1"rERt.otrtirass & MIRROR 1.TO Close to 245 students from five Ontario high schools visited the University of Waterloo Monday for a computer science day. Computer daywheld at UW Page tt - Waterloo Chroniclq Fashionable Forever (Across From the Pop 75 Lodge Street Waterloo. Ontario N2 'aterloo. Ontario N2J 2V5 PHONE 885-4160 Wlrmue " trom Schools included Blue- s.chools vale Collegiate Institute. snty of Waterloo; Centre Welling- for a ton District High School, l Fergus, Riverside Secon- - dary School, Windsor; [ Ful Streetsville Secondary School, Mississauga: and Grantham High School, . so St. Catherines. The students spent the ED day learning about com- puters. They attended lec- "all; /// '. Wednesday, Decembot 10, I975 Shoppe) 'I 'I Mi.) Members spent eight-and- a-half hours cleaning the church. nine hours sewing at the Red Cross. and made four hospital visits and two home visits to the sick dur- ing the past month. A Christmas craft and bake sale was held by the C.W.L. of St. Michael's Church, 240 Hemlock Rd. Waterloo last Sunday. Students of Grade 1 and Grade 2 of St. Michaers School will entertain the C.W.L. today at their Christ- mas party. A gift exchange. carol sing and luncheon will highlight the event. Party planned F tures during the morning a, and in the afternoon, and used one of the multi-mil- lion dollar computers on the UW campus to find their own solutions to prob- lems. Those with suffi- , cient computer knowledge , could spend the entire day working with computers. r assisted by consultants. _ UW has been offering these "computer science days" to high school stu- dents for more than ll years. Last year almost 9,000 from 232 Ontario schools visited the campus. UW feels it is important to inform young people about computers since in- creasingly, society is look- ing to the computing pro- fession to solve its inform- athp-processing problems. Waterloo also permits high school students who have completed Grade 12 mathematics and who have a working knowledge of FORTRAN to enrol in one of its courses (carrying one-half credit towards a mathematics degree). Stu- dents wishing to partici- pate in this course must i have the consent of their : high school mathematics , teachers. I "ete%ityititr ttri)agilirt' “"060 LTD. " King St. N. Waterloo A "a7ftj-70t2 -A I- SGHWEITZEE SHOES no Give SomeoG -ir- Merry Christmas guy a Gift Certificate Fifteen members of the K-W Opti-Mrs. Club at- tended the December meet- ing held at the Transyl- vania Club recently. Guest speaker was Dr. Martin Dolbeer, an associate pro _ -.w--â€"-â€"a_ The Adult Recreation Centre china painting class held an open house and tea Thursday night for persons interested in viewing the class's finished work. Opti-Mrs. aids needy I t He 'showed slides and discussed his sabbatical in India, Malaysia, Taiwan and Japan. Currently he is an associate professor specializing in the areas of Asian Studies and History of Religion at WLU. Three girls - Rachael Fisher, Cindy Krueger and Debby Waugh - of St, John's Lu- theran Church entertained the members with Christ- mas songs following Mr. Dolbeer's presentation. fessor at Wilfrid Laurier University. Waterloo. Lloyd Schmitt Equipment See the Toro Snowthrowers at: 24 Laurel St. Waterloo 7430731 INTERMEDIATE 2 STAGE suawmnowens Sales and Service A needy family con- sisting of a mother, three children and a senior citi- zen were given a food hamper. clothes. and gifts by the club recently. to a Conestoga School of Nursing student who has satisfactory academic standing and is in need of financial assistance. Funds raised from the club's recent wine and cheese party will be used toward the Elaine McLean bursary, which gives $250