"i' situations but that as a gen- up properly in the spring, [ I I , MilliS fit? IlMlllllllllllllll6 r WWW“) A ATM-WNW! . .' pttiiiuatiptriiq . .m- " _ ' _,'i1'ttit', ttgttti- _ , t"r dtitfk' ,» _ , aii! m "aiar'" , “4:",- M; 5 'Gd ' f 'l.fg'" k _ "ttt Jtbhitiq,tttt. 'pt/tii/lift:'.',)',');')',, tStftt.tgt,ttlt "()qilAls),ti1'fi'"d- f , ‘ 'c'. . _ "c.'" . _ -- this. A" “a, to ttave ' 1ll's'1tl'ilrtlli, tt'ltil),t,vlllllllit't'llrsr'l, Cr __. -"iitgietm'" , _ . C,)". Mg Fill _ 'er, P."" _ ' tf,eut2..ette',e.elUe 'eeelte " .... --- my “medium-p- 'retrtt,.etttttAet!1/ I Ci, Et .. m, tttabit/fig/gtg.'. ttttt . ur-, " "", thirri. A (',lllf,i'dTtt; Wu! w-ii/ttiN,',','.",':',',')','.','"",',,','; tt ya. u jt'ttidiiilijdd'i'i", M $tt. IF? A f 9 . . .mmnmpous' on (tall, _ Tttitat of ','l2t'l,"'ll'l'l. 'grd,'t2', I! 'rrte1tqtt by: a In: A Ari a,ttotreardiirtd' pools are not ‘ mbject to municipal house taxes " they are consider- ed portable. He said the as- sessment of ingl'ound pools was difficult to define speci- fically as the assessments are suited to individual situations but that as a gen- grand pool dotg not we qtrimotit-atsttt.esteiotr_ meepoolishUI' ttu,rtrfyrttmtttteesr- ttmee' to'tbe pool must 'ttteetthtehogtit. Bill Dttattlttte' of the " esgmetttdtttttt1mtttftlte, ,6itettrmtSrteieroitut be ttifeet high 'M.ttrt- ,.eaadoesoototatttiasit madly be 'gtmtted try mermtatttatooesip.5rdai'ev-savmG!'NcEs.' _.-"--'-'-"'-"-"'"-"- Ptfd , s s I "mum 400 Imus 29.95 amen 330 nuns 29.95 ARTS RECREATION CENTRE 60 King St. S. Watqrtoo (across hom Waterloo Square) att other equipment 20% off your round - Brand Names such as Berkley. Garcia. Daiwa. Algonquin and Eagle Claw. elf-imbalaai-d -tu'pl,?t'ltt,'ltt, "a 'eg't'dlllt'd'dltdi'Slt'lsdt 1eg,f,g'.,u'ltg'-tlt New "- _ - an. Yul would 'ttt,t.tttirAdtmrirtgatrr and than - trrrtttrtg gatsotiminitttrstothrtw irtgttteottet-.t.Neeiikr wouldn’t run agritat pool mtn'tmtetrtteqteHreittter ititsehiorhteandpBteveis areet'tmairrtrtinedtrrxqredtr. F - "3‘ Ii Iiltltht S,'tl8 tti: lookaftaertllemaintenance~ otapoo1itttterhtttFtt todo,"saidDitAandLiaa MecttmtMctmttteihePool Supplies, 12-8 Oxford St. Cambridge (Gait). The first thirtgtodoisnnd whatisthe proper way to operate and maintain the pool. Most dealers and phol supply companies wili advise you in this area. "After the pool is started up properly in the Spring. 'rre ly'ititgrmyr iaiiTG'"d iinriGiii'iiaa '“' ii5.lbhTkhuiiiiii, "f dun-if f _ i?ilitilil'itii'i'i'i'it tt'gtiftgtglthlt N at use , 't1t'etsrtt# all! "i3ti1a,tdlttiiy1tt1pAttLtilit' _ 'r' - "iiiViu'iiiitiiiivi"iiUird tittir. "N eait'iirsiiir PM} "r. l 'l'l2h'i"a'll' 2l'fd','it1'l 'P‘W W '.'teh,"' "GET OUT AND GO†“I!!!“ mm lullw _ â€new“. museum-mono â€Who-Mint“ Camping, Bicycle and Scuba Specialists Zone method of packing a bag ultimatum? / GittsamtHatatieatTtttrtgst" - ' O.W. Sports has the largest selection of backpacking equipment in this area. For all your backpacking, scuba and bicycle needs come to 0.W. Sports. 'ii"ii"i “m "e'-'"'"--' rr-e"""."'" w 6515i it‘d-TE; TX 92 King St. s. Watetloo. Ontario 886-2840 Open Wad. Than. Fri. till 9:00 pm. The Zone Method of packing a bag can make the difference betWeen drudgery and enjoyment during the time spent on the trail. , ' _ A few simple principles which are often overlooked can make a difference. Technically speaking, the body has a center of gravity located directly over the ankles. “When standing normally there is very little forward lean of the body. However, when a pack is placed on the back. the body leans forward to bring the pack's center of gravity directly over the ankles. Cdnsequently. it is advantageous to keep the pack's center of gravity as close to your back as possible to prevent unnecessary forward lean. There is also benefit in plancing the densest weight high in the pack as it will be more directly over the center of gravity. smm-mW-mchuam Wham-Lam." MOAMWIWW News." l '" EM ST. EST l V mum-mam Jrdg Phone 886-1939 tatttrdiitt In: 'iiiitattt., in an putttdyrtrrtotttCAttetetting. - _. In!!! Ii sunshine museum: Bkieel isettirittttqaItdporttt CT, m. "A "