Bob Smith, the prosecut- ing attorney for the case, told Judge Renaud how the couple had by-passed the city at a very high speed and had shown no intentions of stopping in Kitchener to visit the C.0.E. Jack Middlemass de- fence attorney, blamed Gib In the court room, lo- cated pool side at the Valhalla Inn in Kitchener, the couple faced Judge Bill Renaud, also known as the chairman of the visitor convention committee. COE “arrests 'r Michigan visitors . BY Terry James White. secretary treasur The surprised couple was taken to the Holiday Inn where they were allowed to freshen up before appearing in court to face the charge of attempting to by-pass Kitchener during the Cen- tral Ontario Exhibition. "You are under arrest," he told the two frightened occupants. Mr. and Mrs. Alun Bevan of Arbor Springs, Michigan, found themselves being summoned to spend the next 24 hours in Kitchener as guests of the Central Ontario Exhibition and the visitors bureau. "Lethr get this one." said Constable Tighe to his ac- complice. _ With the red light flashing, Constable Tighe pulled the sttspect's car over to the side of the road. son and Harold Tighe were patrolling Highway 401 just outside the Kitchener city limits when they spotted a car bearing Michigan li- cectplates. - On August M at 2:30 p.m.. Ontario Provincial Police TOPIC LET'S TALK BIBLE JOIN HIM EVERY SECOND WEEK ON......... GRIND RIVER CABLE "-12 This Week Wednesday, September 8th A NEW " PROGRAM WITH ANSWERS FOR vou REPEATED THURSDAYS from 6 to 7 P.M. WEDNES0AYS- From 10 to 11 P.M. Open Line Style, Phone 579-1212 HOW ii] IIIIIILE TROUBLE What the judge's gavel struck, the court room was silent with the exception of a few giggles. Judge Renaud called Mr. and Mrs. Bevan to the front. Looking over his sunglasses he told them he found them guilty " charged. Their sentence re- quired them to have dinner at the Valhalla later in the evening, compliments of the hotel. After this they we're required . to attend the opening ceremonies of the exhibition where they received gifts from the Kitchener and Waterloo chambers of commerce. A brief tour of the fair fol- lowed the ceremonies. When questioned at a press reception as to wheth- er the Bevans had ever heard of Kitchener-Water- loo, Mr. Bevan said he didn't think they had but everybody in Arbor Springs would know about the city when he got back home. On September 1, they were required to eat break- fast at the Holiday Inn and then proceeded to the Far- mer's Market. At 11:30 am. they were served lunch at the Walper Hotel and around 1:00 they were guests on the Betty Thomp- son television show. After another brief tour of the fair, the couple had almost served their sen- tence. With a full tank of gas, courtesy of Goodyear Gulf Service, they were set free. White, secreiary treasur- er of the C.0.E. for not ad. vertising the fair in Arbor Springs Michigan and beg- ged the Judge to give his cli- ents a light- sentence. PASTOR JOHN SIM!!! YOUR HOST Bob Smith (right) acting as prosecuting attorney. questioned Alun Bevan of Arbor Springs Michigan. during a mock trial at the Valhalla Inn in Kitchener Aug. 31. Mr. Bevan and his wife were arrested and summoned to be guests in Kitchener for a 24 hour period. The Central Ontario Exhibition and the visitor's bureau were their hosts. Wamloo Chronicle, Wednesday, Samantha 8, 1976 - Page 7 I ARVSW RENTAL I q Patient and Courteous Instructors for all ages q Modern Dual Control Cars . Free Pick-up BIN 0 Same car available for Driving Test at, . o Special care for nervous beginners so: noressmmu DRIVER FRAMING CALL ass-4m OPEN 9 a.ln. till " PM. QEilihiirfhiiile- and 'FetTléié iTistFaiors licensed by the Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications. Student 1lll Rentals At' CANADA - I. DRIVINGSCHOOL 262 Mill St.. Kitchener Hours Mon-Fri. 8:30 - 6:30 745-2944 “Specializing in cal-pus "nuts"