-edvirm-t gttatttittt a! University of Waterloo (DWI an ideas not! tat- eatstomatctL " and, Heiiattttrtta- att-ani-futile, 1tettee-t_yrtddtmeMtt, It: pubject’is a an autqnatestr-ire-eA.irte rmxsarttrdemsMted'et.Alte UW campus. Btttthtatttt. "cttttthetilntisstdtttte essence of Kevin‘s we ation,itistiteideaoftilms asarnarketingtnol. of Photonsâ€. , local pm agency. In additi topor- trait work and 1'Slu','lfi work, Kevin is preparing to expand Phototistics into S" KIYCHSNE WAYEHOO UNI“) -- fl - _.----------, - Waterloo Kitchener w- T CCA 1ltttt1tomsprhresottttMttttteaieh, _- For the June " Wintario draw. your Wirttario ticket has two sets of numbers-one for the "on!" WWO that, tor between " to " Minion m prizes. And the other for the spacial million-duh! Bonus Dru:wnh one hundred extra prizes of “0.000 each. Jlunrehi,aiiiidlroat'tehnhtrbotlllt,, (T _ . " :1... Mt Magi“ atllh age , illllllih Milt I -- . teee0 12h5 Ifâ€. MW; .5Nu'T. "lF1% IMN" MOON, B.00m Bllill'b'k' "" I - p - . .v. MN . . 7432: Mligr tFast MW. rqlullll Wu " N4: 11NBrlf 'lflilllgk, :1- my. - tN _itiIqIt mo, .. A. . MKE. ' mil @435 -:4;:.;::“v. 'tltr Mig *r MMIII, MB8IE atilt qfrlg - let - ‘ 73425:: 'P, tMig . Kttt8 .2739: MiB - - w.. INRllV -r 8i In accordance with the Lottery regulations. an unclaimed Prue money is tetairte6 in the prize fund, mm the expiry of the one~yeat claiming period, n is Getrturtidaetmm, iRty:s in: EVE-Hahn†in“ viiktetttettd"tr "aeheetisirqt ttt "tt,'StttSSt The .55. incl-Ii immune-ma F _ .5 _ w r} "IAI,V‘OV.N~ T ww , i m" -_'.-, mr," 2'acze'c,ms ' "'s, in“ JK ' s', {mi ititittiiii6fitt,t', _ r ate"' ';tf.o'i' " r. i,'; 'ri';ttcrG Ontario & Duke Sts. char. irttsemttrqt m. . " _ were -trrittrt' am fd',,gtt'itt mm, the. film iii me“ amm- Mt a Won-Hum In ' has!†'ree., “on...“ vretra-t!ttttrr.emittt. re- aiiergtityt inâ€!!! he accept} trtgttal tti/tguts g; " .- . f - "e' in my» isaytttPtt.i.tms.est'etritt . 523m in; form or adtisrtiisittq â€re-nutty mar Tteeatssetteeydd new -dlitt-t Vindm ', as"a newsletter atttttrdis mum 'rithirtirttttsstry . j m tigtt level. -Nmarr- 'atiiiie.theuiiiiitrtatm t fttetxtrrrctftsePr.a.n-tio a be" M to make d cassette tity? , his my? ttard,dry..tesettrtieniatttiieet mount to the layer: who would flip it on their playing units. They then weak! be able to see and hear" every- thing about the new ptod- ttct." says Kevin. - /Tf, x _. ft. zit-p" "itEiiiiitiitrt'tiii' Ctiiitii.ii, Waterloo Square " the ram is ieiturestiiri will hold gm viewers‘ atten- tiomls-ys Kevin L V l Hi! idea contains merit "895 tty Mom! in“ h! ning to develop'to- its In]! potential. Phptotistiels is imhteytt .i. - y .suu "s ... 1vefuiuTi"iiCi"iii'iaii'riiFiii “twins Photos Kevin tr _ (tiii1serieaortartamt films are a future concept _ntittershehqsestoprxtth farthebusiness. “I think that comp Kevin first became in- have evolved so fast On this occasion. to accommodate the advance bonus drawing. ticket sales win cease m 6:00 pm, Thursday, June 24. 1976. flt get your ticket now. because mey're going fast, nd watch me special one-hour Wincario Show live on TV tram Hamilton June " at9 00 am than trttnsterted We a special prize fund to be avadable tor additional or bonus prizes in subso- quent draws. June " is our first Bonus Draw. ‘00. your claiming period 1hetiqttqtb' â€can IM'd.’ Inuit lllllXfirlfil, . rwwktrghr,, 0010:1047 - - It the “on! digit bonus numb“ on your “out scam exactly with one ofthe 100 bonus numbers ovum. you win $10,000 tax tree. at ';d9e'g2 './r" ryts'ci '. _ "3, sLsLukik, Vb». 'f.., 'M "t 'R.-' a - Miex'q.tta " " . e a% ~13? Kevin 010371. om of the “Intake-baud photo agency. mummies. has a unique talent for Pre-' seating technical information in. an interesting 10mm. Many sizes and colors. fine quality. Also side- walk stabs, curbs. steps. interlocking pavers. planters. red tile chips for driveways. etc. -FLAGSTONE -WALLSTONE -ROCKERY also a complete line of “"2an materials including the Bellfire sf em 60 Schaefer St.. Watetloo turn right on Wow one Mock north of King __ ttta-tttttttt ___ LANDSCAPING and BUILDING STONE PATIO SLABS all kinds including LEDGERROCK ASH LAR' SPLIT’FIELDSTONE tng ©