Most people suspect they are physically unfit. But without definite proof, they continue a life of insuffi- dent Home fitness test is introduced to region my " . Wmloo Ovarian. Wetland-y, Foam 18.1970 628va tr. Enoh.gtqr â€Wenonah-h.) "trat36. AfterttmamtmFT1s* utshatMtsrSthormttmt. Watch this space for future announcements of auctions HAVE YOU DELAYED PURCHASING A MEMORIAL PHONE on COIE m TODAY. WE CAN asswr YOU. Rummelhart Auction Sales Co. 744-9679 578-0 SUPERIOR MEMORIALS Hard and Soft Contact Lens Service Starts March 2. anes up tlcal Doug Pony - Contact to": Fitter KEN GARVEY Licensed Audience: eating with only the be. casionaltwingeqf guilt. _ trying to change this pat- tern of living by showing they are in and motivating them to get fit. One of the tools of this campaign is the Canadian Home Fit- ness Test (CHFT). A simple fitness test, which can be self administered by Canadians in their own home, CHFT is presently being distributed by Rec- reation Canada to schools, recreation centres, health units and municipal gov- ernments across Canada. The test was introduced to Waterloo Region doc- tors, nurses, teachers, community service direc- tors and school board staff Thursday by Gary Bong, high school physed and health consultant for the Gd";- "Ye, l" 112 QUEEN STREET SOUTH KITCHENEII PHONE 578-2020 WESTMOUNT PLAZA WATERLOO PHONE 745-2021 FAIHVIEW PARK MALL KITCHENER PHONE 57.4020 Waterloo County Board of Education, and Dr. Mite Sharratt, a University of Waterloo professor. to measure the cardiovas- cular and respiratory fit- Iation to other people the same age. Or to put it more simply, the lest met sures how} 'wall the heart and lungs respond to phys- ical activity. - A - cm was developed by DA. Bailey of the Univer- sity of Saskatchewan and R.J. Shephard of the Uni- versity of Toronto at the request of delegates who attended a national con- ference on fitness and healthinlm. The test is based on the Harvard step test. The participant steps up and down eight-inch steps in time to music recorded on a special CHFT disc. After three minutes of stepping. the participant records his pulse rate for 10 seconds at the direction of a voice ontherecord. rate with the normal pulse rate for his age group. If the. participant’s pulse rate does not equal or ex- ceed the ceiling for his age group, he is allowed to per- form a second three-min- ute stepping exercise. At the end of the test, the participant can evalu- ate his level of physical fitness by referring _to_a CHFT record. His progress is divided into one of three levels; undesirable person- al fitness, minimum fit- ness level or recommended personal fitness level. _ Recreation Canada is encouraging YMCA's, high schools and community service departments to ad- minister the test to their staff and members of the community so national resultscanheconipiled. “One of the aims of the test is to increase the num- ber of statistics available on the fitness of Canadians so recommendations can be made " to what should Gory Bong. an athletic consultant with the Waterloo County Board of Educa- tion. holds a copy of the Canadian Home Finns: Test record. . BEE WYARD 541% 'tIPI',]"?,',':",';','?'?,','?,')'?),')!')! tpu_aatyuriifiiiitthiichrt -245_ Kipg St. W.Kitchener "SoSot In the bunker any. scion iron K509†â€an: Mttet.-thet. " 5:30. Thom., Flt 9 to 0, Sat. Ito 5:30. mummbh.~m~lb mannmommumm 'tt-tti-gIat-tt"tiemrd1KtiAhitrt, OQ'MOII'WOU’M cu-mmmmm "rp-det-et-rt'" bedone." said Gary Bong. "It will give a prutiie of Canadians in different age groups. This should assist many groups in determin- ing the direction of their aim of the test is to edu- cate Canadians about the vital relationship between good fitness and good program; We hope Cana- dians will be more willing their fitness prbBlems if they become more aware of where they stand in re- lation to other Canadians. 99 "It's Rio Caron, from Water- about loo’s community services department, said his city mayusethetestinapro- posed senior citizens’ fit- ness program. It could also be used to test the fitness level of community ser- vices'staffhesaid. Peter Paleczny, from Cambridge's community services department. said his city plans to use the test for evaluation pur- pom in its Cambridge Track and Field Chth" pio- gram. "We also want to run a fitness week program with possible displays and test- ing at Cambridge shopping malls." 7.50541