- ,7 hymn-mu - . "-.'t.n,iiuatitimtAtttm,,e.i,itittr'i'rstF'a-iteus This home. built in 196, at 6 Young MF.. out)mesae1seasftsttteiiiNiIiimbr ' . ,'tittsfeatturxsdirtthitrattlttmrtin0etrtttertgn.At 'rhettedrrtttqttet11, , .Ihljoolnsm "uttimeitmtaomgatttrtttDoettitsimtLittesttmrettraghmaBddttttrt iipMttted Attsrmtneecompttatyttndttterewaaaotneeomsem "trttittetttsttnd+tttitttetsirt months thatitcouldhedemolished. a tittral all“ and striped Nb. The W Domittimt"LitoNtttttehtmetasMr. ttgtdMrts. soet'otteitrttaa1mtattettaiqttreqmi_titttc Eric Pemtteiton, whohavedonean excellentjoh arttiqttetmirtt"ymtittgatet",'tttt.mitt_i%ire, " of renovating the interior. from its dark varnish rtiltiiWijjigtrdglllll1li 'd a " Ill t _ wc p Tttttttt 'il . and My rose. floral wallpaper norm a much il!llliiiiiEilillliil ‘ . id? ' I IN IE brighter and inviting interior. The exterior trim , iiiilltillMll" T u M ' â€1.. - and porches alsogot a face lift. = “‘ M “f LI ’ Illl Bt Il5iiil Ilit, g, The entrance hall is done in pale green floral f f Fr ._ MilllrMl, . wallpaper with a matching green mg on the floor. " i " ‘1 bttg, "a", _ The doors, door frames, window frames and base- u I I lltil g,’ _',iiilit,fei'ii,(i' boards as well " an ornate radiator are all pttint- """""““"‘“â€â€˜ Lt " " L'r.i S, R Mii'rEi. . ed white. To offset this, the newel post and stair til ii7i'iti'i balustrades have been left in their original dark I 3,. " , 1.1:}. stain and varnish. Iiiftil'liti, The entrance to the living mom is through a . I llllllilllliE sliding door on the right. A wall was removed to ItllltBiE' make the front (company) parlor and the back . Illillelt .(family) parlor into one larger mom. A buff 'lllillik' brick fireplace with an antique carved pine man- " p " " “51",..igii'ffef tel was added. Hot water pipes are hidden in r . ty, tlMlllB'i' the chimney area. _ , ‘ r 'if] u I RE-tCSI: The pine floors in the living and dining room l if: have been refinished to let the grain and mel- FC Q, 'aT . Iliiiiett: low glow of the wood show through. 'ME W' C4j,'1' _'ri'i'i"y'a4 “as. I lf; _ M " ., . ... LT _. . _ _ :v. Idr _ a...» .‘W‘Wg' pate-.1": m "ee rsao_'"rrt'"uiR" "d, _i'i')emr?W,rf'e7'l"r " V _ - _ _ 7 7w, -' ap"" _" a rwagzwfz Fit " " [ 'tr', .r' _ s,'., .. w'. 3"“. "I", w.]" '-"rf?1't",'; iel'f"'17,':r,; t'e P" . 3, ",'j5fl"'t?l'i; P" "r'r /r'r"r .. -~ t.,luii' -' _ «:3 ' , Tr ca - T ‘ , ' , ri rm. _ q ", "_" i, -,. Wt: ‘;. N. tvs,- _ N 'r A; 'ii"':),'-:'.):)',:,...",):,:,,')')-" ave, " _ -- Y] its.cp, A"" T Cy.] . " ll ... mer a l r . _ fin-3‘ ' Ar, _ T" _ _ _ sr.: ", 975 'jirj';rr,'.jit4"it,;ct', \ grit? kr. - film _i6lithir" __' fri '-elr'rtiiirWiftltt9'ttt ' qqBlliI IIIIII II II I I'I m-tr-ii- _ " "' a -' 7 '. ve 'R" _ 1,. __.," f f ", "u " ", qt ' ' -' A . _ .. -P ' " " V _ .7 _ , .. _ ' " " . - ( _. i ‘3 " h 1,lrlr,'lt,,"-,, F 0 . _ _ _ ' _ 1 Iti' L,..". ' . e .,. . .- . . l . _ hi “'2‘ Md. 7.4 " l "ti; A: . V - If. _ . enot8tttontr give ne w i, .', e; to . "titt"iit' 7 l. .,.~,'.nc: . _ rou8e. . ‘3 The living roonLand dining room have five pert ‘arched windows. The bottom two-thirds is divid- ed into three sections and the top third into two pie-shaped pieces. These are leaded glass in the dining mom and stained glass in the living room. The dining room wallpaper consists of pale green stripes with a boarder depicting fruits and flowers, There is a swinging door into the modernized kitchen. The paper here is yellow with a kitchen motif. A bathroom has been added where an old wall-hung sink was. The front stairs as the photo shows. have a curv- ing banister that is attached to the upper hall wall. Education The getting of the 1976 Waterloo county board of education budget was a gruelling experience that required much soul search- ingonthepart of trustees. You're probably all fa- miliar with the details of the budget, (a $75,000,000 budget, up $i0,000,000 over last year, resulting in an average tax hike of $45.) In Water- roo, the increase will be $33 on average assessment. This has been slashed from the original estimates of $150 per household based on the average assessment. This budget exercise made me even more aware of how much we expect of school boards - perhaps too much. During its budget deliber- ations, the board cut almost $10.000.000 out of its first potential cost estimates. These cuts affected every aspect of the school system: and it was during this exer- cise that trustees gained new insights into just how much school boards do provide. Let's look first at why this extensive budget has occurred at all. First, it has happened be- cause the provincial govern- ment has reduced its level of grant to school boards, particularly at the second- ary level. This has forced boards to raise more money from local taxpayers. Ev- ery board in the province has faced this problem, mainly because the gov- eminent didn't announce its curtailed grant plan until well after most boards were forced to commit themselves to major 1976 expenditures, (e.g., in the case of the board, salary contracts for local staff that run from September 1. 1975 - August 31, 1916). Some boards have raised their taxes by as much as 40%, while the Waterloo county board of education has increased taxes by an average of 16%. has faced this problem, main- ly because the government didn't announce its curtail- ed grant plan until well after most boards were forced to commit themselves to major 1976 expenditures. leg., in the case of the board. salary contracts for local staff that run from September l, 1975 - August 31. 1976). Some boards have raised their taxes by as much as 40 ' while the Waterloo county board of education has increased taxes by an average of 16%. Second. the budget hap- pened because of enormous increases in salaries during the past two years. as well as the inflationary factor experienced by all organiza- tions. More than 75% of our total budget goes into salaries. Education is a people business, and the w . - ... "'% 'r" â€-5va ' â€an“ ‘ " 'riam It'd '8 - _ 1m“. 'iixtei?, . $Eff,i";'iyC,'t?lr"si'j: T 'iii'.', 'g' 5â€,» #:93.‘ .z. ' _ IEt 1 ' ",r1'tt?,, t w“ ' "V Ftf:1: " '0. ' (s/ .." viIi?j':C'1'ti! ' _ 2K a' ' a 'A) - '.syJr?,5'ii',',i " law, "N ".pg_¢ 2. .4" 14;?!“ "e o. ' A'~ “‘r,.:’:&;9 #21:“ _ _ Ag? _f,'r'ii:cf.7 T.' " _s gig: F','. Rr.wey t" . 44+: 1 ., 'pr-.., j',", 'ritrrtts.t 4'? ',U, ', a“ r.", ".r tv' "a,Ghutyri'c' . 'Lccit.:.eLtG râ€? i": I..; L,jl'iGii)tti' If!" A. ‘39. a5, . . - . w A " "t? Ptttt . .. ‘1: â€251.5,. Jitji 'itilitjiki', 3* -" m k“ “in; -23. . a "J . 39 v/Ar" _ _s.l' f." V "d,df, HE-ue,, This curving.'wooden Minsk-do is one of the most charmirig features of the Pemberton home. 45 Young St. W. The Pembertons have brought the house back to life with extensive tenovetio‘ns that preserve its natural charm and history. _ . board employs over 4,000 staff - the largest employ- er, I believe, in this region. Many boards in Ontario were caught between rais- ing salaries in this way or facing strikes. This isn't the time to discuss employ- ee salary demands but they have become a major factor. Third, and most import- ant, the problem has occur- red because of fuzzy think.. ing at Queen's Park. drastically reduced govern- ment support. .. It brought home to me the extent of the myriad provides services for chil- dren who are trainably men- tally retarded. deaf, au- tistic. orthopaedic, or who suffer from special learning disabilities or behavioural adjustment problems. It offers opportunity classes for those who, for a variety of reasons, cannot adapt to the regular school system. It provides comprehensive vocational programs for older students, and an Even Start program tor pre- school children who. be- cause of cultural or social differences may have diffi- culty adjusting to regular school. It even provides some classes and programs for those children who cannot accomplish the most basic human motor skills without great help. by Mrs. Doreen Thomas Chairman Waterloo County Board of Education No one is suggesting that the board should not care (Continued on pogo 26) In b'" Cfi'r', ' â€a M 'dh' uni-b! . titgttifttidfh"gMtitf, _ . , 'ttgf/ri-tit-tget",""" min-mam a It: - Mtettiia of ttityPttiira1trattta,.r 1 tM,tyteretyts1tjruttiotttyistCa â€momma " 'tt1titatmtttatraetotiitNat. . _,,?', " b, w _ _ mmmmmms. *1 'eittsaitart 'tettu#trttte$eteerteiittrma. ".' . ( "he,hmh,ertmttreethsrtttetr"tttqr"aiditeane . 1 very 'nm8rarttttttedtmeartrre.atdeetormrrein 'l tttettmtttqtHhe, haveownod it. . ' - . "; , )irlTilill MARE YOUR OWN COMPARISON PteehtBtgti1atioet.., thmpattNesithaltSets 1-Year Replacement-. Warranty ............ PtieeofUnit....v..... Nmsr TotalCost ...... Completely Installed with 1-Year Replace- ment Warranty Don’t Wait! Save Now FCatt us to-day'. FEATURE MARV 'S 262 Mill St.. GRC. , MARV’S mum-ac mie "my 8795 PHONE 746-2944 TA. SERVICE Jen-old RMMC thim and Enjoy The "LITTLE BROWN i BOX.?, at a much . PRICE! J"... Y9: BETTER