TO DISCUSS l PROPOSED REDUCTION OF POLICE SERVICES "ao-oar-oar-r-ar-a""""""""""" 'tr-stars-ii" Meetings " follows: The Councils of the Cities of Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo and the Townships of North Dumfries, Wilmot, Wellesley and Woolwich and any members of the public who wish to attend are invited land Centre, Waterloo - City ot ships of Wellesley and Woolwich. Dec. 17, 1975, 7:30 pm. - Council Chambers, City Hall, Cambridge - City of Cambridge and Township of North Dumfries. rn i l R GI h 1illlllMllllllllllllllll Quality without the: c.olir; 245 [(ing St. W. Kitchener rdsaso l In the Bunker Bldg. across from Kresges _ lab-3341 Open: M0NDA1rtttrough FRIDAY 9 till 9, SATURDAY 9 till 5:30 o,----------"'""'"'" Council of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. - Wat-mo cttrrrirtcyetteiDteeteL12 POUCE COMMISSION MEETINGS i, 7:30 pm. - Council Chambers, Mars- Waterloo - City of Waterloo and Town- TO BE HELD JOINTLY MANUFACTURER'S Fabrics and 2iiiiTi1itrCiE Regional news and views '. 1975 Everything from the federal wage and price freeze to national energy and transportation policies will be discussed this week at a dominion-provincial "conference" at Uni- versity of Waterloo. Area students will simulate federal-provincial conference The conference will actually be a simulation in- volving 100 students from 13 high schools in Waterloo Region. Teams of stu- dents from each school will represent Canada's 10 provinces, the federal government, the North- West Territories and the regional press of Canada. Frime" Minister for the three day conference is Bruce Cameron, a student at St. Jeromes high school in Kitchener. The remain- ing members of the St. Jeromes' team will repre- sent the federal govern- ment. The schools that will represent the provinces are Grand River collegiate, Newfoundland; Waterloo Oxford collegiate, Prince Edward Island; Eastwood collegiate. New Brunswick; Kitchener-Waterloo colle- giate, Quebec; Glenview collegiate, Nova Scotia; Forest Heights collegiate, Ontario; Preston high school. Saskatchewan; Cameron Heights colle- -tiTikGrx 'tlllllllllllllllllllllllllllt 7454541 giate, Alberta. Southwood collegiate. British Colum- bia; and Elmira secondary school. Manitoba. Bluevale collegiate stu- dents from Waterloo will represent the North-West Territories and Waterloo collegiate students will portray the role of report- ers from the Calgary Mer- aid, the Toronto Star, Mon- treal's La Presse and Halifax's Chronicle Herald. The task of the students will be to research the his- toric position of the par- ticnlar government or insti- tution they are represent- ing to make sure this view- point is considered during the conference. The opening session of the conference will take place December 10 at 9 am. with speeches by the Prime Minister and the premiers of the provinces. Commit- tee sessions in the afternoon will consider such topics as inflation controls, energy supplies, unemployment. the role of women in the economy, environmental problems. health care, nae tive peoples' rights, lan- guage rights, crime, vio- lence and the quality of life. On Thursdéy. the dele- gates will prese_nt_ commit- tee reports and formulate the final resolutions of the conference. The conference will end Thursday night tst5 Rummelhan Auction Sales Co. 744-9679 578-0060 26" CUISINE 1975 DEMO 2tt" PORTABLE 100% MU0 STATE __ iii, ' DOWN no PAYMENJ’S nu MAR. KIICI‘IEN - â€VINO BOOM - BEDROOM Plus tt & W PORT. T.V. AND STEREO Emu us FURNITURE: 188. KEN GARVEY Licensed Auctioneer L TURKEY WITH ANY ..". PURCHASE or 100.00 I ONE PER FAMILY WITH nus AD with a banquet at St. Jer- ome's college. Stephen Lewis, leader of the oppo sition in the Ontario legis- lature, will be the guest speaker. The conference will be held in UW's Theatre of the Arts. Prof. Terry Qualter. a political scientist, will act as UW coordinator and Ed Boldt, a history teacher at Kitchener-Waterloo colle- giate will organize the stu- “If past conferences are any indication, one outcome will be to make it clearer to the students how difficult it is to arrive at political decisions in Canada," pre- diets Prof. Qualter. tsatrviestoetortr,lr)tr8er â€We-mum) 745-6136. After hours 57837154 HAVE YOU DELAYED PURCHASING A , MEMORIAL PHONE on can: m myâ€. WE CAN W YOU. SUPERIOR MEMORIAIB " [OW " F1003 MODES " COMPOIEIIS PM. m new, ..6oémtr...