"Waterloo guides t réceived awards Gayle Laws and Carolyn Machan at the in! Waterloo Girl Canoe Compony were Around Cords in a recogni- tion ceremony on Jiine 9th. The company held a clos ins potluck supper at Knox Presbyterian Church. Spe- cial guest, Commissioner Mrs. D.W. Trump. present- ed All-Around Cords to Gayle and Carolyn. assist- ed by Deputy Division Commissioner. Mrs. J.C. McEachern. Following presentation of badges and prizes earned by the Girl Guides, patrol second Christine Kilbey thanked parents for their assistance to the girls during the year. Spe- cial effort by parents en- abled the Guides to learn needlepoint, emergency first aid, and home nursing. Guider Mrs. T.D. Kayler expressed thanks for the 0 Patient and Courteous Instrucmrs for all ages 0 Modern Dual Control Cars - . Free Pick-up q Same car available for Driving Test oSpecial care for nervous beginners Qafihikfsiiik and TeifiiiQ iiistRkiors licensed by. the Ministry of Transporta- tion and Communications. 22-wa-ctte-"eetsrmd.vsad/t..-tsm, m: si .____, â€â€˜2“ v...’ ai-sau o" - Rip us off Farill‘ were iirorirllht ililr CANADA - DRIVING SCHOOL 579 22%| FOR PROFESSIONAL DRIVER TRAtMNG CALL 8864640 OPEN 9 a.m. till " EM. Kitchener-Waterloo Record All- Call cooperation of the Grand River Conservation M thority staff. Waterloo Fire Department, St. - John's. Ambulance irotunteersor.d local school teachers who helped with specialized teaching in the Guide prm gramme. A Penny Carnival. held by the Guides in May, raised $25 towards equipment for Camp Conestoga. Following a slide presen- tation of company activities. and a skit by the girls, the parents Joined in campfire singing. It's not work to walk. So why not walk to Wall: a Din-11h!!! t, I YY.. Gayle Laws (left) and ¢atolyn Machan (right) of the 2nd Waterloo Guide Company received all-round cords at the company')' closing banquet last Wednesday at Knox Presbyterian Church. . HAPPENING WHAT' m