- King Street, St. Jacolls li:00 mm. - WORSHIP SER- VICE 1inciedeseturseey) 102w -a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for chil- _e-_ dun, teens. adults. A friendly country 'dlurch close to North Waterloo and Lakeshore Village. PMNR: REV. GEO. A. SIM, a resident of Lakeshore Village. Church 664-2311. Residence ans-ms. v, CANARY UNITED CHURCH SUNDAYS SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:00 AM. WORSHIP - 10:45 A.M, BOB RIBBARD. Evangelist To submit short news notic- es of upcoming events to The Chronicle, (free of charge). For details Call: All Clubs. Churches, Schools and Organizations in Waterloo ' , COMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Or mail them to our office, located on the Second Floor. Waterloo Square. CHURCH SERVICE! GEORGIAN BAY - Thorn- bury. Three bedroom lake- front cottage, swimming. fishing. skiing, sailing. Phone 74346214. (t!) Furniture, Dishes, One Spread-Size Quilt, etc. 12A COTTAGES FOR RENT RUMMAGE SALE - Friday, N. A. MacEachcm Public School Rolling Hills Drive (Lakeshore Village) CHURCH SERVICES - For Further Information Phone 834-2875. 10:00 a.m. PARKMINSTER UNITED CHURCH 275 Erb St. East. Waterloo. ARE INVITED June 11th, 3:00-9:00p.m., Kitchener YMCA. Spon- sored by K-W Barber- shoppers Ladies' Auxiliary (24) You Are Invited To Attend The Services of the ikiiiiuiiuaiiiiti" AUCTION SALE Saturday. June 19th HOUSEWC RATE Minimum " Wonk $125 Each AW Word " WATERLOO CHRONICLE 886-2830 DID YOU KNOW? Church of Christ' 'Wa" (25) 4 MR" 'tttet W! NmrrroMglltthrNeit. MODERN THREE Bed- GRANDFATHER CLOCK Movements. dials and solid wood kits. Lowest prices in Ontario on most items. For free catalogue phone or write: Canadian Standing Clocks. 272 Wool- wich Street North, Kitch- ener (Bridgeport). 743- 3291. (ti) " ARTICLES FOR SALE WASAGA BEACH - Three bedroom cottage. all con- veniences. August 21st to priced. Four level back split. fireplace. large one car garage. ISIS square feel. well designed floor HORSE - REGISTERED Anglo-Arab gelding. 14.3 hands. seven years, well trained, responsive and friendly. Sacrifice under Terry Sinclair at 1633- son, 1-53-13], collect. Wanna" foot bungalow. clay brick, lots of cup- boards, marble top sink 12A COTTAGES _ FOR RENT wood sectional decorative 13A HORSES more. Call 1-53-56“ col- lect. Raised Ranch mo square feet of living area. wide open interior design, lots of cupboards. fire- place, large garage. very attractive color eeqgdin- ate exterior, choose your Terry Sinclair 1-53-5646. 1-53-1891. collect. mo square foot home, stone front with sunporch. fin- ished mud room and parti- ally finished recreation room and washroom, fruit cellar. 77 by 155 foot lot, well planned interior, call room back split with car- l port, beautifully decorated,' including fine broadloom on all levels, large win- does with lovely view. many trees and flowering shrubs, landscaped garden private patio. Economical natural gas heating. auto- matic water softener, panelled carpeted recrea- tion room, large storage area with built-in. Private basement entrance. Prie- ed to sell at H7,000. To see this comfortable home in Glenridge area Phone 884-0733. (25) collect. September. 7434532. (24) Tack available. 884-4784. ( 24) LT .ygvfieemvgp 'l rth'Q'Ak'h'h'iiiASil ' (25) continent. an: MirtimtsmuttlihaN"tatt " I,'] fir-i "dtAdttittrmalWotdON' q . ')1t:,s,-rs,,4llltlllh, omrdnm,' , Westmount waers Featuring: --mtat free refrigerator. stoveanddishwasher -Nrery private, full screen- edhalcunies --emmtnieett underground VACUUM CLEANERS - Eureka $30.00; Kenmore $25.00: Singer upright. al- most new. Phone 884-8476. " ARTICLES FOR SALE LEADING POOL Manu- facturer has 1975 above ROAD RUNNER St? - Sale of used clothing an house- hold articles. ree pickup of unwanted items. 569 Lancaster West, Kitchen- er, 743Ml. Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 - 5:00. (tf) Make 12 Mo'nthly Payments of 10.00 and a beautiful bow- boy Console is yours. Style Stereo with turntable. Call 65 Wanna: Road Honk. Waterloo Spacious. Two Balloon Apartment Home: MODELS NOW OPEN FOR YOUR _ 7 PERSONAL INSPECTION -- Managed by Maior Holdings atd Developments Limited DAILY 212 KING sr. E. 10-10 KrNHENER pools available. Willing to sacrifice at half-price. Call collect anytime (416) 667-1302. tttt by appointment For information call 885-1420 Members of Urban Development Institute , Call 578-8120 STEREO CUISINE 579-4140 {REE _' rltiutmiitih'iiii.i'idm ...ft_l.'yItt.t1t.gtt..ttttts.tttel, (24) ‘ “magnum noon To an: Prices†HOURS: Tundoyin’day (M1900 an" - Noon. [-005.00 pun. "n-9aogt.m, Samar 9.0014». - 5:00pm. VENTURE ' HARD'I‘OP GENDRON THREE - Way baby carriage with mat- tress, mesh netting and coverlette. Polaroid "420" camera, â€second devel- oping. with carrying case and naah. 885-4729. (24) LEADING SWIMMING Pool manufacturer, must . dispose of brand new 1975 above ground aluminum TO REN'W0r Buy Grand River Cable TV’s "Little Brown Box", call area representative D. Schie- del, 884AB54 for fast per- sonalized service. (tf) TWO DAY Beds with match- ing table. Two matching bedroom dressers. Tele- vision needs repair. Porta- ble _ Admiral television. good working condition. Table and four chairs. Pots and pans. odds 'N' ends. mm. (24) KESSLER'S DEuCATEs- SEN - 10t Arnold Street (comer Lancaster), Kit- chener. Processed cheese slices $1.29 pound. Colby 81.59. Mild cheddar $1.49, Medium $1.59. Old $1.69, Extra Old 81.79. Havarthl 81.59. Esmm 81.69. (tf) Mt. Harvey, chllect. days or evenings, 41mm. (39) BOAT - " Foot Deep V. 125 Mercury with power tilt tandem aluminum trailer. depth finder. etc., excel- lent condition. N2-5745. (24) uTrrrrs FOR Boys or girls sizes three [maths and up. Golf bag, training chair, riding toy. box of joys, cars, trucks. etc., baby toys. 578-15.» (not home weekends). IM) luxury camper. many extras. m Hazelgleu Dr., Kitchener, after 5 pan. pools made to sell for $1890.00. Willing to close- out for $1188.00. Full war- ranties in effect. Call collect anytime 1-416-667- 1302. (tf) PHONE 634-8535 or 634-5524 - at) . -. or BADEN _ Imam» Visit Mr More OVER 50 CHESTERFIELD SUITES . . _ TO CHOOSE FROM he!“ 8th. Mm. Rum. - “new, Bun, etc. “TWWWWRWM _ __. 'arLuiiiuL' f 1:1 Mai-THEWV BEAUHFUI. M" COLOR watered tymitro _- 0 Ttice-spanish-the- Casters. 100% Solid sum. .8tBs.00.Ca1iMite... DAILY 212 KING ST. E. 10-10 KITCHENER SWIMMING POOL Heater SWIMMING POOL Kits _ Install it, yourself and save! 16 by 32 inground priced at $1.932. includes Jacuzzi fitter", main drain, skimmer, three-step lad- der, vacuum kit, brush and pole, 30 mil liner and set - Authorized factory ser- vice for JOHNSON radios - We sell COBRA. COUR- IER. HY-GAIN. JOHN- - Antennas and accessories l - Automatic Radios. Tape) Players. Speakers and Accessories. - Service to all makes of C.B.’s. Auto Radios and Tape Players. - Installations. Sales. Leas- esand Rentals. who! _ vacuum hose moo. Aqua Marine. mo Westmount East, 578-1152. We accept Master Charge. (27) stackless. natural gas or propane, $515.00. Six-foot 300 Westmount East, 578- 1152. We accept Master Charge. (27) lECTRON RADIO COMMUNICATIONS 450 Weber St. North. Unit 8 Waterloo 885-0410 579-4140 Citizen Band - Business Band I" am (24) men "i Pom-inn: and 5:. "l.' Cm) ‘m!’ ,' " _ T ' _ _-rr. 7- ?â€â€˜xwr ', _,"' GARAGE SALE-ltems FOR GOOD Reconditioned Electrolux cleaners. Call RA. Hendry, 745-8119. as) amt “I: "tttg- m CHESTERFIELD. FRENCH ll-FOOT HOBIE Cat sail- boat, $2,100.00 with trailer. Phone â€-1613. (24) SEARS WASHER, Dryer, stove and refrigerator, avocado in color. all good condition. Phone 88b1613. . (M) LEOPARD FUR Coat, full length, size 14 in perfect condition, sacrifice $5.00. Phone 334-9604. (24) SWIMMING POOL SAC- RIFICE: Leading Mann- facturer and distributor has above ground alumi- num pools left over from 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaranteed instaliation and terms. Call Credit Manager collect. Missis- sauga 416425-8819 days tted.itoate-t..t8tr any: highchair, nag-m atria-“mi for bicycle. Pill “15â€. _ "" day, Jan ISth, It†45:†pm. 5“ Elm Ridge Place. Make 12 mthly paymts of 3.00 (No Interest) and a beautiful ARI-FM s-Track Stereo with turntable is yours. Call Barry . . . TUBE Including portable value; and dryer,3mrert- piec‘e’ dinette suite, crib, offer. Phone 743-3471. (24) vacuum, single bed, basket chair. Kodak 1n- stamatic camera, all good condition. 886-161& or evenings. DAILY 212 KING ST. E. 10-10 KITCHENER ST EREO COMPONENTS 579-4140 m?) (is I {gig-r (I!) ISS,) '1 NJ