__, ", Scenery thmughout therflan "fr"', "e g - _ - _ _"" " "_"' - - _ . v7 _ _- _ __ "'"P" . '", .v r .' - l, ..» a t 1. _ In. - '-t _ .-...V _ In a; was _ ' [ ' l _ . . V a 7. _ _ _ _ _ P 1. w" I . "Tr' . . . A . T - " l - sh.., , V -*-.¢'-‘.-....,.» -.. L -....“:.'a: _', ts. -': vi? V "IA,, te, “a w ' cl'te1"',' 'alll A» - » " Li , . . , c; F ‘F N l . e _ g . 1 . \ T V v , _ . ' ' _ ', . _ . '" 'rw f ' l rc' - 'e .. 4" "t wr 1 H ., X 1.. a x _ - -, A, ' '. L .‘p " A--,- - ' A, _ f" is, _ __ - .4._, 4A c.i, ‘4‘ng _r_,,, 14;; La. Cecil Mader. 67. of Breslau maintains the section of the Grand Valley Trail from the village of Cones- toga to Breslau. under Trail Captains. Each Trail Captain is responsible for the upkeep of a certain section of the trail. ' Cecil Mader. 67, of Bres- lau is Trail Captain of the section of trail from Breslau to Conestogo. This section of trail follows the course of the Grand River through the flood plains between Bridgeport and Breslau and HAVEJQ‘) "RENEE†528 Victor-in St. N . Kim (Be-ido Weston Bull-in) 7456136. After hours 57897154 urge Indoor attomq+ For Patios - Pool Decks q Walks 0 Driveways, Several sizes and colour! square edges, hi strength. Regular slabs 45 sq ft - grey Driveway slabs 58t sq ft Grey PHONE OR COME m TODAY. WE CAN mm YOU. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS PAVING SUBS 'PiiReiusiNq _ MEMORIAL? SAVE 648-2102 . UNIT CONCRETE SLAB CO Breslau l fr 'dt', _ sci" _ north of Bridgeport toCones- togo. __ "Maintaining a trail in the early part of summer is the worst. The broom gras- ses grow very fast and un- less the trail gets a lot of use. it is overgrown easily," said Cecil. To ensure that hikers don't get lost in dense areas. the trail is markedon trees, with white paint. One white spot means the trail con- tinues straight ahead while two white marks signify a turn. Watch this sBace for future announcements of auctions "I don't like to get the PRECAST comm: STEPS w: MESS, F088 t m: [ [l,'gfrilil,i,iljii 2182"; ',1'l I also "1: "-., "x3 PF )1hlnri' UNIT $1;qu KI CHENER L Fd If P 1255 £32? fl,'s'f,2i"3t Add to the beauty. safety and value ot yom homo Reinforced concrete Umt Steps can be mstaued qutckN--wttttout plies of sand and cement on paths and lawns The one-piece construction avosds "frost heave" damage Bum-m safety treads protect your famuly 108 sores In stock Rummelhart Auction Sales Co. 744-9679 . 5780060 KEN GARVEY Licensed Auctioneer markers too etaiftneettter. The trail should be u an- touched " possible" said Cecil. I . The trails are marked by signs but ghe signs are not at points where the trails cross roadways. This is so the traits don't get 'al'l,'ll for purposes other than hik- ing or may skiing. "We dont viant to cause problems for the 1andowty- er. When we ask permission to construct a trail for hik- ing. we try to make sure that the trail is not being used by snowmobilers or motorcyclists," said.. Bob Huehn. .' _ ' A. bill passed recently in the Ontario legislature re- leases Iandownérs'from res- ponsibility of accidents in- volving motorized contri- vances on private land. The bill does not include hikers but the Grand Valley Trails Association through the Fed- eration of Ontario Hiking Trail Associations is work- ing on an amendment. "Even though there has never been a case where a hiker pressed ' charges against a landowner. it is best to remove the possibil- ity of such an occurrence," said Bob Huehn. All hikers should be aware of the trail user's code before starting a hike. It. suggests that hik- ers only follow the marked trhil: that they cross fences only on lt‘lle constructed stiles and ver leave gar- bage behind them, even if they didn't bring it. Camp- ing and fires are not per- mitted along hiking trails, The hiker's code also reminds usersthat nature is there for all to enjoy and if they pick flowers, others will not be able to enjoy them. The code also says that damage can be done by '.airnr . can . . planted fields. an)»; {3 along the we a field. No motorized vehicles of any kind are allowed atanytime. “The hiking trails can be used by the general public only if strict attention to rules is followed." said Bob. Hiking trails have be- come a big thing in Ontario in the last few years. The Federation of Ontario Hill- ing Trail Associations has 12 affiliated clubs including three in this area. Beside the Grand Valley Club. there is the. Avon Trail Association in Stratford and the Guelph Trail Club. 'S " with†near the cityolLondoI. /, In; cm". tt mile tmil thatfollowgtheSpeedRiver. TAe Guelph t_tadirl If!“ from tttvemitfe Park in catpttridgts t9roygt) Quehh and even ily links iip to the arms?- Trail with of Erin. q . The Grand Valley Trail Association is nearing the end ot its fiscal year. Soon a new board of directors will be elected and a drive for new members undertaken. "We're hoping to expand the club this. year. At pres- ent we have outings al- most every weekend WI†m. tatt aetd 'rirttltr, “than ttttte tat-diet/ati-io-if “Md†Bohleels tttntitttteext mtiveiss-fttiirteieeb, shook! cont†to grow. a, tool: it is time to "get new" ,1!“ on the board" all. 'attt2.,g,'gN'g'."'i"r _ ' activities ' year _ ' 1,)tgtgtt,tgg1e, a.» a year for a . The member receives mum \ and newsletters and is it. formed of an organized; outings. Interested perm can contact the Grand Val? - leg Trails Association by; .srititttr. to an 1233. Kitch-f