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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Jun 1976, p. 25

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1:s, I: B.tlttf9, van “a Upright. Grand and Apart- ment Size Pianos. "Where a used piano is truly a musical instrument" 20/Si.00 ' MYSTERY In WESIERN POCKET NOVELS 1 3' " 28 Regina St. North. (Water- loo. Open Daily 9:00-9:00. Sat. & Sun. till 6:00. WOMEN‘S WEEKLY UBRAHY USED PIANOS MOVING? CLEANING O.UT? I buy almost any- thing forty years or older. Phone 743-6223. 4th PORT-A-CRIB WANTED in good condition. Phone 885-6446. (24) " ARTICLES WANTED WHITE AND Beige male puppy. six weeks old: mother is Spitz. Phone 884-8961. (24) 15 PETS tk SUPPLIES BOOK EXCHANGE was. on was: an 100 Park St.. Kitchener (near Victoria) _ " CARS FOR SALE 65 POLICE CARS. VANS TRUCKS AND STATION WAGONS 18-1975 Chevrolets. 15-1974 Dodges. 6-1974 Chevrolets. 6-1974 Plymouths. 1-1974 Dodge Stationwagon. l- 1974 Chevrolet Station- wagon. 1-1972 Ford Station- wagon. 1-1973 Ford, 1-1974 Pontiac. 1-1972 Plymouth. 4-1970 Ford Vans, 1-1971 Dodge Van, 1-1973 Inter- national Crew Cab. 1-1972 Dodge Crew Cab. 1-1970 Ford Crew Cab. 2-1972 Dodge 1/2 tons. 2-1972 Intemation-, al 1/2 tons, 2-1972 Ford 1/2 tons. As low as $995. Licence No. DRJ358. Mighton Car Sales. 6 miles east of Han- over on No. 4 highway. Phone Durham 1-369-3136. 885- 1 725 Open Mon.-Sat. 1:004:00 (ti) 1972 MAVERICK GRAB- BER. A-l condition. many extras. $1995.00. Phone 742-9479. 1972 FORD GRAN Torino fouratoor. V-8. automatic. power steering. 53.000 miles. $1950.00. Phone 886-1613, (24) " CAMP-TRAVEL TRAILERS 1975 TRAVELMATE Hard- top trailer, stove, refriger- ator. sink. sleeps six. excellent condition, Phone 884-6191. (24) ATTHE PIANO SHOP an PAI NTiNG . "SittEtmAt-e0MMEitetAt IlDUSIRIAl Yearsot Experience, Reasonable Rates Guaranteed Workmanship free Estimates. CALL 1443838 PAINTING ~1NTERIOR and exterior work. Reasons able rates. 7% discount for Senior Citizens. Free estimates. guaranteed workmanship. references supplied. Call 745-2000. ttt i EXTERIOR PAINTING - Also qualified men for repairs if necessary prior to painting. Special rates to home owners and Senior Citizens. F re-e estimates. 744-7894. . an QUEEN 'S CONSTRUC- HAVE TRUCK Will do odd TREE REMOVAL - Tree and hedge trimming. Landscape work. Clean up. articles moved. Free estimates. 10% discount Senior Citizens. 579-6363 or 578-3023. . (27) PAINTING - QUALITY Work done on interior and exterior jobs. Special rates for Senior Citizens. Guaranteed workman- ship. Free estimates. 834- 0459 leave message for Will. I will return your call. (If) aaa' M."-"'"' aiiiii'"iGtiiG' “I. Call can - dty na‘mm only. (up PAINTING - INTERIOR LAWN MAINTENANCE - Landscaping. planting, fencing. Phone 884-3622. i24t QUEEN 'S CONSTRUC- TION - All types of roof- ing. .chimneys. remodel- lling. commercial build- ings. eavestroughing. concrete work. water- proofing. carpentry. brick work. siding. 10% off for Senior Citizens. 743-4601. ttft Walls sealed with fantastic CHEMICAL WATER- PROOFING process. Also cellar floors and walls re- finished, like new. 15% Off for Senior Citizens. TION - All types of car- pentry and remodelling. commercial buildings. porches. complete reno- vations and recreation rooms. 10% off for Senior Citizens. 743-4601. ttft Jobs and delivery. Phone Kevin 7426689. T 125) lEAKING. DAMP MUSTY BASEMENTS? and exterior work done at reasonable rates. Work- manship guaranteed. free estimates. low rates for Senior Citizens. Phone 744-3838. an PHONE 745-7790. or . 745-2000 tMt uh QUEEN'S CONSTRUC- d 'l'ION - All types of sid- v' ing, windows. doors plus chimney repaint: and roof- ing: brick work and wa- terproofing. 10% off tdr Senior Citizens. All work fully guaranteed. 74b 4601. (tn NEED PLANS For that ad- dition to your home, Call East Graphica’lu- 1421. ALL TYPES Of home re- pairs. cement work. car- pentry. chimneys. roof- jng, Carports, garages. recreation rooms. plaster- ing - fancy or plain. Rea- sonable rates. Phone 579- 4131 after 4:00 p.m. (th THINKING OF' Beautify- ing your home? Increase its value; for less than you think. we'll paint it professionally inside or out. 744-7942. . - itft EXPERT PAINTING - Specialist in exterior painting. caulking. Fully insured with experienced PAINTING AND Caulk- ing. Call us for your ex- terior work. guaranteed workmanship. fully in- sured. free estimates. 742-2834. (th "ttiiiiiiU G'meyw"""{uu vim. mun-d parts for mm: Aet,qr. diam. EXPERT PAINTING And decorating, special rates for Senior Citizens. Free estimates. Call now 742- 2834. (m CARPENTRY - PAINTING, Walls. floors, windows, oven. basements. etc. Gar- dening. painting. rubbish removal. Special rates for senior citizens. DURACLEAN BOB DEKKER men to dir guaranteed work, 742-2834. (tf) Take advantage of our qualified combined ser- vices. Excellent perfor- mance record. Fully in- sured. Free estimates. 578-5745. (tf) BROADLOOM and UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE CLEANING PHONE 745-1293 Bus. 744-8292 Res. 576-1831 For Free Estimates and ODD JOBS SERVICE Your Valuable Phone ttft (tft (ti) - Rooting, all types - Blown Insulation - Tuck Pointing _ Ceramic Tile - Bathrooms remodeled JRecreation Rooms Built All work guaranteed. b'u"s,, Blalil [))0fril' [ti)) REMODELING . NEW ADDITIONS RECREATION ROOMS PAINTING Residential-Commercial Free Estimates RECAMA ENTERPRISES 884-8757 my R. & R. CONSTRUCTION REITZEL BROS. Free Enirnatos 886-3130 an BLUEVALE TOWER us Ideally sttuated m a parkrluke sen-rug on tour acres of professor-tally landscaped land wnhm easy wauung dvstance of Glenndge Shoppmg Centre and the my bus servoce close to schools churches and vecveauon centres BLUEVALE TOWER offers so much more more comfort more con venuence and a lot more enuoyable way of Me Outstanding matures include: private balcony; Nrrrwaattmomsitthe0ttedroomsuites, 5(me eaohunfl;mmmtbrmheamw;exembemns;umfummm; hobbymn;cbsedc&umWsystem(imhnesmmysecmflycmw;medsgnm Wtuaummmm;mnmamm;m:m;mmmm;mw 'e"t0":"osrto'rsttt"irmororasscuttirto:umtemroundpttrktng, PHONE 745-0940 ’ NOW _ REGISTERED CONOOMINIUMS PAPERING " PAINTING . 1 tiedroom suites $23,000' 2 bedroom suites $28,000' MODEL SUITE OPEN DAILY Sat. 8: Sun. 1-5 pm. Weekdays 1,30-9:00 pm ECONOMICAL CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT HOMES For more information call 886-0151 "tu E. L. HOPPE AGENCIES LTD., Realtor Come See A Whole New Way of Life . . . . (I!) (tft 'PLUS S100 per floor - Down payments 1t9% HOCH ROOHNG _ PAINTING .. PAPERING Special rates to home- and re-motin ‘All work giaranteed. For free of (Iliad and disabled came and horses Phone 1-416-692-4421 or Kitchener 579-3820 " am- Cull Dive 0: Chuck 75-“. ttfl Roch 742-63 after 5:00 p.rri. _- an was, - t re e estimates. Phone inttras. (ti) PACONI DEADSTOC K FREE REMOVAL CONDGMNIUMS Licence No. 5406 - 'illl'tiNrliiiR 225 Harvard Place, Waterloo ORGANIST AND Choir Director required. GP 100 " HE LP WANTED PORTABLE WPEWRI. Ens planet eaten. adj 20 mama & SAL! SERVE“ Reply Chairman, Music Committee, Glen Acres Baptist Church. comer Hartwood and Ellis. Kit- chener. - (25) manuals. full pedal board. Type Busing-u Equipment, 28 Bridgeport Road East. Waterloo (jun bun from Towers). 85-2510. (ti) CONWINIUMS '9'! USE me CHRONICLE cussmeos mm- om a." o" ..._ Iv: LL] rates, (tf)

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