Regional chairman Jack Young and Waterloo Ah the new facilities of B-K Service Centre at the c part-owner of the new Volvo dealership looks on. in the Home Class Tues- day, September 28. . 1976 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at its headquarters 186 King St. S., Waterloo learner King and Allen Sts. ) This is an educational The KW Red Cross will commence its fall Health The St. Michael's Catholic Women's" League recently held their regular monthly meeting. Those present were informed that a member- ship drive had been com- pleted and there are now a total of 398 members. Other highlights of the meeting included the guest speaker. Susan Dietrich, the Dairy Princess for Waterloo County. Miss Dietrich spoke to the group about nutrition. giving special emphasis on school lunches and showing how they can be varied but still nutritious. FACILITIES: . Sauna . Whirlpool . Cold Dip Po 0 Now Fatrtprr CWL plans Oktoberfest party Red Crass course starts Sept. 28 Sauna 'tir, Whirlpool "'tiics?t:se, Cold Dip Pool New Excercise Equipment Room WATERLOO SQUARE 886-1940 886-2460 ESTABLISHED 29 YEARS FITNESS CENTRE LOOK BETTER FEEL BETTER Jack Young and Waterloo Alderman Marjorie Carroll cut the ribbon to officially open f B-K Service Centre at the corner of University and Regina Streets. Helmut Kassik. YOUR CHOICE: 0 YOGA CLASSES . BELLY DANCING CLASSES 0 EXCERCISETD MUSIC CLASSES on o excancnse AT YOUR ts own PACHN nun [G' BEAUTIFUL new course designed to provide instruction to all members of the family. Home care of the aged, helpless. moth- ers and babies are taught. Those enrolled have an opportunity to take part in discussions and gain confidence by practicing Peter Young and Lisa Dietrich. grade six gradu- ates from St. Michael's School. and Jennifer O'Reil- ly and Frank Auswald, stu- dents from Sir Edgar Bauer School, received the C.W.L. Award of Merit. The CWL plans were an Oktoberfest Wunderbar Dance for members of St, Michael's Parish and friends. It will be held on Saturday. October 16. Dancing will begin at 9 pm. and there will be lots of Oktoberfest food and EQUIPMENT ROOM beverages on hand. The cost is $550 per couple. _ nursing procedqres the guidance of a Regis» tered Nurse. The nurse teaches on a volunteer basis. C.W.L. members will as- sist and, take part in the "Better World Retreat," to be" held in the Parish from October 23 to October In addition. individuals acquire attitudes, know- ledge and skills which will promote healthful living in under the home and community. Regise The twelve week course nurse is open to anyone 18 years mteer and over. and has a regis- tration fee of $5.00. At the conclusion of the course the members re- ceive a certificate and a Red Cross medallion iden- tifying them as members of the Volunteer Service of the Red Cross. The classes will be con- ducted by Mrs. thlLAustin R.N.. graduate of Toronto East General Hospital, with seven years nursing experience. inease register by call- ing the Red Cross at 742- A FREE Jtrberttiit Chrmieh.m.m 22,1976 J“. 7 Smittys Coffee Qi"airGfsiiile" Gilt T:iiiiiiri, 'iiisthkiors licensed brthe Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications. l o Patient and Courteous Instructors for all ages -o Modern Dual Control Cars' 0 Free Pick-up - al WV oSame car availabie for,Drittintt Test Bti F}. oSpecial care for nervous beginners N FOR PROFESSIONAL DRIVER TRAINlNC CALI. ans-4m ' OPEN 9 a.m. (in " PM. illli CANADA DRrVllNGSCHtooll, 12 King St. North, Waterloo. Open: Tues. - Weti. 104b,c'Thtrr. - Fti. 1M, _ / Sit. 114. " - TIRE CANADIAN- CONNECTION "An Expose of the Matin in Canada" '9