-. Forwiglll gravel pit C" A neglected gravel pit " like in t.he north and of Va- lerloo could be "wormed ' into a n are cunmerdal- -' residential - recreational _ site if cmtneiVarttettds the "x," ,ciu's official plan to allow s"', . -the.darelopment. _ _ $2,; L4Mninioet Life Assurance "t'1""/?ttatety, 1rqiyw.ia made f": a Inquest _Monday m a fpe- cial public planning hear, I in for it zoning change and 1.4,.thy plan t,'e.ttf,',e,eh to f? ' 3m... pnnxlnll'c " 5.. i" __ Approval given 1 for Erhgville, . _ town house plan r .5. _ 'CT-C""'---"" s."""' 711*“,235'5 'T".Fr-T7hr-, name» “my I: . "t a _. .1 r"r ' 7,1 ' 1.455 71%)“ . I T . _ C "ma WI " ' k . . " . Tue V ii j ' ; Kitchener Ptttstit, Libra-y, _ ")t3ijnrello. r" ' . l,9,ey:.t..!..tteirririirrti'i', 1 , ___. _ . _ -'. ,"y ' _ -. .7 l, Et1rptEiiiiii, Ont. . f ‘1." . N -- V'e .3 7 2}- $4: F . Tr "ml-----, V' mama r, _ "mm ter ' '4; allow a c: '."rr. menial tli. twts. - j'('l'r,' The D N l "ydopmer "erb _ the mten ' lake wit Ir:.." " the fqrmer Forwell's (Haw g" q el~Pit and remnant Cones~ F. 1038 Parkway lands. The E j apposed multi-minion dol- a, -?:.).t _ development would re- . fluke an amendment to the . \ city plan to allow commero ',', 'r"' chat and residential deyer. V' "qriiptartdazmtingehange r, _ "mm temporary green to ' 1; allOw a comtWtatioet of com- la Mela! . and residential -r _. _ ." .. V 5 "" ‘ l . as _ _ "C, cC, . _ 'PM ( " " _ ' . ", 4,rr w ' . 'rr,,' _ _ '1} d, _. _ _ . ' r . . '",, _ l", tall-:33 w::" ' . _ rt , f' 3'??? , I) __ tu'" - f $37.. b. l _r' . a. , . F' _ _ ' " I“.'M' a'iiq, m 'r I, ,1 m 'r -. 5 " -" L" , " I, l IB, . It [ ts" . 'r, C. 12tst vat “.0. A C'tir- _ 'Try.' . ' - 91 _, Cir, i' a 3? w. 'w" OVEQJ’L,‘ 32.; , iit j" TCT' __, 3K _ _ V A V te ‘,7. y. _ . a, . V -- a: ._r. . __ "e'", The Dominion Life de- _ ~r-yeiopment' would replace tttga Par “a: have] Squire an mm-vu-a ,'-~ ,1 lake with 204 t “crown bee; fields. sur- Despite protests from several Erbsville residents council committee Monday approved in principle a 20 acre townhouse develop- ment project south of Erbs- ville on regional road 16. The Sugarbush Develop- ments Limited proposal for 57 units of estate-type town houses was approved in principle by council sub- ject to seven conditions imposed by the city. The conditions were: I. That Sugarbush Develop- ments Ltd. dedicate part of the ecologically sensitive area on its property to the city for public open space purposes, 2. That reports on the wa- ter supply for the new de- velopment show that the new development will not interfere with existing wells. 3. That work done on the stream and swamp west of the project will be accept- able from an ecological planning viewpoint. 4. That the method of sew- age disposal will be satis- factory to the Ministry of Environment and not have an adverse affect on -the Laurel Creek ecology -5. That an ecological tm- pact statement he prepared for the Site by a consultant 6 That all development de- tails can be worked out to the satisfaction of the city 7 That a community plan v. f - _ e __ . - - w r T 'W\ V' â€a?†an": ' “_- ' 3‘: Ce C . -" “f rr . . . Ut TRF: r,'ilie Ff'f" . i'ifii"'-] C? w"..." FT.. : i.iii,ffHs"" ‘1: cr.... .%r mu - a. a .,Q' m _ h '.." ., '1". T " as“ - Jr"'. . , . - Cece"" - - w.» . l - ,,.' x " F_, " .‘ CF a , '.-'.. y - ._' A R2' A , b c: ' _ _ g; " . .. - a L) (it t, a EMIE l "I -. ’ - . r "e' w pit units. as apartmentsm: one square feet ot 'tttgieel space. amusquare feet of retail-dries space and ap- proximately 10.000 squat feet of recreational faciliv' Cedric Watkiss. superis man! of property invest! ment for Dominion Life said his company hopes to transform the gravel pit site into ."a really good showcase for Waterloo". He urged council to cen- sider the future use of lands east and west of the site before making a firm deci- sion on “redevelopment. . The Dominion Me site is directly behind the Zel- lers County F'airotaxa and lies shuttle eatt, side, ot Dominion Lye development would be “quite high dew sity in nature" with as many, as 1,600 pauple__liv- irtgoetthesite. _ be prepared for the Erbs- ville area and adopted as an official plan amend- ment by the City of Water- loo. Mrs. Joyce Riener of the Erbsville 'Residents' Asso- ciation expressed fears that the ecologically sensi- tive forest areas on the Sugarbush Developments property would not be ade- quately -protected if the development was allowed. She also argued that the desire of the developer to have trails constructed through the woods would disturb the wildlife. "The people of Erbsville do not really want this de- velopment there. They like the area the way it is now." she said. Other Erbsville residents expressed fears that new wells drilled by the devel- oper would lower the wa- ter table And dry out exist- ing wells. However. Leon Bryck, a hydrology con- sultant hired try Sugarbush Developments, told council that the possibility of inter- ference with existing wells was very remote, City “I wouldn't expect any interference with existing wells at all." he said. , Council also assured the Erbsville residents that existing provincial legisla- tion makes the developer responsible for replacing ensting wells that may run dry director Carolyn Turner. T. the mascot of the Kiwanis Kavaliers drum and bugle can». participated in r, drum and bugle corps competition Saturday at Seagram Stadium. The competition was part of the Waterloo Days festival. For mate pictures on Waterloo Days. tum to page 3. , - . Waterloo Days program . was anamqiudlifi,ed success What do you do when you‘ve spent countless hours of labor. hard work and $13.000 on a weekend festival of outdoor activi- ties? er That's exactly what Wa- terloo's community ser- vices employees did prior to the start of the Waterloo Days festival. And their prayers were answered. Bright sunny skies. mod- erating, wmds and warm temperatures combined to provide the perfect weath- er for the Waterloo Days festival held on the week- end In turn, the weather You pray for good weath- c, 1-! I a} "4 . " A a " . " KC, EWW, tNG ..' ..‘ V ' _ " - ‘ V," '1“ C'. “"1 "’3 _ H -'F a: J."' .. """'C "s " _ f a iNeEll . _ .1 _ 'iers'?r,WdSiiCayi"f V :f? 1.9, i,. . . ". ',_e ""s.-,s'. ". N 'e f '.' an? ' 9 r' e ink _Ytt, " td, 41', C A; gc _ a: i ‘ f ' q . . a.» _ t , . - . v.-'.. ' . .4 .. - G.' x,",.; ". ' "i"s"tlEiiE, 'e LirF:; T'": fitCiie, _ 'I - . c,C3, ce, . J -~ k- _ w. ' s.' ~ 5 " _', , A _", N , r"- G?' r 3 C "r. _ a , a _ " '» -., _ L, "', 2 fi-Fi AS' - I I r C - -,"’ _ f t I d c, t g ‘ _ t w. _ t V. m- - '. g t ‘, .' ‘ T '"' . fl . ' , ',' .’ T _ I. . _"," " A , .. . .--' ', . " , "“ l, F OL s" a." P _ f _ . V _ .-'. - _ , A My, r." -.-'.. " _ _ -° ' ' . _ .. t" .. ... _ .. I _ ..', " ' "N r. "I- , drew record crowds to the park for the festivars ac- tivities. “We had record crowds for all events. Everything worked out really well." said community services' program director Tom Litwiller. with a sigh of relief. Although final counts are not yet available. Mr. Lit- willer estimated that 5,000 people attended Waterloo Days" activities Saturday and mono people jammed thy park Sunday. ‘The CHYM'rs Invitation- al Fastball Tournament. which ran all three days of the festival. drew an esti- mated Moo people to the park. Newmarket Chubb Security captured the championship title Sunday night by defeating St. Thoml as Durston Pools 9-4 in the final contest: Free swimming at the Lions Pool in Waterloo Park was a popular activ- ity for about 2.400 people during the weekend. The Boy Scout Soap Box Derby held Saturday on Marshall St. hill attracted 300 spec- tators, The event was won by Laurie Timms of Kitch- ener. Another major event of the weekend was the drum and bugle competition Sat- u _ ti'.". tgui, ";.;-:, """W'" ,. J ul,, “I 'r- rl "'Â¥.A ‘4». igm _ ' , . _ M. â€a. v.1 3, fans "W ..~~ sm p Aaid,; “a“; F t'id -. . "1:?- “4.33" . Ll ai " 3-. ' '.IU d »{. - z . " a,.,. 2%,. Si ". _ y6AG! .,_W FBilik [li.Rti'c:Tdf,', " . h J... rs . 'tlg", irday. Organizers of the competition estimate 2,300 people saw the Kiwanis Kavaliers win the C Divi- sion title and Seneca Opti- mists captured the Open title. Thirty-five teams partis cipated in a soccer tourna- ment. Waterloo All-Stars won the peewee division and Kitchener won the ban- tam division. Tomnto and Niagara Falls teams won the other soccer events [ In a lihteam minor base- ball tournament. Waterloo defeated Kitchener for the second straight year. The Finn Annual CHYM (Contomed on page 2)