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"e JP _ , ' J . _ F _ _ '. if ' , _ _ .'. j g " L T .7 - -F- T., ‘ . ‘5.AL_ :7 L -d, " l . _ 57_Jti'.?t.i T I, _ * A ':1rAl-lt ."; Ci. ‘r' ~"»~'* T' _ A 2isgf, " _ 77.23.. .u public used The Ministry maintains a healthy forest by planting and trimming trees with extraction of forest products such as saw areas where you can go and get in touch with nature. The areas. are open all year round for walking; nature observation. sports such as snowshoeing or cross-country- skiing and just getting away," said Al Mathews, management forester for the Ministry of Natural Resources, Beaver: dale Road, Cambridge. squall with; min. the off in a nearby 'agreement forest or conservation area. In just a few minutes. You can drive but of the city and leave your car for a re- lasting walk in natural sur- roundings. The songs of birds, soft breezesandclean air greet you " you step from your car. Clearly marked latte trails take you away Into the peace- ful world of nature, without a telephone or banding in sight. _ Agreement forests are crown land managed in agreement by the Ministry The areas provide excel- lent wildlife cover mak- ing viewing of small ani- mats in natural habitats available. Some of the areas are open for in season hunting but the Ministry advises that hunters should seek the more remote areas for safety. Not to mention the fact that hunting re- quires more seclusion from the hunter's point of view. "The areas are managed under a multiple use philos- 3 Sun: Sch A Chit 1 Colin and 2 End Tallies 5 Pt. Kitchen Suite 2 LR. loops ' I 12 Cunt 2 B.R. laws q Pt. Bolt-on Suit- 10" Colic Fun 100% Solid State _ . _ . _ _ In Air Conditioners Fun T _ 2 Pt. Soil & Chair. 3 Pt. Coffee l his . "" Coin FII " no Floor 100% Solid Sm. 3 Spud Gaining Fuss _ V By Dan Johnqton -ttitfrfrrTi - Inc-Em CIT3-AltrLU1_hll1LC_1ih-Lit N6 E 06WN - NO PAYMENTS TILL SEPT. - torists are GIANT ROOM§ OF NEW FURNITURE .3111 ti/ttte-het-tauth-st has M1": vellum “he use for extensive rema- Ite- than! uses,"saidAl-Math- Agréem entforem IMP guiding nature trails with 99mm signs ttut, the entrance point. Plans have been made to include self- the areal as natural as possible. Vandalism is 'also a deterrent for such a pro- ject. "Vandalism seems to be an inherent problem .when you get close to urban cen- tres. Trail signs would be It'""" to abuse," said Agreement forests are not conservation areas. They are not open for camping and fires are not allowed. The areas are in- tended for day use. d "This is a rather obséure recreation activity. It is for the person, who doesn‘t want it all laid out for him. At present the areas don't have picnic tables but garbage recepticals are supplied at the parking areas," said Al. And for the person who is seeking a' natural surround- ing, nothing could be mgre suitable. The walking trails lead through wide varieties of forest cover, past ponds, up and down hills and through the natural habitats of wildlife. Na- ture lbvers are treated to the outdoors as they' really are, not as man has mani- pulated thém for his own N - -- k i'"('i,,/,E,i,!,,,l,l,,,,!v?,,i')i_i":: 32m: ' 5 i2tiii7itet2i, The most central of the agreement forests in the Waterloo Region is the Doon Tract located on the Doon-Blair road just past the Doon Pioneer Village. This totally coniferous area features two parking areas and over -go acres of forest with walking trails. One trail borders on a farmer's field before cut- ting into the thick of the forest along side a pleasant stream. . South of Cambridge on Highway MA is the 220 acre Sudden Tract. This Most "Wie.' forests at the 299. 179. 219. 477. 35. beautiful area only one mile from the city limits tea- lures a newly opened park- ing lot and recently brttah. ed out nature trails: The acreage is made up of both planted and maturing trees as well as ponds. The hills provided many scenic views of nature at home. Th6 wanking mm and bridge at thq"Totttmtinq new“ Erhsvillg. was any summer we!!! poi-ct - students in 1914. " I TC West of Waterloo, one mile west of-Erttsville, lies the Town Line. Tract. This 15 acre forest has a nature trail winding over small hills and across a. stream, Bridges and steps were con- tructed in the summer of 1974 by students employed , This area's ottiest Radio Station. CHYM Radio, has received permission tren the Canadian Radio-Tele- vision Commission to change frequency, from the pres- ent l490khz to 570khz. The change was requested.at a formal hearing before the 2-way Refrigerators, toilets. water heaters. amongs. drapes. gas bottles. congoleum floor covering. etc. Plumbing pipe a. pipe Ftttiogs.. Elec gas ranges. Brass fittings, Asst win- doves. tmost sizes). Vents. Furnaces. Sink Moulding, Ouanl~ try of plywood panelling - Trailers rangehood, Slipcovers Wiring & light fixtufes. Plumbing supplies nuts. bolts. brass screwsfasterturrs. ere - Iamden & sgle Axle Traders (comp c/w frames & tires) HUNDREDS or ITEMS TOO NUMEnous‘ro MENTION TO SAVES" PLAN TO ATTEND-TO BUY-T0 SAVE TERMS: Cd. Approved my - Private Cheques. Full settlement sale day Ind-atria! Linguist»! and Antiwar: Proftuionah in the My “tandem of Cootruetimx. Industrial and maid Emmi-a. 'CHYM will change frequency of Camping Trailer furnishings & parts etc (Surplus Travel Trailer Components & Accessories from) Rocket Trailers - 1256 Victoria St. N. Kitchener. Ont. SAT, JUNE 5, 10 am. Productions Surplus 69 wow}. Kitchen" . (519) 743-8221 AUCTION SALE M.R. JUTZI & CO. Inc. by the Ministry. The area recently wasihinned and the yulpwéod was sold to Darwood Industries. Breb Ian. There is a new park- ing lot opened this yeir'at theentranee. V N Commission in March, and final approval was reteie- ed by officials at CHYM Radio late Friday. The change, which will not affect CHYM's sister sta- tion, CKGL-FM, in any- way, will permit CHYM Ra- dio to improve coverage in mira,,one gnye east ot Highway as, is 130 acres of mostly pine originally planted to provide a wind break for the highway: It is adjacent to a Woolwich Township forest and has a parking area planned to be gryelleq this WT Urs" "tdiiiu'tifi, new ac- [VII " l Hill swamp will be quid out thisaUr tqthe Peterstterg Highway 7 and 8. The area is Imstmtttfittaeeessitrie. "r, Near the Sudden Tract. just off Highway MA on Waterloo Regional Road 47. Tract. This area has a new parking lot and trails lead- ing through maturing hard- wood stands. Some of the trails are part of the Grand River Trail System. "The areas are all use at your min risk. Last year over, 15.000 school pupils the Cambridge 7 market area, and will provide su- perior Radio coverage to the outlying areas of the Region of Waterloo. One of the conditions pt the change is a simultaneous improve- ment for CF'OS Radio in Owen Sound, which will re- ceive a general improve- ment in its daytime signal. CHYM's present frequency. For Patios - Pool Decks 0 Walks . Driveways. Several sizes and colours. square edges. hi-strength. Regular slabs 45 M. ft. - grey. Driveway slabs Me sq. ft. Grey. 648-2102 UNIT CONNIE?! SUB co. Breslau PAVING SUBS SAVE Riki used'the m for various nattarestatdies."- P J " ',t,uPtt.1.,3,mfhtiyrf.ty!re unify be wags-om facilities developed but the areas are designed for manage- ment to create a vigorous forest with a multitude of recreational uses.†said Al. plen'tiful mail: the rapid- 1490, will be moved to Port Elgin to provide a rebroad- casting facility for the Owen Sound Radio Station. Work it already underway for the change, and JP. Firminger, Chief Engineer of CHYM Radio, s ta te d that the technical adjust- ments and engineering work should be completed ,in late 1977, when CHYM Ra- dio will leave the “so fre- Iy expandint- area of -ttte Waterloo Region. For in- formation on these and oth- er nearby agreement for- " Continued ortrtextpage new sto frequency. "We mVictoria St N . kitrheoer (Beside Weston Bakeries) "sam After hours 5734154 Large Indoor Sham-urns SUPERIOR MEMORIALS FOR SUMMER INSTALLATION YOUR MEMORIAL SHOULD BE ORDERED NOW for