, i . l , 2 l "a 9": *hpu-WMWJW 'ce , Gmuuunnntt! Being toughest in the mm. moaning compbtition at St. David's School last week. was __"' Cubs start OMHA program In net for the Cubs Mike Bishop registered his fifth shut-out of the season when the Cubs defeated Gait 3-0. The Waterloo, Major Atom Tim Horton Cubs travelled to Gait last week for their first game in On- tario Minor Hockey Asso- ciation Play Downs. John McKerrow opened the scoring in the first per- iod with a goal from Roger Carlaw. With Gait being shut-out this goal proved to tPS $539 AND UP IPS UNDER SS 00 Large selection of Kroy Wool. Mohair. Sayelle. Sparkle Yarns. Macrame and Weaving Supplies $2.00 OFF Come and save at Heritage where everyday is bargain day, OPEN: Mon to Sat. 10 a.m. to 5.30 pm, Saturday IO am. to 9 pm. HERITAGE Mlll Ell] STORE St. Jacobs Next to Kwikie Market ---- SPECIAL PURCHASE --- mm mm 9t mule mu perounce ttdet o,d(el,,,,,,e,,,s,,,!,i,i,,,l,l,,l,,,,. 1,000 SELECTED LP'S AND TAPES " sum on $1.00 on 664-3380 MO-WINTER bethe game winner. Before the period ended Carlaw scored from Scott Harris and Chris Burke and Scott Harris scored Inn: assisted to make it 3-0 in favour of the Tim Horton Neither team was able to beat the goalies in the second or third periods. - _ A On Monday the Cubs play- ed host to.Galt in the Cubs second last Hub League game of the season. TAPES With both teams scoring once inbothofthefirsttwo periods the game ended in a 2-2 tie. Mike Lalonde opened the scoring with a goal from Gary King to put Galt out front 1-0. The Cubs tied the game 1-1 with a goal by Blake El- lis from Burke. In the sec- ond period Lalonde scored his second goal from Sean McCauley to put Gait ahead Carlaw scored from Burke for the Cubs to tie the game at 22 at the end of two periods of play. Both teams were shut-out in the third period to end the game at a 2-2 tie. On the weekend the Cubs had travelled to Peterbor- ough to participate in their Annual Atom Hockey Tour- nament. The Tim Horton Cubs play- ed in a round robin series against, Brantford, Bramp- ton and Kingston. Against Brantford the Cubs were defeated 3-1. . The Cubs opened the scor- ing in the second period with a goal by Greig Heideman from Kevin Doucette. Brantford came back and tied the game with a goal by David McLean. Jody Mathew scored for Brant- ford to give them a 2-1 lead. by Dr. William J. dahoda A fascinating look at the land of Bermuda and the underwater world that surrounds it. Beneath the waves is an enchanting, strange and sometimes frightening world. Here. angelfish. snappers. morays. barracudas and sharks meander or dart through their space. Here also is evidence that the Bermuda reefs are the graveyard of many ships. And everywhere there is coral of many sizes, forms and colours. Don't miss this exceptional film! “BERMUDA - LAND AND SEA" Tickets: Adults $1.75 Jr. 50: Sponsored by the k-W Field Naturalists Club WATERLOO COLlEBIATE AUDITORIUM 300 Hazel St., Waterloo Saturday, February 14, 1976 8:1 6 mm. Audubon Wildlife Film Thecittts pulled their goal- ie for the extra attacker but this move backfired " Mathew scored his second goal of the game to give Branttordthe3-1 win. lit the game against Brampton Carlaw scored put the Cubs out front 1-0. from Doucette and Tom MacMillan to make it 2-0 in favour of the Cubs. In net for the Cubs Mike Bishop held Brampton scoreless to give the Cubs the 2-0 win. Against Kingston Scott Harris scored the game's first goal from Peter Dietrich and John McKer- row to put the Cubs ahead 1-0. The annual meeting of the K-A# branch of the Cana- dian Red Cross Society will be held at the Dominion Life Assurance Company. 111 Westmount Rd. Wa- terloo on Tuesday. Feb. 24 at 7:30p.m. This 1 and 2 record in their 'series eliminated the Tim Horton Cubs from further play in the Tourna- ment. Before the period ended Kingston had goals from Colin Lollar. Kirk Muller. Robin Walker and Jim Pratt and the game 4-1. Carling O’Keefe Open Feb. 13-15 The Ontario 5 Pin Bowl- ing Championships. spon- sored by Carling O'Keefe Breweries will be held in Hamilton. February 13th, 14th and 15th. 1976. Sher- â€any , Boqrtii-tttietrrttsdtreqiN)rlttttri' tstr-db-it-ir-ea-ig-tttter-er' ,attt"emtt.i-_oNeaistrttavete- by all parachute in. For the you: bowie" tttirt-a_diettrt-mutmrtastMY.B.c. "ittosrhrsinthi-aterte-trxtmthraees ottrtAdhWdintttth-iaqy.Menti-. Tttemtntnmdhtattmtotad-tbtmueshxtert "esttouthehrm-thtmt2to1"ndttte "tittettgxtotUtrrt& - have are about,†bowlers, bowling in the Y.B.C. prxtttmmatttsiMoourtereaett-k._.1re hat/i-tttstuart-J-it-arse-str-tte “vital lenders in the Y.B.C. an tar this your ttrettatbthtqew. 9:03AM†In the girls section Denise Widen» has high averaged“: "tandtttsottighdttattieneitttMtt amtDuraWeinateirthasttigtoirtgiewith2Shht tttettorseetitmgetfNdtt0tsttigttatreratttesith, 1qrartitRutr1n-thasttigttdo-ithm6ttatd Winslowâ€. MOMMA“ ‘ JoreGoeethashititiatreeatttetdrthet1ruttlth Ist-tiso-ttdo-ith-rest-Iris'- "etetiastatssiii-ittm0.ri'ortttetteiiSte3rttr Ltehnerhashigttaeeeatge with M6artdPttttiMtt- GegeitashitrtrdtmMeiitto0artdhigtsyirttrie Gary 1Eorperisles'tdirttra11 thehoys with'high avetatiieotSn,ttitIhtrhtiewititmandaierith siogtewitttM. Highaverage forthegirlsisheld trruerriMitnsqrithhtandtettiehetuhtt triple with m. Connie Strains hashigh single with 312.‘ . SUNJUNIORS: KarertNottiehashigtt average with 100»th 'rtteuoodhashigttrrip1eetthT0trandhighringie with SSO. In the boys section Peter Lilienthal has high average with 189 and Tony Kai-n has high tri- ple with 757 andhigttsirtgiesittt 310. In the boys section Scott Hannah has a big lead over his fellow bowlers with high average of 231 high triple with 969 and also high single with 410. Lorri Witt leads the girls with high average of 221 and also high triple with no, Cheryl Goetz has high single with 335. As far as ttte-older bowler goes, we have two groups of senior citizens that howl here every week. On My afternoon we have the Wand on Friday we have the Friday Seniors Mixed. There are 22 teams on Monday and 12 teams on Friday. HAPPY GANG: . Edna Heer leads the women with high triple of 712 and also the high single with MB. The high tri- ple for men is held by Chuck Hammer with‘w and Walter Nowak has high single with 354. FRIDAY SENIORS: - In the Ladies section Mary Clothe leads all the women with.a 217 average a 555 double and also high single with 235. in the meis section Adolph Schaefer leads all men with a 230 average and a , 562 double and also a 321 single. This is the second in a seiies of bowling columns to be submitted by Bob Miller, Assistant Manager of Waterloo Bowling Lanes. _ Over 1.700 of the top bowl- ers in the province played 30 games of quaiifyitrounds wood Lanes, 1095 Fennel] Avenue East. will be the host centre with 48 modern lanes on one floor. in their zones last Decem- her. The top 10 men and 9 women plus 3 coaches from each of 23 zones make up the 506 bowlers competing for the coveted Ontario titles. Winners will be crowned in the team events (mens. ladies I: mixed) and also in the mens and ladies sin- gles. All winners will be flown to Regina to compete in the Carling O'Keefe World 5 Pin Champion- ships on April 15th. 16th. 17th and 18th. 1976.