"Auto-tte-oct-sa..---,.-. 1m V‘ Watedoo EXPERT PAINTING Kitchener Ontario & Duke Sts. 'SWIIIIIG CLASSES _ MtmWtmttMretRAu.MEtt allmuumzm "ttlMaq0tLtlttllt,lltttlBtel- email.“ ==rf Many sues and colors. fine quality. Also side, wallx slabs. curbs. steps. interlocking pavers. planters. red tile chaps tor driveways. etc also a complete hoe of fireplace bunldmg matenals mcludng the Belifere System -FLAGSTONE -WALLSTONE -ROCKERY 60 Schaefer St.. Waterloo tum right on Webov one Nod: "orth of King iEEEEiiil municipal mn cusses SIM]. (1535 ll“! MIMI mama Ill) SMOKE FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE - Caulking Specialists - Eavostroughs Replaced. KITCI'IENER PHON E 742-2834 LANDSCAPING and BUILDING STONE MMMSMPHO. PATIO SLABS all kinds including LEDGERROCK ASHLAR SPLIT FIELDSTONE Waterlpo Square mee'95prqgramaaattaras Mfume“ mbmihhl. aquatic-tad minim â€W16" trr-tyet-ttth"- an d Btbeati-. ht madeit-iMet-itpthe Mar-da-aries- Wink-nah: didn‘t-w Item-Um are-edhrreede*ir dregtiqttothWiiera" eqtti.gtentarithasarattht= desigmqarademqBMedh!r theeitrofrrit_ In Bnsee,adransa-tttrtAe city,desigraedthe-fteir thmtCthMeRarimtrsar student at Wilfril l-h cmarsatBrrithaqtParh. When the plans were he andwxtr*tteganemhtr5- suchahighscale thaehatfMthemaeriaI eqri-stthashe-dmat- Watch». Beta: the - thepIojecL Lasts-inner ing madefor Samantha-Rb: â€.808th mmeuychys'. The day's rm bug'- thetmi-esMsthMtahe 'Ktereyxmtise.mostefit isNstemtssidermreitfs limits. Playground revamped by students Dartcahhre11,astr+rt “thud†1121165:th Ehmarh R. (llkmit oeriktiomgshess, whenymcanlaliovcr.mln Asamemheruthet9FSA- , bmmdbythe m3¢m1lndc orF.thicsuPtactioes-Nmra-a-xtd onlylhe lighedin p.xdesrsirm_daeds whrtnrrdmthr.ede-irh- ohastmimredmisimrs .mm 1 Milo-cut. 171 [in St. S ’3 lots to do this weekend aeta.AMarMtheeereit- i-satartatl:ttttPM. whet-forth: "-lsyeareHtr-, but Wsatets.eetatnr-t! It an as placed-I the 'mrtheethirlfims"hrrtter toMim.st'easmemrtand “at ,1. favourite 'ks-Hier:'-.'""-""'-""'-"-"'-'".---- odhrahatMimi-o6Edaetattioet. " Minna-naming- pleated and the swan-ts issattrrtsietimett- 'he*egaeeyettotteemrt- hqteeverythingwi1ittefin- ieetisoeereioa-tW. GamdCMtNtritrqrhsooat.iatceofpurgrmmdoqtai-rtatthittrDmstm I and. or, 'oat-at-in' Amino" (we! clifle Patt in Carlisle (near Hamilton) on Au- gust a and 8. It's an open (mfin prim. Also featur- ed will be 100mm and It's getting to be that time of year for melt-in- your-mouth com-mr-the- cob. There will be plenty 1otsofsqaaredaneintr. out the village. you'll be able to see the entire vil- lage come alive with con- tinuous displays, dam Saturday and Sunday. So, annealongandindulgein somecornandotherpio neerrefreshmeutsAnorst ral corn festival. Besides themainfeatmeuq:nm boiringinhetMesthrmqrb- /"" .." {xv - "$35“ I: ts ‘ ---" Cf UVVL 'Q P\’:&/’ “K 7.4, CC at thart- at "TE-p To See all! Do" in Pain] My at (416) 63-1031 or write to Festival UrioLTR IMI, PhCagrm.MYqtMaraet fur ptaeethrmqibnrttheyear. llama. strm1arahtmaaaeq"ttraMe after-Witte-isa-tee for-rmcStarti-at 2:3 stammertte-toviaitmt AItthisamtgmteeaeiBtte tahiqgpueethisweeheod