19tt, " 1ferr'ttoAttPrieet_tt.v. Mom 27. 1975 Sports we: tutid c5hdo FREE AVID L000SPEMElt SEMINAR - WY all MERE“ ABM COURSES Call tor reservations- Thursday Aug. 28. 1975 7 :30 pm Dates' Friday Aug 29,1975 7 '30 pm. 145 LINCOLN ROAD WATERLOO 885-3500 The Family “Y“ is now accepting registrations for Yoga. Auto Repair. Crocheting. Macrame. Needlepoint. Bridge. Silk Screening and How To Perform Magic. Afternoon classes have babysitting available. Call today and ask us to send you the free Brochure and registration forms, YOU NEED A HOBBY! only one ot many more to come Natural Audio brings you anothev seminar " KING ST. S. WAIERLOO 5761730 Avid's Corporation represeotative What should I Look for? Why are some speakers better? Where should I place Meet Lorne Howell. layman's terms--- The pro's ideas Fiihrrt lost the game 9-3 to the Guelph lngrams. Waterloo CHYM'rs went down to defeat Friday in the first game of the Intel"- City Fastball League semi- finals. _ Winning pitcher Ron Rob- inson hit a two-ram homer and a single for the Ingrams. Other stand out players for Guelph were Bob Granger. with two homers and a total of five runs. and Earl Hay- ward with two hits. Dave Tesky and Bill Carey also had two hits. Doug Reid had the other safety for Guelph. Waterloo CHYM'rs are defeated Larry Brooks of Water- loo had two hits and a triple -for the CHYM'rs. John Hus- sey and Marty Myska also contributed two hits apiece for the CHYM'rs. Other hitters for the Wa- tertoo team were Fred Stroh. Twenty-year-old Gary Gar diner. of 37 Bluevale Street North. captur'ed a gold medal in wrestling Satur- day at the International Wrestling Competitions ‘75 tournament in Montreal. Waterloo Ghosts were eliminated from Provincial Women's Softball Union In- termediate E playoffs Wednesday after a It-tr loss to Walkerton. Walkerton won the best-of-tttree series in two straight games. Mr. Gardiner. who is a student at Simon Fraser The losing pitcher was Sharon Brenner who allow- ed Walkerton three ninth inning runs. The winning pitcher. Jackie Logic. had three hits including a triple, - Marion Thompson was Water1oo's best hitter with three hits including a triple. Marilyn Berge had two hits. Ghosts Waterloo man wins medal Earlier in" the week. the WATERLOO SQUARE. WATERLOO Steve McCaw and Terry Reinhart. Ron Robinson. the win- ning pitcher. allowed the CHYM‘rsonly thits. The Ingralqs scored 12 hits off losing pitcher Bruce Eccles and relief Doug Neal Ghosts lost their Mid- western Ontario Ladies Softball League semi-finals with a 4-3 defeat to Dublin. University in British Col- umbia. also won a bronze medal in GreexFRoman wrestling at the meet. “He has been wrestling right through high school and university." said his mother. Mrs. Harold Gar- diner. are eliminated Sheila Diet: had two hits and two runs batted in for They struck for seven runs in the second inning and four in the third to de- feat K-W Hospital [1-3 and sweep the series in 'three straight games, Waterloo Team Sport Marg Fidler pitched the used two big innings Mon- win for the winners. who day night to capture the also won the league pennant K-W Ladies' Softball Lea- with an 11-2-2 record. Nicki Cue championship. Bell took the loss. gue championship. Team Sports win title Fasbton Shoes who came in at the third inning. der and Linda Selby had two hits apiece. The second game of the best/five series is slated for Thursday at Centennial ball park. Game time is 8pm. Marilyn Thompson was the losing pitcher. Bernice Smith picked up the win. - Waterloo and Pauline Pin- "He is a member of the Canadian wrestling, team and wilt be going to Russia in September for the world championships" Waterloo played without left fielder Dale Powell. who broke her arm in a weekend tournament in Meaford. She was presented with the game ball alter Momiay's victory. Mr. Gardiner won the medal in the 57 kilogram level.