waterloo chronicle Waterloo Chromcle on.“ Page! - Waterloo Chrdnich, Wednesday, Soptrrmtmr tti, 1970 Ema: via tttq mall ontvonco boa can! We) 0v horn mo ammo: 2nd floor and you are there Not long ago that Canadians ing mistrust of during thé re< during thé recen' illegal strike over air space. The Prime Minister, we suggest, should be commended for the moderation of his language. That issue - bilingualism - has brought to the surface more open ignorance and bigotry than anything in recent memory. English-speaking Canadians at best seem neutral to a policy - in fact a law under the Official Languages Act - that may very well be the cement that can keep this nation uni- fied. fied. r In the midst of the back-tb-school hubbub I hope Bilingualism in Canada does not mean that you will take a few minutes to consider the pro- the residents of Come By Chance or Burnaby posed Regional Headquarters. The Waterloo will have to speak French. Some will and do County Board of Education will behaving its pre- and their children are thankfully getting a liminary discussion with regard to that matter chance to learn French at school so that some this Thursday (September 16) at8p.m. Justto jog day, hopefully, most Canadians will be able to your memory, the meetings are held on the ninth speak the two official languages of Canada. floor of Corporation Square, at the comer of Duke But bilingualism is not being forced down and Ontario Streets, Kitchener. But bilingualism is not being forced down anyone's throat. All that is happening is that both English and French-speaking Canadians are being put in the position of being able to deal with the federal government - and some provincial governments - in "the official lan- guage of their choice. f ' This means that a Considerable number of civil servants must learn a second language. Even that modest aim will take a number of years to achieve but it is a small price to pay for Canadian unity. No doubt some of the bilingualism programs in Canada have not worked or have been im- plemented in a bungling bureaucratic fashion but that must not be the central issue. The is- sue for English-speaking Canadians is simple - do we support bilingualism as a national policy and are we prepared to support it as a way to broaden. our nation's unity and to support those people in Quebec who are fighting separatism? Bilingualism... The Anti-Inflation Program ... Immigration policy... Unemployment . .. If you have quezt'iyns. or concerns about these issues, or any oth federarissue, then you have an opportunity to make yourself heard next Wed- nesday. It is time for the many kngEsh-ipeaking Ca- nadians who support unity to speak out on the issue of bilingualism and not allow the bigots to monopolize air time and letters-to-the-editor. Six members of the Ontario Liberal Caucus of the House Of Commons will be spending Wednes- day, September 22, in Waterloo Region meeting the public. listening to concerns and answering questions. A town hall meeting is being held next Wednes- day evening from 8 to 10in Ballrooms A and B of the Waterloo Motor Inn, 475 King Street North. This meeting is open to the public and admission is free. The format will be questions from the floor, and answers from the caucus members. Ltberall Part, Line In attendance will be Hon. Judd Buchanan, Bilingualism ago, Prime Min; ins still have a of bilingualism recent air cont y over the use of us located on 2nd "oo' of Wat-n00 with“ every “leaned-y try Funny Press. a (“vim of Kitctteoer-WateNoo Record Ltd. . owner. as Fairway Rd. S _ Kitchener. Ont address correspondence to Waterloo arm, Waterloo Square, Waterloo. Ihtt . telephone cum . Publisher James M Boland Edllof Mary Stupan subscriptions $10 a year in Canada. 812 a year in United States and Foreign Countries m the Longhorn Mums“ macaw 0990;". the foyer Mud- mo T D Bank 1m tho otootor.to me as Minister Trudeau said ave a deep and underly- alism. He was speaking r controllers and pilots use of ‘French in Quebec Sonar. . Off-o. towel established IBM s is simple - My first objection is based on the proposed lo- ational policy cation. It seems to me that government is becom- t as a way to ing increasingly inaccessible to the public. By support those moving its headquarters approximately equidis- eparatism? tant from all populated areas, the Regional "peaking Ca- offices would be in the "hinterland" of our county. ak out on the The equality would seem to be that the new loca- ow the bigots tion would be equally awkward for all of us to o-the-editor. reach! ' - United Church I am not suggesting that we should not con- The proposal is that all three major regional bodies - the Public and Separate School Boards and the Regional Council - be housed in the K-Mart Plaza, on Highway 8, between Kitchener and Cambridge. The 'estimated total cost is $5 million - although we are assured that it will be of no cost to the local tax-payers because of possi- ble sales of Region-owned property. I voiced my reservations about the proposal at the meeting that the Régional Chairman, Mr. Young, attended to present the proposal to the Board. I must admit that I haven't firmly made up my mind but I am, initially, biased against it for a number of reasons. Mr. Cullen and Mr. Lumley will address the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce at noon. Other meetings are also planned with other groups. Other events have been planned for earlier in the day. In the morning from 10 to ll, Hon. Judd Buchanan and Joe Flynn will be guests on Dan Fisher's open line program on CKKW. Mr. Andras will speak to a joint meeting of the Kit- chener. and Waterloo Chambers of Commerce at noon, and students at Wilfrid Laurier University in the afternoon. , tiii/cf.)? _ _iidf, = I _ __ [ri'j" x 'iiiiiiiflli'i,i'iii"i'i1"'5"""u , autumn l ' 'la""".', ' ' E (i.", _) I minister of Indian and Northern Affairs: Hon. It is hoped that members of the public will tal Bud Cullen, minister of National Revenue; Hon. advantage of this opportunity to express the Robert Andras, minister of Manpower and Immi- concerns about federal Pohcy and programmes. gration: MP Ed Lumley (Stormont). chairman . . of the Ontario Liberal Caucus; MP Jim Fleming The 1vtter)orfam.rrid.ge, Federal Liberal A ( York West); and MP Joe Flynn (Kitchener). sociation is holding_its sixth annual phtoberfe This meeting is the first in a series which the "Travelling Caucus" will be holding across On- tario. al...WWE tthl READ “IE PAPER ALREAD‘I DEAR? Hon. It is hoped that members of the public will take Hon. advantage of this opportynity t.o express their by Bob Ernest, President, Waterloo Wellington District Liberal Association sider having the offices closer to Cambridge. What I am saying is that Regional council should consider moving to apopulated area. The lack of public transport can be rectified, I know. How- ever, Kitchener and Waterloo have had to under- go some severe public transportation cuts in this past year. These two facts do not seem to make The next two considerations are more reser- vations than firm objections. They involve space and time. The school board has definite and ex- panding space-needs. There are now consider- able space pressures on the three floors we occupy in Corporation Square. Waterloo County's school population is one of the few increasing ones in Canada. I cannot foresee our needs dimin- ishing. To house the board inless space with fewer committee rooms seems folly to me - and that is what the proposal seems to suggest. Further, if one can extrapolate from others' mistakes, it seems that when head offices are placed away from populated areas, duplication is a major time-waster, by mere dint of having to provide "branch" offices. (1 use as my reference the glaring example of the new capital of Brazil, Brasilia. Despite Brasilia 's bureaucratic impor- tance, Rio de Janeiro, duplicates most govern- ment transactions. And I hope I'm not accused of ideas of grandeur for using that example! ! l Economic restraint is a fact of life. It seems a poor time for us to erect or refurbish monuments to our society's edifice complex! Within walking (Continued on page 5) The Waterloo-Cambridge Federal Liberal As- sociation is holding its sixth annual Oktoberfest Dance Wednesday, October 13, from T30 p.m. to l a.m. at the RCAF 404 Wing Hall, 510 Dutton Drive, Waterloo. The band for the evening is the popular Fritz and The Rheinlanders from Ontario Place. Tickets at $3.50 per person may be obtain- ed from Mrs. Beverly Folliott, 37 Kingsley Cres- cent, Wa terloo, 744-8574. One of the highlights of the Oktoberfest cele- brations will be a special dance with The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra Thursday, October 14, at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. The evening begins at 5-30 with the Mike Bergauer Orchestra 22Mâ€; Submitted by Lynne Woolstencroft Waterloo County Board of Education Trustee (Continued on paw 8) rig im2em