L 9.9. 12 . wm‘noo Chtonicle, mam, August 4, 1976 CHURCH SERVICES King Street, St. Jacobs 11:00 a.m. - WORSHIP SER- VICE (includes nurséry) 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for chil- dren, t e e n s, adults, couples. A friendly country church close to North Waterloo and Lakeshore Village. PASTOR: REV. GEO. A. SIM, a resident of Lakeshore Village. Church 664-2311. Residence 885-0725. 1 COMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS CALVARY UNITED CHURCH CHURCH SERVICES - SUNDAYS SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP - 10:45 A.M. BOB HIBBARD. Evangelist To subrdit short news notic- es of upcoming events to The Chronicle, (free of charge). Or mail them to our office located on the Second Floor Waterloo Squa re. All Clubs. Churches, Schools and Organizations in Waterloo . For details Call Public School Rolling Hills Drive (Lakeshore Village) Waterloo, AUGUST I6 - Mth 9:00 - ll :Ma.m. For Children of all Faiths, Ages 3-12 years Bible Study Projects - Games Refreshments, - NEED TRANSPORTATION? Phone 579-3018 (32) N. A. MacEachern For Further Information Phone 884-2875. ARE INVITED REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH BIBLE SCHOOL You Are Invited To Attend The Services of the HOUSEHOLDERS RATE Minimum 15 Words $1.25 Each Additional Word 5e PHONE 886-2830 WATERLOO CHRONICLE 886-2830 78 John St, West, VACATION DID YOU KNOW? Church of Christ at 2 FINANCIAL SERVICES FOR SALE: First, $150,000 - 14% First, $14,000- 15% Second, 330.000- 17% Second, $75,000-15% Second, $100,000 - 15% Second, $20,000- 16% Third, $10,000 - 18% Third, $16,000 - 17% These are new existing mortgages. New hate ne- gotiable terms and condi- tions, existing have negoti- able yields. Please call in reference to any of these or ask about our unlisted mortgages. INVEST your savings to- day in good private mort- gages. All types of properties fin- anced. Short or long term. Amortized. Interest-only or No monthly payment Mortgages. Call Fred Flutter 886- I 000 (24 HOUR L‘INE» ' 35 King St. North Waterloo Need a mortgage? Have a mortgage for sale? List it on the Exchange Store or office space in attractive. modern build- ing, downtown Waterloo. Three sections, approxi- mately 1,500. 1,500 and 2,250 square feet. Electric heating. Phone 884-2200. (33) Canada's Private Mortgage Centre 12A COTTAGES FOR RENT TA OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE RUSTIC CABIN (Acreage, pond) Available August 7. 825. weekly. 885-6437. (32) NEW AND USED Office furniture and machines, filing cabinets. desk::, chairs, typewriters. add- ing machines: reasonable prices. hockhart Office Supply, 31 Weber North, 885-M60. (tft 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE GARAGE SALE: Saturday August 7 at 9 am, baby's crib, drapes, clothing and odds and ends. 537 Teak- wood Drive, Waterloo. Take Albert to Bearinger to Glen Forest. (32) EARLY PLUMS And peach- es from Niagara. We also have sweet corn and other vegetables Call Ralph Bean 656-2965, Closed Sunday ttf I WATERLOO MORTGAGE EXCHANGE FOR LEASE MORTGAGES cr. , I l J CCO Minimum 15 Words $1.50 Each Additional Word .06e s APTS. FOR RENT WESTM00NT TOWERS TWO --trost free refrigerator, stove and dishwasher -very private, full screened balconies --comrenient underground parking FEATURING: 65 Westmount Bond Noah. Waterloo Members of Urban Development Institute BOX UTILITY Trailer: all heavy steel frame and box measuring 49 X 78 X 15 inches. Trailer to hitch leveler on tongue Safety chain and approved lighting. heavy duty axle and suspension. Tire 480- 400 X 8 inches. 576-8865, after five pm. (32) " ARTICLES FOR SALE BOOK NOW For winter pool covers. Polyolefin fabric woven and laminated on both sides. They are tear proof. waterproof and mildew proof. Order at special prices Aqua Marine. 300 Westmount Road East. Kitchener 5784152 (35) MODELS NOW OPEN FOR YOUR PERSONAL INSPECTION . MANS TEllSpeed bicycle, in good condition. Girl's 26 inch bicycle. Phone 886-1735. (32) EVENRUDE FIVE Gallon gas tank. $1000 Trailer hitch to fit Chrysler. Dodge or Plymouth. $l0 00 885-5842 (341 SWIMMING POOL COVERS Managed by , Major Holdings and Developments Limited Spayious Two Bedroom Apartment Home: For information call 885-1420 by appointment Call 578-8120 ill;l) " ARTICLES FOR SALE GARAGE SALE; August 6, twelve to five; August 7, eleven to live. Liquida- ‘tion of imported crafts and giftware for World's Fair. formerly 30 Ontario St. Kitchener. and brand new merchandise which includes, jewelry, Ponchos onyx figures, umbrellas, baby clothes. Everything must be sold. Prices are accordingly cheap. Sale to be held at the Piano Shop 100 Park St. Kitch- NINETEEN INCH Color TV ladies clothing sizes mo. lamp, shoes size 6%, ski equipment. books etc. Phone 884-3545. (32) BEDS, DINING Suite, sofa- bed, spring and box, men's 10 speed bicycle, men's size 8 ice skates, child's 12 inch bicycle. snow sleigh, plants, hangers. imported cotton bed- spread, bedsheets. pillows imported prints for dress- es study desk, poster, shopping cart and many other household items. Everything in excellent condition, must sell. Leaving country. Please call 884-9481. (32) SPRING AND Mattress GARAGE SALE: Maternity and Baby clothes. crib, mattress. blankets, con- vertible stroller, Meri- lizer. highchair, dressing table. portacrib. playpen, Misc. non-baby items. 10:00 to 5:00 Saturday, August 7th, 524 Turn Oaks (Lakeshore ). ( 32) PLAYPEN, HIGHCHAIR, STOVE 30 Inches for sale, $50.00. Call 885-6437 or NO ' DOWN - NO PAY- MENT TILL NOVEMBER on extended term plan. COMPONENTS Make 12 monthly payments of I300 No Interest and a beautiful AM-FM 8-Track Stereo with turntable Is yours Call Barry ._. 579-4140 _ DAILY 212 KING ST H, 10-10 KITCHENER LEADING POOL Manu, facturer has 1975 above ground redwood typo pools available Willing to sacrifice at hall-price Call rolled anytime t416, 667-1302 ctfu Farmer Jack's ener. for single bed; $25.00. Phone 578-0018. (32), Portable combination stroller, highchair, car- seat; Regina polish and floor-rug conditioner all in excellent condition. Phone 885-0104. (32) STEREO BOX NUMBERS $1.00 Extra (32) (32) " ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW AND USED Window and central air condi- tioners, electronic air cleaners and dehumidi- fiers. Phone 576-88t7. (32) CEDAR PICKETS. Posts GRANDFATH ER CLOCK SAVE $500.00 - 1974 Star- craft hardtop camper - sleeps 8, 2 tables, 3-bumer propane stove, icebox, sink. Many extras -privacy drapes, window drapes. spare tire and custom "cover, tape deck. Used 10-12 times, like new. $2,500.00. Phone 744-6868 TO RENT " Buy Grand River Cable TV‘s "Little Brown Box". call area representative D. Schie- del, 88441354 for fast per- sonalized service. 1th NO ' DOWN - NO PAY-.1 MENTS TILL NOVEMBER on extended term plan} ROAD RUNNER Sto - Sale of used clothing antfhouse- hold articles Free pickup of unwanted items 569 Lancaster West. Kitchen- Pr, 743-6971 Hours In 00 a m -W00 p m ' Saturday 10 00 - 5 00 tth FOR RAWLEIGH PRO- DUCTS. Call 742-2438. (m Trade your comics and paperbacks for the cottage or buy hardcovers for 19 cents. Paperbacks three for a quarter. mystery. west- ern and romance 28 Regina St North. Waterloo Open daily 9 00 A 9 oo Sat & Sun MI 6 oo PEAS AND BEANS - Pick your own and be sure they are fresh. Call Ralph Bean 656-2965. Closed Sunday. (tf) --26 inch color TV, 100% .solid state. Full home floor . console ... $47 7 579-4140 DAILY 212 KING ST. E. 10-10 KITCHENER Farmer Jack's and poles. Cedar, pine and spruce lumber. Bring us your plans and we will pre-cut. Let us quote you a price on chain link fenc- ing. Farm For Enterprises 885-2277. ( 52) Movements, dials and solid wood kits. Lowest prices in Ontario on most items, For free catalogue phone or write: Canadian Standing Clocks. 272 Wool- wich Street North. Kitch- ener (Bridgeport). 743- 3291. ttft COLOR TV after 5 p.m. HOURS: MONDAY -..... FRIDAY 9-5 Boil? EXCHANGE 1 1 :00 a.m. TUESDAY 1th 14A ARTICLES FOR RENT LEADING SWIMMING SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe, Redwqod, above ground pool. 16 x M. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice h price. Call Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. (39) SWIMMING POOL JAC- RIF'ICE: Leading Manu- facturer and distributor, has above ground" alumi- num pools left over from 1975 "season, 1/2 price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect, Missis- sauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. -Includes four piece bed- room suite. two boudoir lamps, five piece kitchen suite with extension. large three seater sofa and matching chair, two end tables, one coffee table. two living room lamps. $549 NO ' DOWN - NO PAY- MENTS TILLNOVEMBER on extended term plan. 14 ARTICLES WANTED 13 ARTICLES FOR SALE MOVING? CLEANING OUT? I buy almost any- thing forty years or older. Phone 74345223. Itf) TENT TRAILER: Sleeps four, lots of storage. table and lots of seating. 884-4963. (32) 16 CARS FOR SALE _ 579-41 40 DAILY 212 KING ST. E. 10-10 KITCHENER PAINTING INTERIOR and 1973 PONTIAC LEMANS. 1969 PONTIAC V8 in good running condition: best offer 885-0189, (32) 19 SERVICES Farmer Jack's Pool manufacturer, must dispose of brand new 1975 above ground aluminum pools made to sell for $1890.00. Willing to close- out for $1188.00. Full war- ranties in effect. Call collect anytime 1-416-667- 1302. (ti) exterior work Reason- able rates 7'; discount for Senior Citizens, Free estimates. guaranteed workmanship. references supplied Call745-2000. (If) good condition, must sell, V8, two door hardtop. power steering and power brakes. Asking $2400 or best offer, Phone 884-3994. (32) THREE ROOMS 0F LUXURIUUS FURNITURE