sand The ministers and MPs unanimously voiced their hello! that tho antr inflation program IS work mg Thov domed charges from the audience that the scheme IS biased against labor and does not control prices. "The very system was es- tablished so it had a bias in favor of labor," said Liberal caucus visits city use policy regarding sotath- ern Ontario‘s farmland. “The mismanagement we see in the south is com- pounded by the mismanage- ment we know in the north," hesaid. The entire province is Con- cerned about land use but the government “seems totally incapable of imple- menting that concern," he added. Mr. Lewis specifically criticized current secret government negotiations with a British firm over a timber licence for 16 mil- lion acres in Northern On- tario which would be the single largest licence in the province's history. The company. Mr. Lewis noted. has had a history Judd Buchanan. -The fact that real wag- es have Increased more than the consumer price EXPERT PAINTING _ JESSIIFS M w cleaners Waterloo Kitchener FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE PHON E 742-2834 Caulking Specialists Eavestroughs Replaced. Ontario th Duke Sts. of not respecting licence serve in southwestern Ort- regulations. tario. _ . "The crisis they dispute Pe negotiations. Mr. is upon them with ven- Lewis commented. are .. . geance. both offensive because of Mr Lewis s he at a Kit- Iand resource use and the ch . Po. I NDP arbitrary and secretive ener p "Wm". . . which th riding association meeting 3:33“? h. f, Id e nego- which nominated Cam Con- gls mg e . rad, _ a m-vear-old Kitch- Regarding southem On- tario's agriculture land. Mr. Lewis said the govern- ment's own figures indicat- ed the NDP had understat- ed their case that Ontario's farmland was going out of production at a perilous rate. According to Agriculture Minister William Newman. Mr. Lewis said. only a 1 per cent land reserve is avail- able as an agricultural re- index indicates that prlcos have been held down." said Ed Lumley. MP for Stormont-Cornwall. Waterloo Square Mr. Lewis spoke at a Kit- chener provincial NDP riding association meeting which nominated Cam Con- rad, _ a 38-year-old Kitch- ener teacher. as their nom- inee for the next election. Currently the riding is held by Liberal Jim Breithaupt. WW Mich, WM, who: 29, 1976 - Pap 3 "Come see our new Showro‘om Reupholstering - Repairs Draperies . Picture Frames Manufactured on prettlises Table and chairs ' for dinette: Sim l Set $4.50 mm. Cu ‘ a. lbw on, $7.00 ji?,':":,":, Style Cut a. Set $6.00 lain-ts sa.oo up VERY REASONABLE PRICES Iain-u sa.oo up I (Body. Medium or Cutly) CALL PAT on GEORGINA our. may use Moer.T â€Th .&F i, 743-7784 at“; " ACAmANUPH0LsrERYamHNTERK9R, kitchen chairs Coiffure Cottage m, BEAUTY SALON 440 PHILLIP ST. WATERLOO ONTARIO 88643302 We offer you guaranteed workmanship 18 years experience St Ellis Ca. s. It Ed: St.. Wat-rho PERM SPECIAL Beg. $20.00. low SI 5.00 Reg. $25.00. "tar SI 7." "GI- 330.0ll. Now $20.00