l I . Linguist visited K-W; Pagn tt - Waterloo cmwmfwmm. Sopmhor ts. 1976 One of the worttrs most guists and literary scholars distinguished German lin, visited the Kitchener-Wa- Qirdtihikihiuk; and Rain; iiistructo,rs licensed by the Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communicatio'ns. 0 Patient and Courteous Instructors for all ages . Modern Dual Control Cars q Free Pick-up rawrr" oSame car available for Driving Test lial Iltrm, 0 Special care for nervous beginners MP. CANADA . DRIVINGSCHOOL Victoria and G rey Trust - Conn pany SIEFMIIE’S Trillion/ir,,'?,; FOR PROFESSIONAL DRIVER TRAINING all tttt6-4600 OPEN 9 mm. till " P.M. 57 King St. N. Waterloo 886-3960 Welcome Back announces the establishment of a BRANCH OFFICE 19 KING STREET EAST KITCHENER Sui - Cut & blow dry SEPTEMBER 23, 1976 WCYURMWGREY SPECIALS TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 S450 The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people at The visitor was Prof. Dr. Hugo Moser. Dr. Moser is a professor of German at the University of Bonn, and former president of that university. He is aiso'prestu dent of the Institute for Ger- man Language iu Mann. heim. and a member of the board of regents of the world-wide Goethe Society which has its headquarters inMunich. Prof. Maser came to the University of Waterloo af- ter giving an address to the American Association of Teachers of German, in Philadelphia. He was a guest of Dr. J.W. Dyck, a longtime acquaintance and professor in the University of Waterloo's Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures and of Dr. Manfred Richter. chairman of the depart- terloo community last week. Prof. Moser is world re- nowned both as a linguist and as a German litera- ture scholar, particularly medieval literature. He is the author of about 25 books including "The History of the German Language" which has for many years formed the main text tor a graduate course at Water- loo. Dr. Hugo Miner and his wife of Bonn. Germany visited the University of We- terloo campus last week. Dr. Maser is a distinguished German linguist. . __ " Photo by uw Control Photographic This was his first visit to Economy in present-day _ understand and appreciate Canada and hes appeared German," on the Waterloo your own language better. favorably impressed. / campus. He also talked In fact, it's been said that This was his first visit to Canada and hes appeared favorably impressed. / i “I‘ve enjoyed it very much and " like to come back and see more," he said. "The lifestyle here seems very close to the way we _West Germans live. Waterloo County provides a very beautiful environ- ment." During his three days in the community he gave a lecture entitled "Language Economy in present-day German," on the Waterloo campus. He also talked with a group of old order Mennonites at St. Jacobs. He visited Niagara Falls. and was invited to present a lecture in Toronto. Prof.- Maser was much impressed by the UW cam- "I had heard of Waterloo often," he said. "Of course I am aware of the program through which a number of UW students are currently studying in Mannheim. I find it most delightful to see your university." Prof. Maser discussed the state of the Git-man language at the p esent time. He said the concern of the Institute for German Language. in which he is very active, is currently very active, is currently to develop comparative and contrastive grammers of German and a variety of other languages includ- ing French. Spanish, Eng- lish and Japanese. These grammars will show dif- ferences in grammatical structure between German and the other languages. and also the similarities. They are extremely useful in promoting a knowledge of other languages in Ger- many and a knowledge of German elsewhere. "This kind of a gram- mar makes it easier to learn another language." he said. “You also come to FACILITIES: . Sauna 0 Whirlpool . Cold Dip Po . Now prprr‘ Sauna . r),",,, isi" Whirlpool ‘3}? Cold Dip Pool New Excercise Equipment Room FITNESS CENTRE WATERLOO SQUARE 886-1940 886-2460 ESTABLISHED 29 YEARS LOOK BETTER FEEL BETTER YOUR CHOICE: 0 YOGA CLASSES O BELLY DANCING CLASSES 0 EXCERCISE TO MUSIC CLASSES on o excenmse AT mun ?s own PACE m nun it' BEAUTIFUL new a EOUIPMENT ROOM the best way to iinprove your understanding of and appreciation for your own language is to learn an- other language." Prof. Maser says he thinks the German lan- guage is holding up nicely in terms of world popular- ity. It has become a very. important language in the iron curtain countries, he says. It is not unusual for people from -searious coun- tries in Eastern Europe, even though they are most- ly Slavs, to communicate inGerman. ' "German is second in importance to Russian there," he said. "Of course it has always been the lan- guage of science." Dr.. Maser has a hunch that one reason for the pop ularity of German in the Communist countries is because German was the language of Marx and Engels. "So it's become what one might almost call a 'sacred' language to the Communists, " he noted. He said there is some concern among Germans over the influx of English wdrds during the past decades. "This is also causing great concern in France where a great many Ameri- canisms have filtered into the language," he stated,