. a,..,.-"',.,,,,-,.,,,,":.,,,,.',,,,;,', LL _", F ‘2. L L _ -trC., cl,' r", r.'" 3,". -1 c", Board, of Jli.ld,u,catioii, (lllllllllllllltllltllllll'll holds energy seminar tllthrardtttqrttan,direetor 'r6ttterttstittrtitmslBtdittiatts Program at the Mal ElneegyAdministratit_ mm in WM. D.C. eeteegrttre.'rtteeminaris meted toattmetardti. teettr,eetgirteersartdirttttstw triaiandgoeemmentrep- resentatives from across (Continued from m " . Fishing Derby drew 11 en- tries. Don Martin of 113 Moccasin Dr. Waterloo was declared the wing. Sam Burke of Waterloo won most of the senior events at the Model Aeronautic Association of Canada event. Local junior win- ners were Marv Annm- Waterloo Days program . . ,j,/r"caa"i', SI Mon. - Sat.10 a.m. - " p.m. Sun. - " noon to 8:30 , mam-30mm ( l Baskin-Robbins 31 Ice can, Stores salute the Little Leeguers in this tournament and all over the country who make Little League besehail such an exciting and competive sport. . Westmount Place Shopping Centre tier. Mike Mulch. test Al Feil and Richard Fairey. the The arts and crafts dis- his! play which was partly St hound in a tent this year par! drewtrree0rd4sexhibitorg. rec: The only hitch in the Wa- - ", curred when jilst ue team arrived to participate in the six-team iug-of-ivar con- ants (Ill) ttlll a Phone 742-1501 Alli) I sunst%atsthpygh theheavy WW“. ‘ 1stuttvrscefirttelrg Miaguy. Cg'nnnbaftn ttt'errttt-hett' |/-l:uwy33tborrowedfmm $ksmlassfsp1.atirtfq.ttt, 'tyew musmwm . themtutthtmt5timesaisme. "Watrto despite a m Mammy “muggy, artqesattt,tiocup-catesaiitia Pink Bubble Gum iamm Hurt ' 9% triuttt 2l'r',ltl'lg'l',"f,'frpg meNitmltuhtllaferthe w'.'. gameartttlttttmeto tmptythetrastt, _ Bobby Schroeder which he once hit a mm with. (Besides, " light enoughco m off hit Shoulders.) £171.. 'd Bob Tumor of Waterloo holds on. of the poo. comic in Womaoo Park sm- day and Sunday during on arts and can: oxhibition. The pots Mr. Tums: sold were made by the Waterloo Patton' Workshop. gflilMlilIEEil