CHURCH SERVICES King Street. St. Jacobs ll :00 am. - WORSHIP SER- VICE (includes nursery I 10:00 am. - SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for chil- dren. t e e n s, adults, couples A friendly country church close to North Waterloo and Lakeshore Village. PASTOR: REV. GEO. A. SIM, a resident of Lakeshore Village. Church 664-2311. Residence 885-0725. 4 PROPERTY FOR SALE CALVARY " UNITED CHURCH PRIVATE SALE - Forest Heights. Modern, spac- ious. two storey home. eight rooms. 21a baths, main floor family room. fireplace, patio doors. large enclosed lot on cres- cent, extras December possession, $66,900 578- 2772, t38t 1 COMING EVENTS th ANNOUNCEMENTS Or mail them to our office located on the Second Floor Waterloo Square. SUNDAYS SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:00 AM. WORSHIP - 10:45 A.M. BOB HIBBARD. Evangelist 7A OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE Store or office spam» amiable for doc- tor's offices. In attractive modern building. m down- tnvm Waterloo Three sections H300. 1.500 and 2.279 square feet Electric heat Call 8M-2200, (38) To submit short news notic- es of upcoming events to The Chronicle. tfree of charge). For details Call: All Clubs. Churches, Schools and Organizations . in Waterloo ' For Further Information Phone 884-2875. Public School _ Rolling Hills Drive (Lakeshore Village) CHURCH SERVICES - Church of Christ N. A. MacEachern ARE INVITED AVAILABLE You Are Invited To Attend The Services of the HOUSEHOLDERS RATE Minimum 15 Words $125 Each Additional Word 5e PHONE 886-2830 WATERLOO CHRONICLE 886-2830 DID YOU KNOW? First $160,000 - 13%% First $70,000 - 12%% Second $35,000 - 17%% Second $75,000 - l7 l/2% Second $50,000 - 16% Second $100,000 - 17%% Need a mortgage? Have a mortgage for sale? List it on the exchange today 2 FINANCIAL SERVICES % i APTS. FOR RENT We also have Promissory Notes for sale, in increments _ of $1,000 at 14% for a one-year term. INVEST your savings today in good second mortgages. All types of properties fin- anced, short or long term. Amortized, interest only or no monthly payment mortgages. Caniada's Private Mortgage I Centre " ARTICLES FOR SALE LARGE CHESTERFIELD in good condition. reason- able. burgundy color. Phone 578-5243. l 36 y GRACE MILLINERY - Bridal accessories. cus- tom made and stock hats. 50 Roslin South, Waterloo. Mrs, John Grace. ttft 35 King St. North Waterloo " 0 ELECTRK‘ Train LADWS THREE-Speed Bi- cycle with child's seat. nearly new Phone 884- 5613 437a RADIO SHACK Cohnear 5 8 wave C B base station antenna: with ten-foot mast and chimney bracket. $25 00 Phone 578-0087 (37) NURSERY TREES At tree farm prices. Austrian. Scotch and White Pine. also Spruce, Cedar and Maples 742-574.5, ttf) PIANO - UPRIGHT. Good tone. fully tuned and re- conditioned. nice new bench. good ivories. $385.00 includes moving. The Piano Shop. 100 Park Street. Kitchener. 885-1725. cm The Exchange requires representatives for branch offices throughout Ontario. Please call if interested sols Hossingal skis 180 cm Ski boots Size 8, used onv season Hockey skates Sizes 3. S Dolls 884-369.5 MO) Call Fred 'Hutter 886- 1 000 (24 HOUR LINE) VVATERLDB MORTGAGE EXCHANGE MORTGAGES FOR SALE: ErNrTyroT0 tEE ' !.!\\E l EA; a Minimum 15 Words $1.50 Each Additional Word .otie 65 Westmount Road North. Waterloo Spacious Situated in Convenient Location close to universities the Westmount Place Shopping Centre. parkland . and the Westmount golf Club WALNUT BEDROOM Suite by Kaufman: double bed, bookcase headboard, two night .tables, double dresser and mirror. Phone 885-5235. _ (36) BOOK EXCHANGE " ARTICLES FOR SALE SWIMMING POOL Covers by Polytarp. 16 by 32 cover $110.75. 20 by 10, $160.00. All sizes available includ- ing above ground. Aqua Marine, 300 Westmount Road East, Kitchener. 578-1152. t38) WASHER AND DRYER In excellent condition. two years old. Phone 884-5854. cm VELVET DRAPES - Seven feet long. avocado, pinch heading. $40.00. Bed- spread and drapes (38- inches long) $6.00. Polar- oid Land Camera $5.00. Lady's beige winter coat, blond mink collar. size 18, $10.00. All items in good condition. Phone 885- 6046. cm TOMATOES - BY The bushel or basket Closed Sunday. Call Ralph Bean 656-2965. ttfr Two BEDROOM Apartment Homes Opennally9am -9pm Sat &Sun 9-6 Any Pocket Novel 25¢ Western, Mystery, Harlequin 3/25c Comics .106 Westmount Towers Two MODELS OPEN FOR YOUR PERSONAL INSPECTION Managed by Major Holdings and Developments Limited Call 578-8120 Members of Urban Development Institute Call 885-1420 28 Regina St North Waterloo by appointment Ill) um " ARTICLES FOR SALE " ARTICLES FOR SALE " ARTICLES FOR SALE SPECIAL SALE - New sin- gle foam mattresses and box bases, quality con- struction, fire retardent, legs included, $140.00 set, (regularly $180.00). Also . custom made mattresses and bases to fit any size bed. Beam Mattress 743- 3219. (37) MAHOGANY TRIPLE Dres- ser with large mirror, like new, original price NEW AND USED Office furniture and machines, filing cabinets, desss, chairs, typewriters, add- ing machines; reasonable prices. Lockhart Office Supply, 31 Weber North, 885-3460. , (tn Clearance New - Demos One of a Kinds All Slashed To Clear Now. Full to the floor models. As low as 144. No ' Down No Payments till Nov/76 option. $300.00. askirig- $150.00 firm. 579-4208. (37) CONDOMINIUMS Farmer Jacks 579-4140 212 King St. lil IO-io Daily STEREO CONSOLES Condominium towne homes from $34,950. Down Payments from $1,752. By Vintage Homes. Keats Way, Waterloo (Beechwood South). Come and see for yourself. Model Home open for your inspection, Tuesday-Friday 2-8 p.m., Satorday and Sunday 1-5 p.m. or call Harry Moore 885-0828. Wiebe Realty Ltd., Exclusive Sales Agents. 50 Westmount Rd. N., Waterloo. 744-6311 Worth waiting for! BOX NUMBERS $1.00 Extra WmIoo Chronicle. WM, 80pm 8, 1076 - Pap m FOR . RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTS. Call 742-2438. at) GRANDFATHER CLOCK Movements. dials and solid wood kits. Lowest prices in Ontario on most items. For free catalogue phone or write: Canadian Standing Clocks. 272 Wool- wich Street North. Kitch- ener (Bridgeportl. 743- 3291. (til Clearance New - Demos One-of-a kinds tuners, re- ceivers. turntables, tape decks, speakers. All slashed to clear now. Put a package together as low as 133. No ' Down No Payments till Nov. option plan. CEDAR PICKETS, Posts and poles. Cedar, pine and spruce lumber. Bring us your plans and we will pre-cut. Let us quote you a price on chain link fenc- ing. Farm For Enterprises 885-2277. (52: CONDOMINIUMS STEREO COMPONENTS HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY 9-5 Farmer Jacks 579-4140 212 King St. E. 10-10 Daily 11 :00 a.m. TUESDAY SWIMMING POOL ' SAC.. RIFICE: Leading Manu- facturer and distributor. has above ground alumi- num pools left over from 1975 season. 1/2 price. I guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect. Missis- sauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. ROAD RUNNER Shot!) - Sale of used clothingan house'- hold articles. ree pickup of unwanted items. 569 Lancaster West, Kitchen- er, 743-6971. Hours:_10:00 am. - 9:00 p.m.. Saturday 10:00 - 5:00. (ti) SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe. Redwood, above ground pool. 16 x M. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice lt price. Call Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, '416-625a819. (39) COME SEE Us, at Water- loo Farmers' Market, for fresh sweet corn. toma- toes, cucumbers. squash, peaches and plums. Sat- urdays 7 a.m. to l p.m., Wednesdays 3 pm. to 9 pan. Ralph Bean, 656- 2965. ttf) CONDOMINIUMS