.tatartehtrqm,atlltetrott In Is’no accident. Under the Davis Government, , we built almost half the houses in'canada last year. . A "you aretryingtosaveupadown Payment on home, you’ll appreciate how much the Davis government's First Home Buyer Grant ft1,000 plus $250. a year torthe next2years) will assist the buyers make their dreams Between October '74and March 'rs, almost 10 million dollars in home rehabilitation opportunities were distributed throughout the province through the PC governrnent's Ontario Home Renewal Program. The initial Provincial housing budget was increased from m million to 329 million in mid-1974 to fund low- interest mortgages and other programs. In '75-'76, the PC government has allocated 576 million dollars for housing in Ontario. “In the case of Ontario, it is the Province which has shown the big initiative in developing low-income housing. Ontario's record, in this respect, surpasses that of most jurisdictions on the continent". Tt-atityo"Frnioyettttr6t pepeo"httariodidrt'tht-by aeetdeoo-createttasaresttttot gottiermmso0tthepasttryearsBitt 9atntr,tatyt.?mtmaetsrttrto,make 'mqtttaseisfiomrantuoghestrong progresstFeadershiptotbe gotetnmeototthisprovince In Wateruoih.BobGranAmr hasthatsamecapateityfordecishe 'tsadership..Hehasbeenhtficeelected Mayor at Wallaby Township, is the toundingchairmanottheWaterfoo HeritageFoundation,memberof Retfrooa"uoneitanttmemtterofthe otSsptemtrer"tttvoteforBoitt Gramtowandelectanexperieoced' Globe a. Mail, March 4, 1975