it»; ,5" a...“ .... iii H . git E JL,,, 806 830 .' V u . g. ". h I u., l .r" ’ r f. sr-" ' : - W4. ;1 _.,-,)"';,'. gt" if}; _ kg" t A: p :7»??- 4.“,. it“: ir,,")' y : l i T It, (l)' A friendly country church close to North Waterloo and Lakeshore Village. PASTOR: REV." GEO. A. SIM, a resident of Lakeshore Village. Church 664-2311. Residence 885-0725. King Street, St Jacobs 11:00 am. - WORSHIP SER- VICE (includes nursery) 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for chii- dren. teens, _ adults, Store or office space in at- tractive modern building. in Waterloo. Three sections: approximately 1,500. 1.500 and 2.250 square feet. 8M- 2200. (25) 10:00 am. PA R KMI N STER UNITED CH URCH 275 Erb St. East, Waterloo. Furniture, Dishes, One Spfead-Size Quilt, etc. 7A OF F ICE SPACE AVAILABLE Or mail them to our office, located on the Second Floor, Waterloo Square. SUNDAYS SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP - 10:45 AM. BOB HIBBARD. Evangelist , COMING EVENTS& AMtoutitCEMENTs All Clubs, Churches, Schools and Organizations in Waterloo . For details Call: WATERLOO CHRONICLE ’ CANARY UNITED CHQEBH To submit short news notic- es of upcoming events to The Chronicle. (free of charge). Public School Rolling Hills Drive (Lakeshore Village) CHURCH SERVICES - For Further Information Phone 884-2875. N. A. MacEachem DID YOU _ KNOW? ARE INVITED enuncu sermon ' 4 mar? son me " arh,to, am __, roam . " Wren ML! 13 Macaw Saturday, June 19th AUCTION SALE You Are Invited To Attend The Services --- of the HOUSEHOLDEIS RA?! Minimum 15 Words 3125 Edeh Additions Wants: . FOR LEASE '52:] 886-2830 Church of Christ (25) GRANDFATHER CLOCK Movements. dials and solid wood kits. Lowest prices in Ontario on most items. For free catalogue phone or write: Canadian Standing Clocks, 272 Wool- wich Street North. Kitch- ener (Bridgeport). 743- ml (ti) " ARTICLES FOR SALE MODERN THREE Bed- room back split with car- port, beautifully decorated, including fine broadloom on all. levels, large ‘win- dows with lovely view, many trees and flowering shrubs, landscaped garden prfiiate patio. Economical natural gas heating, auto- matic water softener. panelled carpeted recrea- tion room, large storage area with built-in. Private basement entrance. Pric- ed to sell at H7,000. To see this comfortable home in Glenridge area Phone' 384-0733. (25) NEooh",l8hsHeomn- tttarg-Wert-tatt-lee- split; ttreplace, large one car garage, 1215 square feet, well designed noor plan on two levels. Call Terry. Sinclair at 1-539- “. 1-5351"! collect. mo square foot bungalow, clay brick, lots of cup- boards. marble top sink live garage door and much more. Call Harry Moss 1634-7737. 1469-3901 or 1-539-5646 collect. Raised ranch 1300 square - feet of living area, wide - interior design, lots of cupboards, fireplace", large garage, very attrac- _ tive color co<trdinate ex- terior, choose your colors inside now. Call Terry Sinclair 1639-5646, 1-539- 1891, collect. 1300 square foot home, stone front with sunporch, finish- ed mud room and partially finished recreation room and washroom, fruit eril. lar, 77 x 155 foot lot, well planned interior. Call Harry Moss 1-68b7737, 1469-3901 or 1-539-5646 GEORGIAN BAY - Thom- bury. Three bedroom lake- front cottage, swimming. fishing, skiing. sailing. Phone 74343214. . (tf) LEADING POOL Manu- 12A COTTAGES FOR RENT argd1andsenpietgwiiieom- plete the home ot your choice, all reasonably in master washroom, collect. lacturer has 1975 above ground redwood type pools available. Willing to sacrifice at half-price. Call collect anytime (416) 667-1302. 1th COMMEBCIAL RATE Minimum " Wad: $1.50 WWW Word .OBC SWIMMING POOL: Deluxe, you! luxmy . Imminent homo salad for , disctiminating adults Two bedroom éuites Features include: Make 12 Monthly Payments of 10.00 and a beautiful Low- boy Console is yours. Style Stereo with turntable. Call ROAD RUNNER St? - Sale . ofusedclothin an house- hold articles. lgree pickup of unwanted items. 569 Lancaster West, Kitchen- er, 743-6971. Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Saturday 19:00 - 5:00. . (tf) -eoiored automatic range . and frost free refrigerator -automatie dishwasher --private, fully screened balcony " ARTICLES FOR SALE Westmount Towers MODEL NOW OPEN FOR' YOUR ' PERSONAL INSPECTION DAILY 212 KING ST. E. 10-10 KITCHENER Redwood, above ground pool. 16 x " 1 yr. old. Repossessed N by bank, sacrifice M, price. Call Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. (39) _ Close to universities. the Westmount Place Shopping Centre, Park. and the Westmount Goff Club " Westmoum Road Nonh. Waterloo by appointment call 885- 1420 Call ti 78-8 1 20 Members of Urban Development Institute Managed by Main: Holdings and Developments Limited STEREO CONSOLE 579-4140 {3355323 iGis _r-siiiiriii iiriii"diji'i.Uiii liGiis Casterit, In thrtiit State.', . SWIMMING POOL Heater Special ' 240.000. BTU staekless, natural gas or propane, $505.00. Six-foot diving "tttttrd $135.00. - Three-step ladder $75.00. 30-foot . ’vacuum hose $M.00. Aqua Marine, 300 Westmount East, 578-1152. We accept Master Charge. q (27) LEADING SWIMMING Pool manufacturer, must dispose of brand, nevi 1925. above ground aluminum pools made Her sell for $1890.00; Willing to close- out for $1188.00. Full war- ranties in effect. ,,Call "xtilect anytime 1-416-667- 1302. -e (tf) SWIMMING' POOL Kits - TD RENT Or Buy Grand River Cable TV.'s "Little Brown Box", call area representative D. Schic- del, 884,AB54 for fast per- sonalized service., (ti) 10-10 - Antennas and accessories - Automatic Radios, Tape Players. Speakers and Accessories. - Service to all makes of C.B.‘s. Ado Radios and Tape Players. - Installations. Sales. Leas. es and Rentals. - Authorized factory ser- vice for JOHNSON radios - We sell COBRA. COUR- IER. HY-GAIN. JOHN.. Install it yourself and save! 16 by 32 ingmund priced at $1932.- includes Jacuzzi filter, main drain, skimmer. three-step lad- der. vacuum kit. brush and pole. 30 mil liner and set of plans. Aqua Marine. 300 Westmount East. 578- 1152. We accept Master Charge. (27) LECTR0tt RADIO COMMUNICATIONS Citizen Band - Business Band BEAUTIFUL 2tte WWII 450 Weber St. North, Unit 8 Waterloo 885-0410 579-4140 ' , 212 KING ST. E. pr Ulf, I ' W1"- -cuwneo 09mm: - not new: gist- inn . , 1Attt OM r3315 (24) LC', IEAVING CITY - Must sell; COLONIAL LOVE Seat for sale, new, $150.00. Phone 885-3517. . (25) Make 12 monthly payments of13.00 No Interest) and a beautiful AM-F'M a-Track Stereo with turntable is yours. Call Barry. . . 579 -4 1 4O DAILY 212 KING ST. E. 10-10 KITCHENER FOR GOOD Reconditioned GARAGE SALE - Small, appliances, dryer, sew- ing machine. ladder, steel shelving, sports, sound and camera equipment. Original Lionel train equip- ment, Mickey Mouse Watch, baby equitiinent, clothing, books, luggage. Preview Friday, June 18. " p.m. Saturday," June 19 10-5 p.m. .58 Rolling Hills Drive, Waterloo. (opposite N.A. Mae SWIMMING' POOL SAC- RIFICE: Leading Manu- factqrer and distributor has above ground alumi- num pools left over from GARAGE SALE - Saturday, June 19th,. t:iht aan.,- 4:Wp.m.; 19 Willow Stréet Waterloo. All items at bargain prices. Go-cart frame $20.00. 100cc motor- cycle parts, plus many other small articles. (25) RANEAN Console model, ME-FM radio. dual turn- ers, two satellite beak- ers, excellent condition, extra. m WEI" Windham]: mum,†'tieexrdirtettestsite,eritr, evenings. Kim. attiriiran. roasting pan, steréo stand. 886-21M. _ (25) 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaranteed intaIIation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect, Missis- sauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. lamp, foot stool, hibachi ST EMO COMPONENTS ', J-. 763811.. (25) " , Attt an. 15058th (25) as) as) Mttttaaln "Am I" _ 9ib_~ m, THREE-CUSHION Ches- Jerfie1d and matching ELECTRIC LAWN MOW- ER $45.00. Two Jsopttmi speakers $45.00. Kenmore Washer-Spin Dryer Ms."00 new. - - (25) “300K EXCHANGE WOMEN'S WEEKLY llBRARY 20/8100 MYSTERY a. WESTERN POCKET NOVELS 3/ 25' _ 28 Regina St. North. Water- loo. Open Daily 9:009:00. Sat. & Sun. ti06:00. SINGLE BED With box spring and mattress, very good condition. Phone MSW after five. (25) TENT, KITCHEN 9 by It, Woods, used twice. Phone 664-3430 after 5. (26) BOSTON POOL Table for sale. excellent condition, interesting price. .Call 80mm. (25) ANTIQUE VANITY, Baby clothes, bori' clothes to size 3, jolly jumper, Play- tex baby nurser; new wigs, assorted colors, $10.00 each, 884-4714. (25) new and chair 819.â€. Walnut chest at than 'Nrresmehesoittoiitetii" chair $20.0. Kim table 24-inch store in irooit cow. dition. 8N.00. Double bed tiquetypebnnet not. Bird, gage $8.50. Three- piece end table set 87.50. Mirrors 34%" each. IO br, IS can); ii!!! underpad. in very good condition 355 Erb West, (Maple Hill nings 885-6357. (25) Furniture and appliances, bicycles, floor polisner. rugs, valance board with traverse rod, etc. Phone 834-3300. (25) like new. Call after six, 579-5237. x (25) model No. 31003, com- pletely reconditioned and refinished. Phonte 885- Mafter 5:30 p.m. (25) eg an (tf)