Conrad Grebel College is to receive a collection of Russian Mennonitica from Dr. David G. Rempel of Menlo Park, California. once his current research projects have been com- pleted or at the time oLhis death. Dr. Rempel. a leading authority on Russian Men- nonilica. has spent more than 45 years collecting many thousands of docu- ments and books and many consider the collection to be the most complete of its kind in existence. Some of the reasons giv- en by Dr. Rempel for the Waterloo college receiving the collection are: the col- lege is a Mennonite insti- tution of recognized aca- demic standing beyond the confines of the Mennonite Church and it must be lo- cated in C anada, Dr. Rempel said no other country had opened its doors to Russian Mennonite refugees as did Canada. A “Russian Mennonite refu- gees owe a debt of deep gratitude to their. adopted country. This act is a very small token of that apprecia- tion." said Dr. Rempel. He said the collection' should be placed in Ontario in -recognition of the great assistance which the Swiss Mennonites of the province rendered to the migrants from Russia in the 1870's. He felt it should go to an institution where the teach-- ing staff and the adminis- tratiom would not view and treat the Russian epoch through a rear-view mirror but study the problems. challenges. achievements and failures in belief and practice. V The collection. still being enlarged yearly. contains RuSsian Mennonite records ‘come to Grebel AUGUST " - 3O BEAM MATTRESS MAIIIIESSES REG0LAR DOUBLE BEAMATT AND BOX BASES SALE PRICES "Custom Mannsscs for 0m 40 Your: .. . Postmepedic Firmness and Quality 0 Foam matts Available . Choice of two Follies q You: Choice of Either Mattress and Box Base " Mattress and Continental Base. (incl. legs). 0 Free Delivevy in " Atee PHONE 743-3219 many rare items. as well as being very wide-rang- ing in the nature of its hold- ings. A brief summary of the major areas of concen- tration of the Rempel Col- lection follows: - Some 900 books, mostly dealing with Russian history. economics. literature. and sectarianism. - Several hundred books on Russian Mennonitism. in- cluding such authors as P. M. Friesen. Franz Isaak. Peter Hildebrandt. AA. Klaus. G.G. -Pisarevshii. S.D. Bondar. and others. - Most of the works written by Russian Mennonites in Canada since World War I. - Many works on the history of the -Mennonites in the Free City of Danzig and vicinity. - Some 13000 pages on mic- rofilm of primary source materials from the State Historical Archive. Lenin- grad. as well as some ma- terial from other archives. such as Moscow. . - Several thousand pages of microfilm captured from the Germans. originally microfilmed by German of- ficials in the south of the Soviet Union during World War". - Scores of articles on the Mennonites from the jour- nals of several Russian gov- ernment ministries. notably the Ministries of the In- terior and of State Domains. -. Copies of most of the important laws tincluding administrative regulations' dealing with the foreign colonization policies of the Russian government from - Extensive notes taken from materials in libraries in Washington. DC. Stan- ford University." Univer- sity of California. Berkley. Europe. and Odessa. REG. SALE $240. $200. Catherine II to Alexander ll; of Duma debates for the years 19i4-19i7: and a good deal of material on the civil war in the Ukraine. - An extensive collection of personal reminiscendts of war and revolution. Mrs Published and unpublished manuscripts by the late John Bempel ibrother to the donor). - Anextensive collection of Russian maps of Southern Russia. Dr. Rempel himself gives the following assessment of the material; "This col- lection. therefore. contains much documentary mater- iai of which the Mennonites can and should be proud. It has also ample. material that is critical of~our past. and which some of our members of particular ori- entation and persuasion might find disturbing to long. cherished oral tradi- tions." - The timing of the Rempel The School Bus Stopping Law ' changes September 1st. Here are the new regulations and what they mean to you: Effective September Ist, all traffic from both directions must stop whenever a chrome-yellow school bus flashes its red signal lights front and rear. . . regardless of the posted speed limit. (The penalty for not doing so is a maximum fine of $100 and 4 demerit points.) - 'The Ge applies everywhere - on high- ways, country roads, and city, town or village streets. - --_- A substantial monetary gift will follow the collec- tion to cover costs of i - venturing. all',',',',',',,)',,',-,,',} and further acquisitons in the field. Born in Nieder Chortitza in 1899. Dr. Rempel came to Canada with the first post World War I immi- grants from Russia in July 1923. After two-summers" work on farms in Saskat- ttttewan, and study of Eng- lish at the Rosthern Acad- emy. he went to the United States where he studied at Bluffton College. the Uni- versity of Wisconsin. and Syracuse University dur- ing the years 1924-1929. donation to Conrad Grebe! College coincides well with anticipated developments at the College in terms of space and facilities in which to store . the materials: namely, the new Archives being built as part of the CGC Building Program. Government of Ontario William Davis, Premier A years' research assis- tanship in the Hoover Li- brary of Stanford Univer- sity was followed by com- ptettrm' of his PhD. dis- sertation on the Russian Mennonites at this uni- versity in 1933. - During the years 19344964 he taught at the College of San Mateo. California. Three candidates have announced their intention to stand for the provincial election in Waterloo North. Liberal incumbent Ed- ward Good is seeking his third term of office while Wellesley mayor Robert Gramlow. the Conservative candidate. is campaigning for his first provincial office. Jack Kersell. a Uni- versity of Waterloo political Where to meet the candidates Waterloo Chronicle, Wednesday. August 27. 1976 . Pop 3 Until n.ow, motorists going in the opposite direction had to stop only when the posted maximum speed limit was more than 35 miles per hour. But as of September Ist, everyone must stop - except in one in- stance: motorists going in the opposite direction from the school bus on the other side of a multi-lane highway divided by a physical barrier. ' As a motorist, you must drive with extra care whenever you see a school bus in front of you or coming towards you. because if the School bus flashes its red lights. traffic from both directions must stop. If all of us observe thns‘law our chrldren will be that much safer. Remember. school bus safety is everybody's resports'rtvty. As a parent, encourage your children to follow the school bus safety rules learned at school - helping the bus driver by behaving quietly and keeping seated until it is time to leave the bus For more information on the School Bus Stopping Law, write: - Public and Safety Intormation Branch Ministry of Transportation and Communications 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview. Ontario M3M 1J8 Ministry at Truman-lion and Communications John Rhodes, Minister chairing the Social Sci- ence department [or many years, and spent many sum- mers doing research work in Washington DC. and. during the years 1961 and 1962. abroad, incCuding re- search work in historical archives inMasingrad and Moscow in the summer of science professor, is seeking the Waterloo seat on behalf of the New Democratic par- Voters can meet the can- didates September 4 at an all-candidates meeting in the Elmira Legion hall at 7:30 pm. The three candidates will also be speaking Sep- tember 10 at 7:30 pm. in UW's Theatre of the Arts. ty.