Waterloo librarians Deb Drago tteity and Mary Ann McDonald (right) took the library's storytime program into Wateriito Park Saturday to entertain children at Waterloo Days. _ Canadian Legion mem- bers will be marching in this year's Decoration Day parade June 20 in Waterloo. The parade will march off at 2:30 p.m. from the Glenridge shopping centre at University Ave. and Lin- Legion holds decoration service Now Open To Serve You Better Open Monday to Saturday 8:00 am. to 6:00 pm. PM"! 886-1040 at limo in at 355 WEBER tf. E, “TIMI"! We will guarantee your cooling system for the entire summer!!! TAKE ADVANTAGE or 00R PRE-SIIAIIAER 124NWT TIME-UP. SPECIAL All) BE READY FOR SUMMERS IIEA'I' q Pressure test system 0 Remove and boil out rad e Flush rad and test q Check coolant rate of Row q Flush engine block e Flush heater Have A Cup Ot Conn And - The Prirtebp" of Our Company FRED FOSTER - RON GRIST - DWIGHT “SKIP" FOSTER SPECIAL TO JUNE 30, 1976 "WE GIVE THE ONLY GUARANTEE THAT HOLDS WATER" coin Rd. and proceed to Parkview Cemetery for a memorial service. The service at Parkview Cemetery will begin at 3 p.m. A parade of bands. veterans and civic officials will be attending. All vet- CANADA’S LARGEST COOLING SYSTEM SPECIALISTS AND... 2595 tye can) 0 Replace thermostat and gasket 0 Check hoses, belts and clamps . Pressure test rad cap 0 Test system coolant . Paint rad with special anti-corrosive paint 0 Re-install radiator . q " ‘ ' " , i "o 'rr a.TT"r" " - P. - , 1' = - llLah'8N 'i'dt2lE5Ellll t .21 erans in the area are invit- ed to attend the service. from 611111 BETWEEN FRIENDS . - s29.50 CANADIAN ESTABLISHMENT . " 4.95 THE FINAL DAYS . ' ' $13.95 HISTORY OF A1tiATttgtr " E 328.75 HYS. 5620A After, the furnace, the water heater is the biggest user of energy in your home. Waste hot water, and you're wasting valuable energy. That's a good reason for getting full value from your water heater.in every way you can. By fixing leaky faucets. _ _ By insulating long runs of hot water pipe. By waiting until you have a full load before you switch on the clothes or dishwasher. By using cold or cool water when it will do the job. , By taking shorter showers or shallower baths. By.making sure that all the hot water that - ssscwisivtSh"i; eventually goes down the drain works hard for you before it goes. 'rRr.ltsl,t:.?.,i:i_i".',:'_'ir:? The Cascade electric J water heater gives you a dependable supply of hot water and it makes good use of all the energy it consumes. But it's up to you to use hot water wisely, Don't waste a drop. Sta: BOOKS FOR FATHER Waterloo Square. King Street South, Watotloo. 886-1352 1274;: 'ytugt-tslitt in! ttit SIATIDNEBY; COlES NOTES. COINS & STAMPS SUPPUES fs'aT; q 1‘59“}, Fl!, 1-ttiqtbdhtraodus Bet Imus and m the try Pena-sup With Us at the “y, . 1uletll,', mos. 3 - mama .' 5:94) in. s' ,tiijjjiiiiiiu _ CHURCH