Page 12 " Waterloo Chronicle. Wednesday. September 8, 1976, itt21 KING WEST. Saturday, Sept. 11th 1976, 10 am. Illi12-KtlfTtl.' FllNERAl. ttttlt ' (“MPH 'ri'FN Convenient Parking, entering Wellington or King Street ï¬â€˜ ,jtl, Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre - 9 Princess E. Waterloo Information 744-3229 Childrens Theatre Registration Parkdale Plaza Albert at Hazel open 7 days a week 884-3860 PARKDALE PHARMACY ' KITCHEN ER --745-9495 KEITH RUPPENTHAL La Leche Lrague meets La Leche (Larchay) League is a mm-profit or- sanitation dedicated to the art of good mothering through breastfeeding. Nurses, pregnant women, mothers and babies are welcome to attend meetings free of charge, The next, meeting will be held at 42 Heins Avenue. Kitchener. This is near the Victoria Park area. The meeting will be held Tues- day, September 28, begin- ning at 8:00 pan. The topic will be "the advantages of breastfeeding to mother and baby." The public is welcome to call a La Leche leader at any time for information about breastfeeding or help with a non-medical nursing problem or just to talk with another nursing mother Auan library is available and books and baby car- riers are also for sale. ROSS énUBAcman Service worthy of your confidence - a tradition since I925. Lynn Grant concentrates on making a paper puppet. She is participating in a class at St. John's Lutheran Church Bible School on Willow Street in Water- loo. The part-time studies of- fice at the University of Waterloo will remain open week-day evenings until seven pm. in early Septem- ber. Let's talk T about our new boss. Paul McCusker's his name. And he's just been appointed at the Bank of "Montreal at Lakeshore Village. We like him. And we know you will, too. So why not drop by and let us introduce you. The First Canadian Bank Bank of Montreal office open at night Bank of Montreal. Lakeshore Village Br, 554 Weber St. N. Waterloo. Ont. Paul McCusker, MGR The part-time studies of- fice is located on the second floor of Needles Hall at UW. It will be open to pro- vide information and pro- cess registrations until The Women's Committee of the K-W Symphony Or- chestra has announced that calendars" for the orches- tra's 1976-77 performances Symphony calendars ' €32 seven pm. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Sept. 7 to 9. and Monday through Thursday the following week. Sept. 13 to16. are now available They will be distributed by some local clubs or may be obtained by phoning. 885- 6437. . It's dMIcuIt to beheve. but fall IS almost upon us. and vt's hme to thunk about planting Dutch Flower Bulbs and fertttmng your lawn wnh Wintenzer Ontano Seed Will have a huge display of Dutch Flow» er Bulbs for fall planting that Will give you pleasure next spying For indoor gardeners Ontaoo Seed has a complete lune of souls, fertilizers and msecuccdes to help make your plants healthy September IS the tune to apply Wmtenzer or Winter net-Weed and Feed to your lawn to protect It during the cold months ahead Guve some thought to your home and garden. then come and see us We can make your Me happier ONTARIO SEED CO., LTD. 16 Kung St S Waterloo Ont . Can Tel 15191 886 2990 N2J 329 ONTARIO SEED SEPTEMBER at