Students compile information about Waterloo Region Page 12 . Wmloo Chronicle, Wednesday, August 18, 1976 On June a. seven local students got together and transformed one psf their homes at 95 Milford Ave. in Waterloo into an office. When they had established their headquarters, they divided into two groups of researchers and one photo- grapher and started an in- tensified study of Kitch- ener-Waterloo and the sur- rounding area. Lynn Hofstetter. a second year student at University of Waterloo; Edith Gubler, a grade 12 student at Wa- terloo Collegiate Institute; Brenda Evans, a second year student at Wilfrid Laur- New Open Man. Thm Sat. 1 an. - 7 pm. Sunday 7 am. _ I pm We bake Ftench sticks. Italian crusty Buns. Submarines emu etc. Buy Our product and taste the difference quality makes. F By Terry James 1’ cv-s-reg'.'.'-'-"??'; IV l, 'iii'i"i,'it,'iih" s.) a. is N- ir-uc:,.,.,-.-.:,,-:":--::---,"'-)-?"--"??" lo SATUE‘DA" 50 Westmount Rd N westmount place pharmacy 578-8800 Complete Collision And Refinishing Service westmount place pharmacy? OPEN . . . 7 DAYS A WEEK We honor ,F. DV.A.. Blue Cross, Green Shield and Welfare Drug Plans. By the way we deliver. ier University; Sharon Koegler. a first year tttte dent at Conestoga College; Lois Edwards. a first year student at University of Waterloo; Laura Allan, a grade 11 student at East- wood Collegiate Institute; and Lyle Waito. a grade 12 student at Eastwood Col- legiate Institute, were work- ing on a local studies pro- ject. The project was one of the many Experience '76 programs operating in the city during the summer months. It is being spon- sored by the ministry of education. 9\10 'rrA SUNDAVS The project began last year. Lynn Hofstetter work- ed on it then. This year she was in charge of the group. "We added to some of the information that was start- ed last year and we looked at a few different areas," she said. The project originated when six geography teach- ers submitted the idea to the Waterloo County Board of Education. The teach- ers felt that there was a need to gather research on the Kitchener-Waterloo area and compile it in such a way that it could easily be used in the class room. The Min- istry approved of the idea and tho Waterloo County Board of Education hired the seven students. "We looked up statistics on agriculture in the area dating as far back as 1951. We got our information from Census Canada," said One of the areas studied was agriculture. HOLIDAYS 11 a m. to 9 pm and Waterloo The students working on the local studies project put the finishing touches on their maps their project drew to a close. Seated from left to right are Sharon Koegler. Lynn Hofstetter Lois Edwards. Lyle Waito. and Edith (Sublet. - Lynn, cult area to research. They Kitchener-Waterloo, Cam- which shows As well as doing research, found themselves poring bridge and Elmira. positions, " 1 the group toured everyfarm over statistics showing the A series of statistics was worked on St type in the area. including amount of water that is con- compiled for transporta- material whi beef, poultry. dairy and hog sumed in a given period of tion and weather. The trat- respottsibiliti farms. Lyle Waite Was the time and the volumes that tic departments and the Wa- tice. group's Ph9tosraph9r and, t.rt processed. They also terloo Wellington Airport The page he took slides dining all did some research on the were consulted and a great weeks and the tours. The slides will induced filtration project deal of research went into Friday Auto be used for classroom pre- presently m progress. the weather instruments and and copy I As well as doing research, the group toured everyfarm type in the area. including beef. poultry. dairy and hog farms. Lyle Waito Was the group's photographer and he took slides during all the tours. The slides will be used for classroom pre- sentations. In the area of industry, the students worked through the public relations depart- ments of local industries and arranged tours with Budd Automotive, Dominion Wool- ens, Westinghouse and BF. Goodrich. "We wrote up a general history on each industry. We have slides showing the outside of every industry in the area and some indoor pictures as well," said Lynn. For every industry, they accumulated information about where the raw ma- terials came from, what the industry was producing and. where the finished products were being sent. The re- suits of the research were printed on chart form. I The stuyents felt that the areas of water. sewage and garbage was the most diffi- SUMMER CARPET SPECIALSSugg. m LO LOOP RUBBER BACK in gold and sq. yd a: an ST. l. ammo PHONE 886-2430 Gusto- ' My“ PICTURE FRAMING III LO LOOP RUBBER BACK in gold and beige THIS WEEKS SPECIAL ULTRA TONE 28 or, commercial forest gladej/h . IN THE MOOD SHAG CHABLIS sauterne maple candy, sari red, pomegranite in scarlet iris TREASURE ISLE shag tropic sky blue and indian copper COURT YARD cushioned gold brick pattern KITCHEN PRINT SPECIAL In silver walnut. and autumn rust cushioned Talu‘ Highway 8 In PH'KIIW In!†/rft "UN/1w Hit/nlmr: 'itrrst North In Hov,tl (LII: Road Mm â€1/le ttfl Ray»)! Cl,rk Run/I mu] wan h In; "Z6"iiiiifiiiis FOR YOUR BEST CARPET BUY" FRAME UP Annexation maps of Kit- chener-Waterioo from its early days to the present. are the result of research into the" growth of the Twin Cities and surrounding areas. Rather than write the history of the area in story form. the students decided to complete a time line de- picting how the region was settled. A brief history was also done on the Mennonites. An up-to-date urban land use map was completed for Bill Smiley, a high school teacher whose column of humorous observations on Canadian life appears in more than 135 weekly news- papers including the Water- loo Chronicle. was honored August 14 by the Canadian Community Newspapers Association. Mr Smiley received the George Codogan Award for the best column in a weekly newspaper, The presenta- tion was made at the Cana- Bill Smiley wins award 12 95 10 95 It 95 2.95 14 95 10 95 SALE .sq.yd. 6.25 7.95 A series of statistics was compiled for transporta- tion and weather. The traf- fic departments and the Wa- terloo Wellington Airport were consulted and a great deal of research went into the weather instruments and how they are used. A num- ber of slides were taken inside the weather office and control tower. _ Under the heading of pow- er, statistics were compil- ed and interviews were car- ried out with the Public Utilities Commission. Kitchener-Waterloo, Cam- which shows all the definite bridge and Elmira. positions," said Lynn. "We A series of statistics was worked on some 'background compiled for transporta- material which listed all the tion and weather. The traf- responsibilities of each of- fin (lanai-{manic and ttus Wa- tice. One new area the students attempted to explore, was regional government and how it works. than 'Community News- papers Association conven- tion In Halifax. \/ Mr, Smiley is head' of the English department of the Midland. Ont., high school. He was the publisher of the weekly Wiarton. Ont., Echo before entering teach- ing, A veteran of the RCAF. he spent several years in a German prisoner of war A Muscular Dystrophy carnival will be held August 21 at 116 Dalegrove Dr . Kitchener. Games. refresh- "We made a flow chart MD carnival is planned $00k} The project lasted seven weeks and it finished on Friday August 13. A report and copy of the pictures that were taken will be given to the Ministry as well as the Waterloo County Board of Education. "We looked up some re- sources that we didn't have time to use or that we thought were not entirely relevant to what we were doing and we listed them in the report," said Lynn. "We might not have found a use for them or found the time but the teachers can maybe use some of them. pr camp during World War " Bill Smiley began his column when he was pub- Iishing the paper in Wiarton. Editors of other Ontario weekly papers began to reprint it. and m 1961 dis- tribution was taken over by the Toronto Telegram Syn- dicate. It is now distributed by The 1 of Toronto ments and prizes for children of all ages will be featured from ll a m [04pm r maps and charts as fstetter, Laura Allan, Argyle Syndicate