Optimists will . receive charter Optimist Club will receive its official charter Septem- berlOat Cedargrove Lodge. Residents oi mediate Village are cordially in- vited to participate in this club. They may do so by Coe'- tacting Joe Doucette. vice- president at 884-7622 or John Huehn. director of com- munity services at 884-338. Any residents of Lake- shore Village who wit to see a community project begun in the village should call one of these individuals with their ideas. 24 LAUREL ST. WATERLOO - “who Chmnidc. WM, August ttt. 1976 Taro makes lawn clean up easy wuth a leaf blower Toro Vac/ Blower ,, g ..d .- - 0 T position height adjustment ., L A ,-- MtllMii . 5H.P. engine . '" ' " O Semi pneumatic tires " I 5,", I x - lla " Illl . Easy rotating housing " Illt lllllllllttllNI O 3-point suspension 1lliMlllltl 'lllll!l Ci with swivel caste? - - a". O 30" vacuum head Tickets for the September 10 charter meeting can be obtained by calling Dale Kurt at886-MM. pursue any worthwhile pro- Jeet concerning the youth of our community. M stttt- gwions will be anxiously crmsidered," said E. Hunt, president of the club. The next regularly sched- uled meeting of the club will be August 23 at the Transyl- vania Club. 16 Andrew St.. Kitchener. The meeting starts at T: 15 p.m. Lloyd Schmitt SERVICE TO ALL MAKES EtllllPME0 886-3310 Kathy Banks. left and Cathy Orhle. watch their tennis instructor. Yvonne Peueck as she demonstrates the proper hand hold on the racket. They are participating in a junior development tennis program which is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Recreation Experience '76 program grant. Thtprogram will end on August 27. GRCA reCeives grant An Ontario grant of $25,- ooo has been awarded to the Grand River Conservation Authority. Natural Re- sources Minister Leo Bern- ier announced August 6. Gauging, recording and two-way radio equipment DATIO sk/os MANY SIZES & COLOURS. AND SIDEWALK ws""""))?]?]? STARBURST PATIO SLABS producers of will be purchased with the grant. A re-organization of the office is also planned to allow for additional water control staff. Flood warning systems will be improved by staff increases and equipment purchases, as recommended CONCRETE STEPS & PORCHES NATURAL STONE PRODUCTS 60 SCH AEFER STREET WATERLOO PHONEA8784:0860 for patios INTERLOCKING PAVING STONES with or without iron railings ledge - rock llagstono rockery stung coursing - boulders wallstone - planters - sills red tile chips for driveways many designs and colours turn right of iGitiir one block north of King 'e walks. driveways by The Leach Report. which resulted from a Royal Com: mission formed to investi- gate the causes of a flood on the Grand River in May, 1974. _ Total estimated cost of the project-is $50,000. safe and economical