Page ttt - Wandoo ChroMcb, WM, 000mb" 17, 1976 by Mark Viewer In an effort to enhance the calibre of competitive- ness. the Ontario Universi- ties Athletic Association decided to form a tier sys- tem this season for inter- l Now Taking emolmonts for January Bijou?!) tltttegi, J,?t',', pom: a "i'l'dl"'le' 'flee, In the eastern division, the . m a elccu~acs, IS ar. I te . For More Information And A Free Brochure Call 742-1051 McMaster powers deemed crop of rookies in Warrigr Toronto ‘wxgsnyon Bing?) " t -llt-l" I W] I - L"IiriTiTin!r7YiirTrr, MISS.“ SCION. ,0. ‘1. t ~. on the Montessori Method "cn 0 French Instruction For all a; Children Gal Le ‘ 0 Opening: for Afternoon 'c% - Sessions available (5 days , a week) 0 Fees will be $55.00 per month Now Taking enrolments for January For More Information And A Free Brochure Call 742.1051 T 1:3; -ii"/iiiiiiriatfettiung U W hockey team " ALLEN ST. EAST. WATERLOO collegiate hockey. No team has felt the change more than the University of Waterloo Warriors. [ The Warriors have won the OUAA west division for the past two seasons t"'1sial'tilt,t"s1tial"iat' alttrisattttrht, Ph""' 19, V Merry Christmas ' (ii', 'ii-Iii-')")'))')'";: Specials for all of the family g . ailtis) . Glu";',",','; arrived 'rit'giti'i' for ill/u, - For Childton From 2-1/2 - B You: of Age. Inclusive . Educational Program Based See our Christmas Savings on Canadian Brand Livingroom Furniture Designed by well-known manufacturers such as: andcaptnrodtheCanadian ship two years no in what most considered a surprise effort. Bttt in a season cl transition. with only a hand- ful of returning veterans. SKLA R. PEPPLE R, PRINCEVILLE & VICTORIAVILLE ",,,Y (oe) PRESENTS Beautiful, Imported, Furniture STANLEY FURNITURE Buy your children toys and other gifts, but don't forget the necessities. We offer a wide range of bedding. from Bunk Beds to Mates Beds. Perfect Christmas presents. When you purchase this bedding, you'll also receive a gift from Santa. So come now. and see our selection. You may even see something for mom & dad. 247 King St. N.. Wototloo (comer of King th Univonityl UW has found that its 15 game schedule is much longerthanit appears. Due to a general lack of' game-hy-game tough competition, the OUAA felt it was in the interest of all teams concerned if the "haves" and the "have- nots" were not required to meet each otheronaregular basis. Hence, the league was broken into three di- visions; east, west, and central. The first two are geographically established while the central division. with the exception of Mc- Master, is composed of less. er lights. Brock. Trent. Ryerson. Royal Military College and McMaster form the cen- tral division. The only reason McMaster is in that group is budgetary. Faced with athletic cut-backs, the McMaster powers deemed Furniture Fashions Save on this unique furniture. FOR CHRISTMAS 885-1011 BARS it more {Mentally viable that the Marlins not be fore- ed to travel the greet die- tancee for league play such " Windsor, Ottawa and Sud- bnry. Having the central division assures those teams of having a chance to make post-season play where pre- viously they were faced with being annual patsies. Last season. for example. the UW Warriors played a three game set; two with Ryerson, one with Brock and scored 31 goals. If the central division insures a better balance among the weak clubs, it means the same for the stronger ones. Each night. teams such as UW are chal- lenged by units of compar- able strength. No more sure wins. Consistency be- comes a commodity which is dear. With the large crop of rookies in Warrior mum-nu. it has Noun: ab. vious that consistency is all but unattainable. games to date. the War- riors have a " record which hespeaks the overall balance in the league. The losses have come against a rejuvenated and disciplined Guelph Gryphon team which is bo, annual power Western Mustangs, and an amazingly ameliorated Queen's Golden Gaels. Victories over a weak, but improved Windsor Lancer team, a frightfully in- consistent Laurentian Voy- ageur unit and a shockingly anemic Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawk club leave the Warriors in third place in the OUAA west division behind Guelph and Western.